Chapter 22

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   George and I spent a lot of our free time after the incident up at the astronomy tower, since no one really came up there much. Fred would come once in awhile too, but he knew how to respect our alone time as well. Also he had Lee Jordan to help perfect some of the recipes and tricks we have been working on. I would set up my record player and we would dance, and we would even head bang to ACDC and Kiss. Mostly we would just sit and hold hands, watching the sunset. The music just a nice lull for our conversations. 

   "I love it up here," I said squeezing George's warm hand, "It's what I need after a long day, just you, some good tunes, and the view."

   George looks at me, grinning, pure love etched on his face, his eyes shinning, "Y/n, you are the best view I have ever seen."

   I become red. I'll never get use to the sweet things he says to me. Maybe the boggart was right and I don't deserve him, but I'm going to enjoy every minute I have with him until he figures it out. I lean against his warm, slender body, reaching up to place a small his on his cheek, before turning back to the setting sun.


   The next few weeks were filled with quidditch practice, prefect responsibilities, and homework. Oliver Wood was working us ragged. My muscles would be so sore after practice, that I would go to the Prefect bathroom to soak. I never imagined I would become a prefect. Miss Molly sent me a whole tin of my favorite pumpkin pasties to congratulate me. The Twins were excited to have someone on the inside, which made me laugh, because McGonagall know how close I am with the Twins, Dumbledore too. Yet, they still chose me.

    I sit back in the prefect tub, leaning my head back, closing my eyes, and enjoying the peace of it being late and no one around. I smile thinking of how jealous George was that I wouldn't sneak him in so we could have some fun, but I told him every now and then I do need my own space, according to Lupin it is very important in a relationship. George has been the best since the boggart incident, always making sure I know how much he loves me, and showing me in every way. My mind wanders to one of the secret passages we have memorized and the other night when we snuck out. 

   George pushes me up against the cold stone, pushing his hips into mine as he grabs my chin, pulling it up, "I need you." 
   I smirk up at him, "Then show me."
   Those three words were all it took for him to smash his lips into mine, hands trailing down to my....

   My thoughts got interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind me. I almost jump out of my skin. I turn my head to be faced with none other than Cedric Diggory. I feel my face go hot. We haven't talked since I yelled at him about what he said to George, since he broke my trust and was just down right rude. With him being a year older, we don't see each other much except for quidditch games, and that's easy to avoid him at.

   "Hello, Y/n," his voice is low, "Having a nice soak after practice again?"

  I shudder under the water, "Yes, Diggory. And what do you mean again?"

  He shrugs, "Just notice you have been coming in here a lot. How's the boyfriend doing these days?"

   I frown, crossing my arms and climbing out of the pool. I sling on my towel and robe. In a harsh voice I reply, "He and I are just fine thank you very much. Now I would appreciate it if you keep you nose out of my business and stop concerning yourself with how often I bathe."

   He steps back before grabbing a hold of my arm, "I heard about DADA. How your boggart changed. Interesting you are so scared he will leave you. Our fears often have a way of become reality."

   I'm not sure what happened in those two second, but my knuckles made contact with Diggory's left cheek. There was so much power behind that punch his head actually twisted to the side, and it left a nasty mark on his otherwise pretty face. I stood there shaking with anger, "And remember that the next time you come near me." I turned on my heels and walked out, leaving a shocked and torn Diggory to deal with his wound alone.


   "HE DID WHAT?!" Shouted George back in the common room, "I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM."

   Fred stops his brother from stampeding out of the room. I grab onto his hands, rubbing the palm of them, "It's okay Georgie. I took care of it. Can we please just sit and spend some time together?" I see him calm down a bit at the idea of spending time together, which I have learned is his love language. We've both been restless with our relationship because of the strain of practice and everything else going on. 

   "I think I'm going to go to bed and leave you two alone tonight," Fred says before giving me a hug, "I'm glad you got him Y/n. I'm proud of my little slugger."

   I laugh, "You'll have to look for him tomorrow to see what real damage I did."

  He smirks before turning and heading us the stairs. I changed into my fuzzy socks, and matching sweater before I told Georgie what happened, so I was all ready for a night in with him. He grabbed our favorite blanket and we laid down on our makeshift bed. He laid on his back, gesturing me to lay with him. I can hear his erratic heartbeat slow down as I nuzzle into him, rubbing my fingers on his face and through his hair. His fingers slide up and down my side, his nose rubbing in my hair to get me to look up at him.

   I look up into those sparkling green eyes, the speckles of gold glistening, and it never ceases to amaze me at how many freckles are run over his face. "I love you," I say it now without even thinking. 

   His chuckle runs through us, "I love you more my love. But," he shifts so his hand is under my chin, "I'm coming with you from now on into the prefect bathrooms." He says with a wink before pulling me into a deep kiss, his hand wrapping around the back of my head, a slight tug on my hair. 

   I nod against his lips, getting on top of him and lowering his head down, our bodies flush with each other. I morph my hair into a short pixie cut, because it's easier when I'm on top. George smiles up at me before pulling me down on him. His fingers trace the hem line of my sweater, as my hands find their way under his shirt. I start to kiss behind his ear, his neck, and down to his collarbone. A small moan escapes his lips. I smile against his skin, as he shifts so I can pull his shirt up.

   Abruptly, Angelina bursts through the doorway. We freeze as she falters, "Oh bloody hell, get a room you two."

   I grimace, "Technically we are in a room."

   She storms away in a huff. George pulls me next to him, smiling and laughing, "I think she is jealous."

  I smile as we laugh, "Probably, she use to have the hots for Fred." We lay and talk for an hour about everything small we have missed in these last few weeks, until we drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

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