Chapter 79

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*New Years Eve

   My head leans back, I can hear Freddie's slight snores as he sleeps on the couch. The week since Christmas has went by at a snails pace. George never came back. Freddie hasn't been sleeping. I am exhausted. This is the most quiet the loft has been all week. 

   Lee has been taking care of the shop. He also comes up to make sure we are doing well. Angelina took Freddie one day for me, but I could only cry while picking up the toys and clothes strewn about. I miss my husband, and I don't know if he will be back. Artemis came back, letter still attached to her leg after two days of searching.

   My eyes stare at the ceiling, the tears flowing freely. My mind races with everything that has happened over the last two decades. All the fights, break ups, making up. Was all of that for nothing? Getting married and having a child together. Did it mean anything at all? I know I have my issues and have for years, but does that warrant him leaving me?

   The creak of the door causes my head to spin around and my hands to wipe my tears before I could make out the figure coming in. 

   "Y/n? Are you crying?" George's voice sounds hushed as he rushes to my side, careful not to wake up Freddie when he realizes he is on the couch. His arms go around me, as I silently sob. "What's the matter, Love?"

   The ridiculous question causes me to tense up. I feel my face heat up. I hiss, "What is the matter? You completely left your son and I for a week."

   His eyes cut down, and his breath catches. He doesn't say a word. My heart is beating out of my chest at the silence. I slam my hands into his chest, getting up and walking away to our bedroom. The sight of him making me sick. He doesn't follow me. 

   I head to the bathroom, throwing water on my face. I look in the mirror and see the dark circles under my eyes, and my hair a mess. I screw up my face, concentrating on evening out my complexation. My heart is still pounding, but I know I need to face him. 

   The short walk from the bathroom to the living room takes longer than normal. My finger traces our wedding picture on the dresser. My mind races, thinking of just how much I want to be able to go back to the way things were, before everything bad happened in our lives. 

   Whatever I was expecting to see when I walked back into the room was not what I was greeted with. George was laid out on the couch, little Freddie laying on his chest. His hand rubbing Freddie's back as the small boy falls back to sleep. The anger that has been building up intensifies as I see George's eyes flutter shut. 

   How dare he come into our home after being away for a week. My temper flares and I feel myself heating up. I stomp over to him, gently taking Freddie away. I ignore his grunts of protest as I go into Freddie's room and place him into his crib, laying my old Gryffindor quilt over his legs. 

    As I walk back into the living room I see George3 sitting up, hands twiddling in his lap, a look of worry etched on his face. I cross my arms, "Where have you been?"

   His eyes dart up to meet mine, "I... I just needed to get some things in order."

  My eyes narrow, "What are you talking about "get things in order?"

  His hand rubs the back of his neck, his voice somber, "I went to see Fred's portrait on Christmas day."

   My breath hitches. I don't want the look of wonder to overshadow my fury. I exhale, "Oh! How was that?"

   His voice is barely above a whisper, "I cried, for hours with him. I told him everything I needed to, just like you said you do when you go."

   My arms loosen as I see his eyes swell up. I don't go to him, not yet. I try to keep my voice level, "Is that all you had to do?"

   He shakes his head, not wiping the stray tear that fell.

   I rub my hand over my face, "What else did you do, George?"

   "Can you please come sit by me?" His voice breaks.

   His pleading eyes break me, and I go and sit next to him on the sofa. He lays his hand on top of mine, and I don't pull away. Instead, I look into his eyes, and wait for him to continue.

   He clears his throat, "I talked to Lee and he is going to live here." I go to interrupt, but he stops me, "And we will be moving."

   "Moving?" I question.

   He nods, "We will be moving back to your old house. I talked with the kids there and found them a different home."

   I shake my head, "What do you mean? Those kids need a stable home."

   "I found one. Harry gave up Grimmauld Place to the kids. Ever since he boarded up the old hag's portrait and gave it a new paint job, it looks really nice," he reassures me.

   I furrow my brow, "But why do you want to move from the joke shop? I thought you liked being so close?"

   He shrugs, leaning back, "I'd rather work on my family. Anyway, Lee is the manager, and he hates the place he is in now. I think it will be good for us to focus on our family first, and the joke shop second." He moves back to facing me, placing his hands around my face, "I love you, Y/n Weasley. I will love you forever and I never want to jeopardize that."

   I place my hands over his, leaning in to kiss his nose, "I love you too, George Weasley."

   His eyes light up, the storm cloud leaving him, "So do you like that idea?"

   I rest my forehead on his, "I love it. I think it is a great idea, but we have so much to pack."

   He laughs, "Y/n, did you forget you are a witch?"

   I can't help but laugh along with him, "I swear it's the mom brain!"

   We sit and cuddle on the sofa for hours, watching the fireworks from the window, and being engrossed in our own world.

**I'm currently writing a smutty fic for George that is based off of this! After I get a few chapters fleshed out I will start publishing it! Follow me to be able to read it if interested when it come out! Also the next chapter will be move in/Freddie's first birthday, and the chapter after that will be a huge time jump and the ending!**

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