Chapter 19

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I've spent the last three weeks flying around with Artemis at night, and sleeping in George's bed during the day. My mum left with three suitcases, and never looked back. The house down the hill will still be mine, but the Burrow feels more like home even with no one there. I haven't told the Weasley's what I did. As far as they know I'm happy and with Mum. I don't want to ruin their vacation, since they so rarely get to all be together like this. They almost came back early because of Sirius Black escaping, but I convinced them that everything was fine, and Harry was still at the Dursley's, so we were all safe.

George's last letter wreaked of overprotective boyfriend energy.

Y/n, My Love,
Don't you dare go and fool around anywhere. Stay home with your mom and make sure you keep the doors locked at night, and even when you are home during the day. You need to stay safe for me. I already tried to get Mum and Dad to come home early, but Mum said you wrote her saying you were fine, so I guess you are. I just worry. Keep safe my Love.
Forever yours,
P.S. Fred said he misses you too.

I sigh, they are going to be so mad when I show up at the Leaky Cauldron next week without my mom. I hate lying to them, but I love them. Life is going on, and I can't wait for my family to be back. I'll keep hanging out and flying, hoping the days go by faster than they are now.


I arrive at the Leaky Cauldron, the stale smell of beer and pies hits me like a brick. Tom the Barman greets me with a smile, "'Ello dearie, what can I do for you?"

I put my trunk down, "Is the Weasley family here yet? I'm suppose to meet them."

"Ahhh, yes, they mentioned you would be here!" He comes and takes my bag, leading me to the rooms upstairs, "They should be here soon, but this is one of the rooms they reserved. Also one of your school mates are next door: Harry Potter."

I smile, "Yes he's friends with my boyfriend's brother!"

Just then I heard the most motherly voice calling for her children to hurry up, Miss Molly, and I run out the door and down the steps. Spotting George, I pushed right passed Fred and crashed into George's arms. He wraps his arms around me, picking me up and I wrap my legs around him. I bury my face into the crook of his neck, taking in his intoxicating smell. I run my fingers through his growing hair before I lift my head to look him in his bright green eyes. His arms not letting me down, as our lips lock, the first time in a month.

Fred comes up behind George and pokes his side, causing him to flinch and almost drop me. We all start laughing, as I grab Fred into the hug as well. "I missed you fools!"

"Georgie wouldn't stop talking about you. I think he got on everyone's nerves. Charlie was really interested to hear about you two's relationship," Fred said poking me in the side with his elbow.

I flushed, "Really?"

George noticed my flush and groaned, "He said he told you that you didn't have the right Weasley years ago."

I laugh, thinking back to that night I confessed my feelings for him. I stand on my tip toes and kiss George's cheek, "And he was right. Now I do though."

This time George was flushed. Miss Molly comes over to us and clasps me into a big hug, "Oh Y/n, how are you? Where's your mum?" I shrink away from her, grabbing George's hand him mine. Miss Molly can tell something is wrong because she says, "Do we need to talk?"

I nod, and she ushers me and George to the room. They sit on the bed, as I stand in front of them and explain what happened, everything that happened. By the end they both have looks of shock on their faces, the whole room is so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Miss Molly takes a minute to compose herself, before getting up and holding me in her arms, "Oh child. Honey, we could have worked this out. You didn't have to do that, or go through that alone. You already lost one parent."

I start to quietly sob, expecting her to be mad at me, not open me with loving arms. "I just. She deserved to be happy again."

At this Miss Molly started to cry, muttering about how brave I was, and how she just wants me happy as well. George got up and embraced us both. I didn't notice the tears that had fallen from his eyes. Miss Molly excused herself, I'm sure so I wouldn't see her cry more, and to tell Arthur what happened.

He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I press my face into his hand, "I didn't know how, and I didn't want to ruin your family trip."

George pulls my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes, "Y/n, my love, you will never ruin anything, because you are my family. I love you, Y/n. More than I could ever show you."

I smile at him, "I love you, Georgie."

George leads me to one of the beds, laying down and pulling me on top of him. He uses a locking spell on the door so we can have some privacy. His body is welcoming, mine fits next to him like we were made for each other. His one arm is under my head, that hand holding onto my waist. His other hand running his fingers through my hair. His chest rising and falling with each breathe, his heartbeat a welcoming sound. My hand wanders up and down his torso absentmindedly.

I look up at him, grabbing his chin and pulling it down to kiss me. He happily obliges parting his lips. And before I know what's come over me, I sit up straddling him, looking down into his eyes. I start to unbutton his shirt, letting my hands slide over his bare torso. He looks at me, hunger in his eyes. I smile down at him, biting my lip, nodding as he gently tugs on the hem of my shirt.

Author's Note: I'm not sure if I should add smut in here, let me know what you guys want. I don't mind leaving it up to the imagination, but I also enjoy some smut reading as well. I just want to create something for everyone to enjoy. Also please don't come for me about underaged sex, and 15 is when I lost mine. Also if you do engage in underage sex please be safe and use protection.

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