Chapter 8

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I'm awoken the next morning by a gentle tapping. Opening my eyes I see Percy standing above George and I. His face is stern and his mouth curls down into a tight frown. I wonder what is wrong with him, as this isn't the first time we've been found sleeping in the common room.

"Happy Christmas Y/n," He says slyly, "I do hope you won't mind me writing to our mother's about your sleepover."

George rolls over groaning and sitting up. "Shove off Percy. This isn't new information. Mom and Miss Becca know we always have sleepovers, even at our own houses!"

I'm still half asleep, but I don't understand Percy's words, until he says something else. "Yes little brother, but that was before you decided to be her boyfriend. Don't think I didn't find out from Fred last night as to why you wanted the common room to yourselves."

Ah there it was, the snarky attitude was because we made it official. He doesn't want us doing anything wrong because he is a prefect. Suddenly, there is running down the stairs, and out pops the others. Fred has a look of triumph on his face, because of course George told him what he had planned last night. He struts over and sits with his arms around us both.

"Percy, stop being jealous and just get the presents mom and Miss Becca sent please."

With an indignant huff, Percy turns to go grab the big box of presents. "I should go get the rest of you guys' too!" I ran up to my room and grabbed the rest.

The other's have already started opening up my mum's presents, she made everyone signature sweets, even Harry was given a box! Miss Molly sent handmade sweaters this year. I sat next to George and opened mine. It exactly matched George's, green with a yellow letter. I tugged it on looking at George.

He sheepishly puts his on, "I may have told mum my plan, because you know how she is."

I laugh handing out Fred, Percy, Ron, and Harry's presents. Fred ripped into his to find an exact replica of my wand, in a mini version on a necklace. He immediately slips it onto his neck and looks at me, "This is great Y/n. I love it."

I blush, "It's so you always have a piece of your best friend."

I got Harry and Ron a big pack of chocolate frogs, mostly for the cards and they seemed very happy with that. Percy was next. He opened the small package delicately to reveal a woven bracelet in his favorite colors. He holds it gently in his hands, struggling to put it on.

"Want help?" I ask before going over and tying it around his wrist. "It's a friendship bracelet I made myself. You are hard to shop for Percy."

He looks up and me smiling, "It's great Y/n. Thank you." He rises to his knees and give me a hug.

Fred clears his throat as Percy pulls away. "I have something special for Y/n."

The others look at Fred mumbling something about how they thought Miss Molly's present was from them all. I look at the thick, rectangular package, wrapped hastily in brown paper. I smile up at my other best friend, knowing he must have put a lot of effort into it. I slide open one side, and unfold the rest to reveal a stunning red and gold book. Upon opening it, I see pages and pages of pictures, pictures of me with the whole Weasley family, with my mum and dad, and ones I didn't even know existed. I feel tears start to swell in my eyes.

"Oh, Freddie! This is the absolute best present ever." I close the book, sitting it down beside me, and tackling him into a giant, tight hug. I burry my face into his chest, tears flowing freely.

He pats me on the back, and I can feel him chuckle. "I didn't think I'd get this reaction over something so simple."

George is thumbing through the book, "No, Freddie this isn't simple. I never thought you could do something like this. It's amazing." He passes the book to Percy who nods in agreement. It really is something special.

I regain my composure and give him one last squeeze. This was the best Christmas I have ever had.


The sleepovers in the common room were normal now. People wouldn't disturb us and Freddie normally woke us up with more tickles than necessary. It's been a lovely two months. Many letters were sent back and forth from our mums to each of us. I think they may have been more excited than us to become official. Miss Molly even informed me that my mum knows her boys better than her and that she owes her tea and crumpets one afternoon.

Sitting down in the Great Hall one day for dinner, George links his long, slender fingers into my small hand. "You know, it feels different holding your hand when you are actually my girlfriend."

I squeeze his hand back, loving how they fit perfectly together, giggling, "It's not so taboo now. Maybe we should go back to before for a little adventure."

George gasps, grabbing both of my hands, peppering my knuckles with kisses," Don't you ever say anything so bloody stupid again babydoll."

"Oh are we going for ridiculous pet names now? Okay, pumpkin head." I say giggling at how silly we sound.

Percy sulks near by. I would say he is the only one not excited by us being together. Fred says it's because he has always had a crush on me, but I can't believe that as I've always been the complete opposite of him.

I decide to try and bring peace between the brothers, "Hey Percy! Wanna go watch our quidditch practice?"

Percy looks up, a stone, cold expression on his face. His eyes seem to pierce into me making me uncomfortable. "I don't think so Y/n. I have some potions homework I must work on, but good luck to you and my brothers." He said that last part with a sharp voice. He got up abruptly and left.

I look back at the Twins looking defeated. George wraps his arm around me reassuringly. "Hey it's okay. You tried."

Fred patted my back knowing how I never would want any of his family upset. "He'll get over it. You know how Percy is. If he doesn't get his way he sulks and becomes unbearable, even if he knew he'd never have you."

I sit there, knowing they are right, but I still hurt. The Weasley's are so important to me.

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