Chapter 20

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A/N: I decided not to add too much smut, because like I don't think I'm good at it haha. So here's the smallest bit of PG13 "smut" and I will put in bold once it is done it you are uncomfy. I don't know if I should even use that word, but just in case! Also yes it's awkward as first times are.

   George's hands run up my ribs, before flipping me onto my back. I go and undo his pants, pushing them down. He does the same for mine. Our breathing is heavy with desire. My hands follow up his back into his hair. His arms are on either side of my head, holding himself up between my legs. His eyes are filled with lust, but he hesitates.

   "Y/n, are you sure? We can stop anytime." His voice is laced with yearning. 

   I nod, "I'm sure. Here put this on." 

   He takes the condom from my hand, I have kept one with me since my parents gave me the talk. George slips it on before looking at me one last time for approval. I squirm under him, waiting and wanting. I close my eyes tight as he starts inside me, wincing at the initial pain. He stops sensing me tense up.

   "Are you okay," his lips tickle my ear.

  A shudder of burning running through me. I nod again, afraid my voice will betray me. He waits until I finally relax, then starts to move against me. I hold onto his shoulders, burying my nails into him. His pace quickens, I feel my release about to happen as I pull his torso into my chest, kissing his neck, as he pushes into me one last time.

End of the "Smut" and yea I'm not sure I like doing that haha.

   He collapses on top of me. Kissing my neck, up to my lips. I kiss him back, pulling his hair a bit. He smiles into the kiss before muttering, "I can't believe that just happened."

   I put my finger to his lips, "Shh, don't ruin it, but we should probably get out there before Fred comes searching."

   His chuckle ripples through his chest as he stares deeply into my eyes, barely whispering, "I love you so much, Y/n Y/LN."

   I rub my finger on his cheek, tracing over his lips and eyebrows, "I love you even more George Weasley."

  George kisses my head, lingering and pressing his lips harder against my skin. We get up, giggling, and throwing on our clothes. He leaves to go downstairs, while I go to the bathroom. After I finish my business, I look at my reflection. At some point my hair turned a violent red, and my eyes a mix of red and pink. I don't look much different. I always thought after my first time I would feel different, but I just feel more in love with my best friend than before. Smiling at myself, I change my hair to a deep auburn, and my eyes to a light blue.


  Fred and George are talking in the corner, while Miss Molly and Mr. Arthur are talking by the table as I walk down the stairs. Once Fred notices I am down, he quickly becomes quiet. 

   I smile, putting my arm in George's, "What's up Freddie?"

   "Oh, nothing, just talking about some new candy inventions we were trying out." He sounds sad as he says this, which is unusual because he loves talking about the inventions.

   I roll my eyes, nudging his shoulder, "George told you about my mom, didn't he?"

   Fred nods, "I'm so sorry Y/n. You shouldn't have had to go through that alone. I wish you would have told us. You know we would have rushed back."

  I smile, squeezing his arm, and leaning into George, "I wasn't alone. I had Artemis. And I didn't tell you blokes the best part." They lean in as I lower my voice, "I flew all over the country, as an owl at night. It was fantastic, and everything I ever wanted."

   They look at me, their eyes sparkling. Sometimes it still amazes them that I can do that. It amazes me as well. "But forget about that, I want to hear about the new inventions!" I say grabbing them both to sit down at the table.


   At dinner, George holds my hand under the table, not letting go. I smile down at the sight, love radiating off of us. Percy looks at us with disgust, and I've come to terms with the fact I don't need his approval, or want it after what he did. Fred pokes my side, noticing I'm just pushing my food around. I smile at him and scoop some potatoes into my mouth, barely tasting it. He shrugs it off. I think he was more upset by the news of my mum than the rest. He was always more close with my parents. Ron, Harry, and Hermione were whispering about Sirius Black, and Ginny was talking to her dad about wanting to play quidditch. 

   Once we are finished, we go up to our rooms, the girls in one, boys in the other, and then Miss Molly and Mr. Arthur in the other. Fred pulls me aside before I can escape into the room with Ginny and Hermione.

   He looks down at me sheepishly, "Hey y/n, are you alright?"

   I lean against the wall, resting my head back against it, "Honestly Freddie? I don't know. I'm glad I still have your family, and Georgie, but I miss my mum. She deserved to be happy again though, and she will be. Maybe some day, when I'm older I can find her and reverse the memory charm, but for now." I look over at George who is letting us have our space to talk, "I'm very much adequate." 

   Fred wraps an arm around me, pulling me in for a big hug. I hold on to him for a few minutes before I feel another set of arms wrap around us. I can feel a tear start to fall. These are the moments I will cherish forever. Just my best friends and I, always. 

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