Chapter 63

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   The Burrow started to bustle with excitement. Miss Molly and Fleur were in the kitchen cooking up a storm, while the guys set up a pagoda for us to say I do under. The sun is shining and it's a perfect day to get married.

   "What's wrong, Y/n?" Tonks looks at me, her voice wavering.

   I scan Ginny's room, where her and Hermione are busy putting on their dresses. I lock eyes with Tonks, "I just don't want to screw this up."

   She smiles, and chuckles a bit, "I'm sorry but you sound just like Remus. He's always on about mucking things up and not being deserving enough. Honestly, you two are two peas in a pod. Whether is Lycanthropic disease or a Dark Mark that you did not fully know the consequences of; you are still worthy to love and be loved. That Weasley twin made all this happen just for you. If that's not true love then I'm not sure what is."

   I smile, slightly, but still a smile. I shake my head, trying to turn my hair into a brilliant red. Nothing happens and I frown again. Tonks rubs a hand down my back, her voice hushed, "It will come back. You just can't stress about it."

   I roll my eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated over it all." 

   I look down at my bandaged arm. The pain has subsided since Miss Molly stitched it up and put a special salve on it. Being the mum of so many boys and one tough Ginny has made it so she knows how to handle injuries. The Mark is warped now, but no one is sure if that means that it won't work now or not. I guess we will see if another meeting is called. 

   I sit back, willing myself to change, but being unsuccessful. I ignore the conversations around me, trying to think of the times before the Mark and how simple life was only a few years ago. Knocking on the door brings me back to reality.

   Remus walks in, with Artemis, "This very naughty owl just attacked us outside with a letter for you, Y/n."

  I chuckle, "She has always been a spitfire." I take the letter from her clutches, giving her a pat as her head bumps against mine. I immediately recognize the handwriting on the front.

    We heard the great news of you getting married! We are so proud of you. You are one of the few who still check up on us after our Cedric's death. He always had the highest regards for you. I'm sorry that we can not attend, but with everything going on. Well, you understand I'm sure. We have no doubt in our mind that Cedric is there with you. We adore you.
    Mr. and Mrs. Diggory

   I wipe the few stray tears that fell. I clutch the letter to my chest, "It's from Diggory's parents. They wanted to congratulate me."

   Remus pulls me into a hug, causing Artemis to give him a peak on the ear. "This ridiculous bird. Y/n you have to teach her she can't just go after anyone she pleases." He rubs his ear.

   I can't help but chuckle again, "She's untamable. It's taken her years to even like George and Fred." 

   "I came up here to ask you something actually," his voice is serious, "Would you like if I walked you down the make shift aisle?"

   I gap at him, looking around at the other girls. I gulp, "Would you want to?"

  He nods, "Arthur and I talked about it, and he agreed that it was a fine idea. He's going to dance with you first, if you want."

   My eyes light up, "I would adore that, Professor."

  "I am not your professor anymore. Remus is fine," he rolls his eyes at me with a cheeky grin on his face.

   Miss Molly barrels in the already crowded room, "It's time dears. Let's go."


   My family is sat outside. I wait, arm in arm, with Remus. My short white dress flares out at my waist, and I have my mom's old veil on. Miss Molly said she kept it, just for this occasion. The small trumpet sound signals us to walk out.

   "Ready, Y/n?"

  "Ready." I hold his arm tight as we walk out into the garden.

  The sight before me causes my eyes to swell. Everyone stands, staring at me, but I can only look ahead at George. His flaming red hair is combed down, and he has on jeans, much to Molly's displeasure, and a silly tux shirt. His eyes go wide as he sees me. His smile is brighter than the sun.

   It takes everything in me not to run down to him. A hand smacks his back, and my eyes stray to my best friend. I don't think I've ever seen Fred so spruced up, even at the Yule Ball. His hair is in place and he even has a bowtie! I grin, and can feel my heart and body swell, heating up from the excitement. My heart flutters as we get closer.

   Remus squeezes me tightly before handing me to George. His hands tender as he wraps them around mine. He pulls my arm up and kisses my bandage gently. His fingers brush my face as he flips the veil back. His smile grows even wider, if that is at all possible. 

   The ceremony official starts, turning to George, "Will you do your vows sir."

   "I think I've said what I needed to earlier. I do. I do. I do!" His excitement rises with each I do.

   The official smirks, turning to me, "And you ma'am."

   I gulp, "I've never been the best at words, or even emotions, but I do know that I love you George Fabian Weasley. More than I have ever loved anything else-" a hoot interrupts me, "-okay, besides Artemis." The crowd laughs along with us. "You are my past, present, and future. I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else. I do."

   "You may kiss your bride," the officials sing song voice proclaims.

   George grabs the back of my neck, pulling me in. Our lips connect as he dips me low, our lips electrified. Our family cheers and I can hear Fred roar. Charlie is clapping the loudest. My hands wrap around George's neck, pulling at his hair. The kiss seems to last forever until he pulls away.

   "Wow, your hair," his eyes shine as he stares at me.

   My hair and eyes are the strongest pink I have ever seen. I smile scanning the yard of people. All the troubles and tribulations of the past don't even bother me right now. I almost completely forget about the Mark and Voldemort.  I know I am loved, I am accepted, and I am finally, officially, a Weasley. 

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