Chapter 41

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Diggory, Cho, George, and I all stand in front of the giant maze that Hagrid has been tending too. This is the site of the last tournament. Cho is clutching tightly to Diggory's arm, his hand is rubbing the back of his neck as he looks up at the giant hedges. The nerves have gotten to everyone as this day approached.

"You okay, Diggory?" I ask cautiously.

He shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair, "Of course, Y/LN. This is the last one, and it will be over. No matter who wins it."

"You will win it babe," Cho kissed him on the cheek, which he returns by grabbing her into an intense lip lock.

"Save it for later," George said giving Diggory a playful shove.

Diggory leans down to whisper something into Cho's ear, and she nods, waving goodbye. I look back at her curiously, "Where is she going?"

"Hey Weasley, can you give your lovely girlfriend and I a minute please?"

George looks from me to Diggory, "Sure man," he gives me a swift kiss on the cheek, "See you both back up at the castle."

I cross my arms over my chest, "What's up with you Diggory?"

He closes the gap between us, stroking my face with his hand, and he wraps an arm around my waist. I try to pull away, but he pulls me in, his lips hovering over mine. I freeze, panic setting in, what in Merlin is he thinking of doing?

As suddenly as he pulls me in, a sly grin plays over his lips, and he starts cackling. He pulls away, leaving one hand on my shoulder, and double over laughing, "You really thought I was about to kiss you!"

I shake my head, finally realizing what just happened, and punching him in the shoulder. "You bloody twit! I can't believe you! I was about to punch you in the jewels!"

He sits on the ground, pulling me with him, "I'm sorry, but that was too funny to pass up."

I huff as he pulls me down to lay and look at the sky. "What are we doing, Diggory?"

He turns to looks at me, "Remember our first conversation?" I give a nod, still staring up at the clouds, the sun warming my skin. "Well, we sat, and you didn't want to talk, but I still stayed for some reason. You didn't want me, or even look at me like that. You never treated me like the pretty boy everyone thinks of me. And I really believe we are best friends. Not just for your own gain either, just because you genuinely like me."

I smirk, "Like is a strong word there, Diggory."

He laughs, grabbing my hand, "I'm serious, Y/n. You never wanted anything from me, just to be friends. And it means a lot to me."

"You are acting like you are going off to war, or going to die. I don't like this," I grip his hand, my voice low.

Diggory laces his fingers in mine, "This one is actually making me nervous, Y/n. I just have a weird feeling. What if something bad does happen? I want our last conversation to be a memorable one."

I roll my eyes, "Shouldn't you be having a heart to heart with your girlfriend and not me?"

He pulls at my chin so we are facing each other again, "Cho and I had our fun last night, right now it's about my best friend and I."

I stare into his eyes, seeing how serious he is, "Diggory, you really are worried. You are one of the bravest guys I know. You got this. And Cho and I will be on the outside cheering you on and waiting for you to come out, so we can all go to the Three Broomsticks and sneak firewhiskey into our drinks!"

Diggory chuckles, "I love you best friend."

I grab him into a giant embrace, "I love you to best friend."


   Cho is gripping onto my arm so tight my fingers are losing circulation. I turn to her, "Cho, I know you are worried about Diggory, but I am going to need my arm back please."

   Her grip looses as she turns to me, "Sorry, Y/n." She turns herself back to look at the maze opening.

   I look over to the Diggory's, "I'm going to go talk to them for a minute, George will stay with you." George nods, taking my spot as I go over to Mr. and Mrs. Diggory.

   Mrs. Diggory turns to me, "Oh, Y/n, dear! Nice to see you again." 

    I give her a quick hug, and Mr. Diggory as well, "How are you both doing?"

   His mum is twisting her fingers, and his dad looks at me, the worried lines settled into his face, "Did Cedric seem nervous to you before this?" I give a slight nod, my lips tight together. "He seemed to think he won't be coming out of this. It had us both a bit shook up."

   "We did have a long conversation earlier. He kept talking about the past and how he was thankful we were friends. It was a bit out of character," I mull over the conversation we had again.

   Mrs. Diggory nods, "I don't know how to feel about it." She grasps at my hand, holding it close, "He really was lucky to have such a good friend as you. You are such a sweet girl, and never let him get too over his head. Thank you, Y/n."

   I pull her into another embrace, "I will always be here for Diggory and you as well."

   We pull apart, her eyes fills with tears, but a slight smile on her face, "You better go back to Miss Cho. She might take off your poor boyfriend's fingers."

   I chuckle, giving them both another hug, "I'll see you once he gets back!"

   "Oh thank Merlin," George exclaims as I come back, slipping his hand from Cho's, "I think she's going mental. I can't feel my fingers."

   I pull her arm in mine, grabbing George around the waist, "It will all be over soon. They've been in there awhile." George kisses the top of my head.

   And with those words, a boom was heard. Everyone started cheering, and the band was playing. It was Harry and Diggory back! Cho and I rush to the bottom of the stand, only to find Diggory was not moving. Harry can be heard sobbing, the music and cheers going silent. The excitement only lasted a minute before doom and darkness overcame the happy moment. I drop Cho's arm, and walk slowly over to Mr. Diggory, who is over the unmoving body of his son. Diggory's eyes are lifeless, his normal rose colored face, an icy pale color. I drop to my knees in despair, not even noticing that I started to sob, or that George's body is wrapping around mine, trying to shield me from the cold body of my best friend.

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