Chapter 15

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   Tomorrow we all go back to Hogwarts. It will be our fourth year and I can say I'm a little excited. Summer seemed to drag on, my mum didn't come back, but I got to talk to her on the phone. Apparently the program is a three month one, so if all goes well I will see her for Christmas. Living with my best friends has had it's challenges, like sharing a bathroom, and a room with three people isn't as lovely as it seems, especially when it is teenage boys. Of course, we have had a lot of fun as well. 

   George and I went to my house every few days, mostly so I could have a shower without rushing. George would sit on the toilet and sing with me. Our favorite song right now is My Girl by the Temptations. My dad use to sing it to me, and surprisingly, one day I was listening to it, George started singing it to me. After that, my eyes went grey, which was a nice change from the deep black. So of course Georgie decided it was our song now. That memory will forever mean so much to me.

   We were at my house, and I put on an old record, The Temptations. George was sitting at my desk, I went to lay on the bed. The song my dad use to sing came on, so I started to sing along.
   "I got sunshine on a cloudy day, when it's cold outside, I got the month of May I guess you'd say what can make me feel this way, my girl, my girl, talkin' bout my girl." I sound awful, and start to remember the times of singing and dancing with my dad in the kitchen, while my mum cooked dinner. I stopped singing to just listen to the music.
   George got up from my desk, taking my hand he pulled me up. He was humming along with the music, placing his hand on my lower back, my hand on his shoulder, and our other hands holding the others. I rested my cheek on his chest, breathing in his sweet and smoky smell, listening to his humming vibrating through his chest. He spun me around my small room and at the end of the song he dipped me, pulling me up he connected out lips into a deep, long kiss.
   "Wow," I said breaking apart and opening my eyes to look into his shiny green ones.
   His face broke out into a big grin, "Y/n! Your eyes are grey! They aren't black!"
   I ran to the mirror and smiled, maybe I am getting back to my old self.

   I smile thinking back to that day, excited to bring my record player to school, because Fred figured out how to make the enlarging spell on my trunk. He said it was because if that's what will help me be able to change again he wouldn't mind if he got in trouble for using magic outside of school. George also said how he's going to play it none stop for all the other Gryffindors. The other Weasley's were very intrigued by my vinyls as well, except for one: Percy.

   He spent most of his summer at his new girlfriend's house, Penelope Clearwater. Miss Molly tore him a new one, and said how there's no way she raised one of her sons' to act like that to any girl or woman and how he should be ashamed of how he acted. He won't so much as look at me now, which is fine by me. Ginny has been a doll and I'm so excited she gets to come to Hogwarts this year. She's been asking me so many questions, I've obliged with everyone, even when Fred said she talks to much. I love her excitement, because it reminds me of how I was at her age.


   "Wake up sweetheart," a gentle voice says in my ear, a thumb rubbing my cheek, and moving to rub my back. I stretch my body out onto the soft, worn out comforter, that smells distinctly like smoke and sweet cinnamon. As I curl more into the long, slender body of my Georgie, my body shakes with his chuckle. "No, Y/n. We have to get up so mum doesn't see you slept in my bed again. You know she only let it slide that one time because of how you had that meltdown."

   I smile at the memory. Miss Molly wasn't that mad, George slept on top of the covers so we weren't in bed together. I rub my hands through his soft hair, pulling his head closer to mine, "Georgieeee," I draw out his name, "Five more minutes please?"

   George sighs, putting his lips to my forehead and wrapping his arms around me, "Fine, but if mum walks in, I'm blaming you." With that I bury my face into his chest and relax in his arms.


   Walking onto the platform, I feel eyes on me, and low whispers. I know it's because my eyes are still a dark grey color, my hair is a weird mix of grey and black. I wish I could fix myself so I can change my looks the way everyone liked, a bright pink, neon green, or normal color eyes. I shrink back into myself before I feel arms wrap around my shoulders.

   "Don't you dare listen to those whispers," George whispers into my ear, I shiver as I feel his lips move against my ear lobe. 

   "I look like a monster," I say looking down at my feet.

   He pulls my chin up so I have to look into his caring eyes, "You, Y/n Y/LN, will never be a monster. You are strong and worth everything in gold. I love you, and if other people can't see that your personality hasn't changed, then that is on them. Not you."

   Fred shoves in between us, hugging me, "Exactly, they were jealous of you last year and they will be this year too, because you still have the two most handsome guys in Hogwarts on your side."

   I smile up at them, linking my arms in theirs, "Let's go boys."


   I sit in between my best friend and my boyfriend, waiting for Ginny to be sorted. I know she was nervous about not being sorted into Gryffindor, but I know she will be fine in where ever she is placed. While waiting, I look around for Harry and Ron, because we somehow lost them at the train, but not seeing them I look back at little Ginny. She locks eyes with me and I shoot her a thumbs up, she looks like she relaxed a bit. 

   McGonagall calls out, "Weasley, Ginny."

   She looks back at us as we smile at her. She walks to the stool and sits down. The hat barely touches her bright red hair before it yells out GRYFFINDOR, and the Twins and I jump up shouting for our nervous, little sister. We are so proud as we wrap our arms around her and sit back down.

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