Chapter 4

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Thirteen is an incredibly tender age. I start to blossom into a young woman, feelings of angst and admiration start to grow inside of me. After Charlie left I went into a sort of isolation. My hair stayed a gloomy grey to match my feelings. My mum and dad would come to check on me and bring me food, though I rarely finished it. The Twins came every day, and all they did was it on the floor, on the bed, or at my desk, trying to get me to talk to them.

George was the most frustrated, he hated seeing his best friend hurt. He crawled in my bed next to me, and pulled me into a sitting position, "Y/n, let's go ride our brooms! You love that! And it's been three weeks since Charlie left! We can't waste our whole summer in your room."

"As much as Georgie enjoys all the cuddles and smelling you all day," Fred smirks.

I giggle at that. It is nice to be such good friends that cuddling is just a way to show how much we love each other. I straighten my back, looking back and forth between Georgie and Freddie. Their fiery red hair, and soft green eyes staring back. I have had to watch them grow more this summer than ever before, both dealing with their voices changing, and sprouting up even taller. I knew they were right, school was starting soon, and I wanted to try out for quidditch this year.

I give a sigh as I push George right off the bed. He grumbles and they both tackle me with tickles. "Okay, okay!!!! Stop it! Let's go. But I'm only getting up so you boys can help be practice to get on the team this year!"

They stop and smile. I notice Fred wink at George and push him towards me. George stands close enough to me that I have to look up at his eyes, which have a shy tint to them, and I see a blush creep across his cheeks. "Uh, well, yeah, of course, Oliver would be stupid not to let you on the team, especially with his favorite beaters on your side!"


The three of us stalk into the Burrow. I am exhausted. Four hours of diving, flying, and throwing the bludger around will do that to you. Miss Molly is happy to see me back, it's been a long three weeks without my sweet face. She watches as the three of us plop down on the couch, me right in the middle. My mum and her would never say anything, but they have a secret bet going on pertaining to which Twin would marry my. She smiles to herself as she prepares dinner, knowing that it is becoming clear it is George.

"Sweetheart? Will you be staying for dinner tonight?" She says over her shoulder. When she doesn't get an answer she walks over to the couch to see me slumped against George, quietly snoring.

George looks like he is scared to move, he doesn't want to disturb me, because he knows I need  rest. "Mum, I think she will, but she needs to sleep. Y/n hasn't been sleeping well since her talk with Charlie." He says this in barely a whisper as he brushes his fingers against my face, putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

Miss Molly nods, smiling at how affectionate her young son is, and how he is so caring towards his best friend. She grabs a blanket from the back of the couch and places it lovingly over me causing me to curl more into my cinnamon and gunpowder smelling best friend. George moves his arm around me, pulling me in closer as he rests his head back on the couch and closing his eyes.

Fred gets up to head to the shower before dinner, knowing his twin and best friend will be fine without him. As he stalks up the stairs he stops his little brother and sister, making sure they know if they disturb the two of them that he will personally introduce them to the Womping Willow. Ron gulped because he knows just how bad that tree was, and Ginny giggles and nods. She has always loved me and thought of me as a big sister. She would never do anything to upset me or her favorite brothers.


The smell of roast beef and vegetables causes me to stir from slumber. As I wipe my eyes, I am met with the green and gold orbs of George Weasley looking down at me.

"That was the best nap I've had in awhile." I say as a slight red tint spreads across my face. "Thanks for being such a good pillow, Georgie!"

As George stands up and extends his hand to me, he bows, "Any time my lady."

The both of us go to sit at the table, and dig into the delicious food in front of us. Both of us completely oblivious to the smirks and winks exchanged between my parents and his. And no one mentions that my hair is now grey with pink streaks in it, showing my healing.


The rest of our summer was spent on the Weasley's homemade quidditch field. I was determined to become a chaser this year, and my best friends were right there with me cheering me on. Even Percy would come out and give pointers for accurate flying. He may be stuck up and not enjoy my antics with the Twins, but he also knows I bring out the best in them.

Everyday after we all practiced, it would end with either us going to the Burrow and passing out on the couch, or back at my house and laying on the floor of my room. George became my personal pillow, never complaining about the hour nap I would take. I would lay my head on his chest and noticed his heart beating faster, but chalked it up to him being worked up from practice. He would never tell me that it was because  strands of my hair would tickle his nose and send a lightening bolt feeling to his stomach.

Neither wanted to admit the new feelings that were stirring inside. George had noticed it for awhile, he's always been closer to me. He's always loved to be near me and felt extra protective. I, on the other hand, had just noticed after Charlie's rejection. I don't want to ruin things with my best friend or his family. So I become content with the slight hand touching and close naps, vowing that I will not make my feelings known and ruin our trio of friendship, even though I can't deny the fact my hair is now completely pink.

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