Chapter 33

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   "DRAGONS!" I cry out incredulously. "Who do these people think you are? You are all children! You can't go fight a dragon!"

   Diggory grabs my mouth, shushing me, and pulling me into an empty hallway. "Y/n! I'm not suppose to know, Harry told me."

   I scoff. Of course Harry found out and told him. Poor Harry has been treated like the plague recently, with only Hermione, Neville, Luna, and I to talk to. "You aren't responsible for those Potter stinks pins are you?"

   "Of course not. Harry is a fine young man, and has been through a lot. I'm upset you think I actually would have anything to do with that nonsense." He leans up against the opposite wall, arms crossed, looking at me like I really hurt his feelings.

   I sigh, running a hand through my golden brown hair, "I just don't like this tournament at all. It's too risky for all of you. It's cruel. I just worry."

   Diggory senses the unease I have, so he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, feeling the urge to burst out in tears over the thought of him or Harry getting hurt. Then I remember: Dragons!

   Pulling away from him, I ask, "How did Harry find out about the dragons, Diggory?"

   He shrugs, "Apparently the older Weasley brother brought them here."

   My face drains of color: Charlie Weasley is here at Hogwarts.


  After a hastily goodbye to Diggory, I run to the Gryffindor common room, searching for my boyfriend and other best friend. I can feel my face flush with embarrassment, out of breath and hair wild from running, as I find all the Weasley kids sitting in the common room, along with their older brother. Every pair of eyes turns towards me as I stop in my tracks.

   Charlie has changed a lot since the last time I saw him. His face is weather beaten from working outside and so freckled it looks tan. He is short and stocky for a Weasley, but he still towers over me. I look down his muscular arms, to see his hands covered in calluses and blisters. His deep voice brings me out of my shock, "Hey, Y/n! Long time no see little one!"

   I smile, rolling my eyes at the old nickname, walking over into his outstretched arms, which pull me into a deep hug. "Hey Char! No one told me you were coming!" I give a stern look at George, who sheepishly looks at me, rubbing the back of his neck, and Fred, who is looking everywhere but at me.

   Breaking out of our hug, but keeping one arm around me, "Well, don't be mad. No one was suppose to know, but I couldn't right come to Hogwarts and not see my family!"

   Ginny and Ron laugh, moving close to Charlie to talk about dragons and the times missed. I slip away, hooking my arms into the elbows of George and Fred, looking at how happy the younger Weasleys are to see their older brother.

   George stares down at me, kissing my forehead, "You alright?"

   Fred looks at me too, "Y/n, we know it's weird since you haven't seen him since, well, you know."

   I look away from Charlie and the others, reaching up to kiss George on the nose, "Honestly, I'm fine. I have you. I really need to thank Charlie for that by the way." We all laugh and join in on the conversation.


   It's later in the night, and I'm meeting Charlie down at the quidditch pitch. My red hair blowing in the breeze, and making ripples in my old, worn out AC/DC shirt. Holding my broom in my hand, I mount and take flight, because nothing beats flying as an owl, but this comes close. I swoop in and out of the rings, doing twirls and dive. Suddenly I hear a faint calling of my name, and I land gracefully down next to Charlie.

   His smile lights up the pitch, and he is clapping for me. My stomach fills with the same butterflies it always has from when I was a kid. I blush, "Thanks Char!"

   "You really have grown up! George and Mum write to me all the time about you," he says as he sits on the ground, gesturing me to sit with him.

   I oblige. "They both write to you about me?"

   His head throws back as laughter escapes his lips, "Of course, little one! You are part of my family. I love hearing about you and your achievements. I told just about everyone when you made chaser!" His voice grows somber, "I'm sorry I wasn't there after your dad passed, or when you let your mum go. I beat myself up for that."

  I slump my shoulders, "It's okay. I had George, him and Fred took good care of me." I twist my promise ring around my finger, a nervous twitch I have developed.

   Charlie notices the shiny object, and reaches for my hand, holding it delicately. "He told me about this too. He actually wrote to me before he gave it to you. I can't say I was surprised. I told you I wasn't the Weasley for you." He smirks and winks at me.

   I hold my hand up, admiring the small orange gemstones. "I should thank you for breaking my heart three years ago. I never would have found the love of my life that was right in front of my eyes." I think back to all those times when George would stand up for me, how he would always get quiet when I talked about Charlie, and how he always was so cautious about hugs and cuddling. I was so blind to his love. My eyes gloss over with happy tears.

   Charlie wipes one that escapes, his thumb so rough from his work with dragons. "I always knew it was going to be George who won you over. Bill had it on Fred, and Percy. Well he said himself. When George wrote me about that, I almost came over here myself to knock him out. You are our little sister for crying out loud! I could wring his neck."

   At this I laugh, wiping away the few droplets making my face wet. I lean onto Charlie's shoulder, "I wanted to as well, but not now. I know he just wanted love, and I hope he finds it one day. Everyone deserves to be as in love as George and I."

   I feel his lips press a soft, sweet, brotherly kiss to the top of my hair. His arm thrown around me. "You are right about that little one." He jumps up excitedly, "Wanna go see the dragons? Just don't tell anyone, especially not my brothers because I told them I couldn't show them, but I'll make an exception for my favorite kid!"

   I grab his outstretched hand as he pulls me up, "Of course, Char!"

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