Chapter 80

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*February 2006

   I stare at the pile of boxes by the door. The empty apartment I see before me leaves an ache in my chest. The place where my best friends and I use to sprawl out and watch tv is no longer adorned with multitudes of blankets. The kitchen is emptied of all my baking utensils. Our baby's nursery no longer has pictures of our little family on the walls, and his crib is already down. 

   I sigh as I turn to the red head, who has just heaved a box above his head. I walk over and grab it, "I can get it."

   He kisses my head, smiling at me, "I know you can superwoman."

   I laugh, swishing my wand so the rest of the boxes follow me, "I'm just glad Harry could get us a Ministry car to bring all these home."

   "Home," George chuckles, "It's going to be weird that this is now just work and not home."

   My eyes dart down, "This will always be our home." I smirk, "Lee knows it too."

   "Speaking of Lee," George looks around the door, "Where is he? He said he would be here before we leave."

   I look around as each of the boxes gently stack themselves into the expanded trunk. Seeing all our neighboring shops, and realizing that I won't be seeing them everyday anymore. The busy streets tugging at my heart, but I know the calm, quiet, country view is going to be worth it. My mind explores the possibilities of our new life and location.

   Suddenly a stroller comes racing around the corner. 

   "WATCH IT!" A familiar voice calls out.

   George's head whips around and with cat like reflexes his arm juts out and grabs the rogue stroller. He pears inside, hearing the giggling child inside. His face turns redder than his hair, smoke coming out of his ears, "Lee. Jordan. You. Are. Dead." 

   Lee's cheeks tinge with red as he stutters, "Angelina, she said I could bring him back! She had a date! Said it was urgent!"

   My head throws back, "OH my gosh I forgot she did mention something about Lee bringing him back."

   George's head slowly turns to me, his teeth gritted together, "Your friend is going to get her ass kicked next time I see her."

   I roll my eyes, giving Lee a hug, "She'll be glad to kick yours tomorrow when she comes to help unpack."

   "Just because she did it ONE time back in school doesn't mean she can do it again," he growls.

   I kiss his head, "Whatever you say handsome."

  The giggling continues as I poke my head in, "Freddie! Did you have a fun ride with Uncle Lee?"

   Freddie starts to clap and nod. He snuggles into the crook of my neck, wrapping his chubby arms around me. 

   "See, Angelina would not give Freddie to just anyone, and Lee knows better than to mess with his safety. He is fine."

   George snatches Freddie from me, holding up the growing boy, checking him for any scuffs. With a satisfied huff, "I guess he is fine." He turns to Lee, "But just remember Jordan, I'm your landlord now AND your boss-"

   "No, don't you dare threaten one of our oldest and dearest friends, Mr. Weasley," I snarl at him.

   His eyes soften as he throws his free arm over Lee's shoulders, "I'm just kidding. You know I love this bloke."

   Lee let's out a hesitant breath, "Ah, okay. Let's get you to your new home."


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