Chapter 45

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  My finger is healing, once Miss Molly got done with it. I was suppose to put a salve on it to prevent a scar, but I feel like I deserve it. A small reminder that my favorite girl has not forgiven me. My mind runs to all the people I have hurt from running off.

    I thought being back with my family would be easy, but I was incorrect. Miss Molly and Ginny were the only ones who treated me the same. I could tell Mr. Arthur was weary, no matter how much he assured me he was happy for me to be back. Ron was very curt, not engaging in any conversation unless his mum was around. Fred can't be in the same room as me without hitting something, and George, well, he just ignores me and won't even look in my direction.

   "Y/n, sweetheart," Miss Molly interrupts my thoughts, "Did you hear me?"

   I shake my head, "No, I'm sorry."

   She chuckles, "It's okay. I asked if you would like more eggs?"

   I look down at my untouched plate, "No, thank you though. I think I'm just going to go up to my room."

   She startles, "But honey you have barely ate! You have to eat something."

   "I'm okay. I wasn't eating much while I was away," my voice hushed.

   "Yea Mum, Y/n doesn't need you to cook for her. She did just fine without us," Fred growls.

   Miss Molly whips her head towards him. "Don't you dare Fred Weasley! Y/n was under strict orders, regardless of how we feel about it. You don't even know what we have been going through in the Order! So why don't you go sit and actually talk to your best friend." Her finger is poking at his chest now, "If I hear you talk to her like that one more time, I will personally put you up with the ghoul forever."

   Fred's eyes widen as he looks down at his mum. His brow furrows. Through clenched teeth, a curt, "Yes ma'am," is barely heard as he goes and sits beside me.

   Miss Molly turns back to me, "And you missy! Eat. Now."

   I poke at my food again. Sirius clamors into the room, "Arthur, is the Order still on for a meeting tonight?"

   Mr. Arthur looks from me to Sirius as I perk up, "Yes it is."

   Sirius smirks, "Will our dear Hermes be joining us?"

   "Yes," I say at the same time Mr. Arthur growls out a, "No."

   I look at him incredulous, "What? Mr. Arthur you can't be serious! I've been apart of this all summer! You can't just say no now! Dumbledore told me to do this! You have to let me in the Order!"

   Mr. Arthur's eyes flare, "Y/n! I will not be having one of my children being in this! It is too dangerous for a child! The fact that you were even asked by Dumbledore makes me wonder what is going on in his mind. I am in charge of your care and I will be damned if I let you in on something that could kill you!"

   My eyes burn a bright red as I stand up, throwing my hands on the table, "I signed up for this Arthur! And I will not go against Dumbledore after all I have been asked to do by him this summer! I'm already too deep into this to turn back now." The room goes silent as everyone stares at us. I'm furious at him and I can feel my blood boil. "I am not a child and I never asked you to be in charge of me! YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER YOU HAVE NO SAY IN MY LIFE NOW THAT I AM OF AGE!"

   Miss Molly drops the pans she was holding, eggs going everywhere. I immediately regret the words as they escape my mouth. Mr. Arthur's eyes drop as his hands curve into fists. Everyone around gasps. I stutter, "Mr. Arthur, I, I'm-" he cuts me off.

   "No, Y/n. You are right. I'm not your father, but I knew him well, and do you think he would be okay with you putting your life at risk? Or that he would forgive me for letting that happen?" His voice is sober as he looks in my eyes before walking out.

   "Damn, Hermes, that was harsh," Sirius grimaces, "Even for you."

   I slump back into my chair. Looking up, I see Miss Molly standing in silence, her eyes wet with tears, "Miss Molly-" I go to place my hand on her shoulder, "-I didn't mean it."

   She shrugs away, "I know sweetheart." Her words drip with hurt. She doesn't look at me as she starts to clean up the mess.

   "Let me help you," I try to say as cheerful and caring as I can.

   "I have this, Y/n. Why don't you just go get some more rest," she mumbles.

   I shrink away, sulking out the door. Fred's jeers of "she deserves it" can be heard. I run right into Professor Lupin. "Oh I'm sorry Professor," I mutter, wiping away a stray tear.

   "Y/n, I'm no longer your professor. Just call me Remus. Just like Hermes did," he says with a slight wink. "Let's go talk."

   He leads me out into the back garden. The sky is cloudy, with the sun just peaking through. There's a weathered bench that we sit on. I pull my knees to my chest, clutching them. We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

   Remus turns to me, placing a caring hand on my knee, "Y/n, you have to understand how the Weasley's feel. I know they mean so much to you, and I think you need to realize just how much you mean to them." I go to interrupt, but he stops me, "O know you didn't mean what you said, I too have said things with malice in my heart when I've been hurt. Sirius and I had a dark time before, where I said things I didn't mean and it took a long amount of time to get back to being best friends. The words we say to our loved ones can last forever, and the scars can run deep on both sides. I just think both sides need to cool down from everything. Don't let-" a cough intervenes.

   "Don't let the pain of today ruin the love of tomorrow," Sirius finishes. Remus looks at his friend in admiration.

   I sigh, "I don't think I'll ever be able to face any of them again."

   "Y/n," Sirius sits next to me, putting an arm over my shoulders, "The Potters took me in a long time ago. They were much like the Weasley's in the fact that they treated me just like a son. They didn't get mad at me when I ran off because I felt undeserving of their love, they were upset that I didn't trust them enough to let me be loved by them."

   I feel myself shrink into his arm, "But how do you go back from this? I betrayed them, even if it was for Dumbledore. I still became a death-" I stop, realizing what I was about to share.

   The men both look at each other, "A WHAT?" 

   I shrivel up, "I can't say. It's too late for me."

   "You better tell us, or I'll go hex Dumbledore himself," Sirius growls.

  I sigh, "I had to get into the meetings somehow, so," I pull my sleeve up, "Apparently this doesn't show up or disappear with changing, so I, as Amelia Radshaw, became a deatheater, because Snape and Dumbledore said they needed someone else on the inside." The Dark Mark stares back at me, the men speechless, the clouds growing darker. 

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