Chapter 5

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"Do a duck bill! Please Y/n!" Ron and his friends beg me to use my morphing powers during dinner.

I'm more than happy to oblige my little entourage as the Twins have deemed them. They are just jealous that my powers have gotten more under control and I can change more of my appearance than just my emotions controlling my hair color. I change my face into a duck bill, and then my hair into a bright green mohawk. Suddenly, I feel someone shove on my back.

"Y/n! I'm surprised you aren't more nervous."

"Right? You look like you are enjoying yourself, not getting ready for the try out of your life!"

The Twins sit on either side of me. I put my arms around them both as George pokes at the bill on my face smirking. I shake my head causing my features to go back to normal, and my green hair to fall back into place. George wraps his arm around my waist, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I know I shouldn't feel this way about my best friend, but I am hopelessly devoted to his freckles. I remove my arms from him and scoot over more towards Fred, which causes George's face to fall and him to move his arm.

I think I see him frown, but if he did he quickly plasters a smile on his face. "I think I'm ready! We practiced all summer and even since we've been here! And I have the best teachers!"

George smiles a genuine smile at that, while Fred laughs. "Georgie, I think she has a point. She's gonna do great."

"I know. She does great at everything she tries at, that's why we love her!" George was still looking down, but he looked up at me through his long, black eyelashes. I gush, even though it's not the first time my second family has said I love you to me, but I feel my heart strings pull each time this specific Weasley says it.

To cover up my blush, I shove George jokingly and giggle, "I love you too Bone head, but I guess I should get going for try outs. I'll see you out there right?" I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze.

He gulps, while looking at my hand, "Well, yea, we are on the team already!"

I scurry off to get dressed and leave my best friends behind.

*George's POV*

George looks longingly after his best friend, wondering why she moved away from him when he put his arm around her waist. Maybe he was being to forward. He turns back to his other half as she walks out the door.

"Freddie?" George asks, "Do you think its weird if two best friends like each other, like more than friends?"

Fred gaps at his brother, obviously he had seen this coming, especially after this summer, but even before that when they were younger. The two of them would always pick on him, in a fun loving way, but still they were just as close as the Twins. "No, Georgie, but I do think you should tell Y/n."

George looks surprised at Fred, "Wait, how did you know I was talking about Y/n?"

"You act like I haven't spent my entire life by your side. I'm honestly offended that you think so low of me Georgie boy."

George laughs, of course his twin figured it out before him. He's ready to head up and cheer on his best friend, so the boys head out and grab their Seeker, Harry Potter on the way.

Harry said a haste goodbye to the others, but Ron, and Hermione decided to come as well. Percy was at the pitch already talking to Oliver.

"Why hello brothers, you all decided to join and cheer on our girl?" Percy says to the group.

George fumes, how dare he call Y/n 'our girl', and Fred has to remind him not everyone is as observant of his feelings towards Y/n. It doesn't matter because a second later they see a blur on a broom of red and gold hair whipping around.


Oliver claps as I land smoothly down next to the group made up mostly of my family. I feel foolish because I decided my hair needed to add to my entrance, and help me feel more confident, but mostly to hide my nerves and to my pleasant surprise it worked. The Twins are the first to grab me and congratulate me on my new position as Chaser!

George picks me up and spins me around, when did he become that strong, "You did it! I'm so proud! I knew you could!"

I hastily get out of his grip as he puts me down, rubbing the back of my neck which is covered in sweat from the long try out and tough competition. "Thanks Georgie," I say as I hug onto Fred, who was the next in line.

Percy pulls me into a long hug, "Congratulations, Y/n! I see my tips from the summer helped out!"

I laugh, "Yes, thank you Percy!" I notice George looks furious out of the corner of my eye. I wonder what his problem is, thinking it can't be about his older brother hugging me for an awkwardly long amount of time.

After everyone gets hugs, I just want to pass out. "Guys, I think I wanna go shower and relax."

The Twins nod, and we link arms. "You do smell a bit funny," Fred says.

I gulp, but George quickly says I look lovely, which leaves me with my hair turning pink all by itself. Damn this weird gift I have. I hope George doesn't notice before I shake it and turn it back to a deep brown.


I slump on the couch in between my best friends. It's becoming harder for us all to fit on one couch as they have grown broader, So Fred ends up on the floor and I lean into George, knowing he doesn't mind my wet hair and not caring about my vow to myself, as exhaustion takes over me.

"Thank you both, seriously, for everything," I mumble as I fall asleep to the beating heart of my cinnamon smelling best friend, warmed by the heat radiating off of his body.

*George's POV

"Fred, I'm worried about Y/n. She might be over extending herself this year, with extra classes and quidditch."

Fred looks up to his brother rubbing his best friend's hair, which is the brightest pink in her sleep. He sighs, because he can see the love in his twin's eyes as he looks at her. 'We may only be 13, but I've never seen a boy look at a girl the way George does to Y/n,' Fred thinks to himself.

As he gets up to get her favorite blanket, he replies back to his concerned brother, "She knows what she is doing, and she's the smartest witch in our grade. She's got this. Plus, if something happens then I'll write mum and Miss Becca to talk some sense in her!"

George is careful as he laughs, worried about rustling her awake. "I guess you are right."

"You gonna stay out here tonight? With her?"

"Of course Freddie. I wouldn't move her for the world."

Fred nods, putting the blanket over them both, and giving his brother a pillow. He heads up the stairs looking back at his best friend curled up with his twin. He hopes nothing ever happens to the three of them, because he wants them all to be friends forever.

Author's Note: I feel this is going to be a slow burn fan fic with lots of chapters. I also want to add some age appropriate *spice* to our lovers' story. The next chapter may bring some drama into these young kids' lives. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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