Chapter 44

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I sit at the table, my leg bouncing, and a lump in my throat as George sits across from me with his head in his hands. Fred paces the length of the table, muttering incoherently.

"Y/n, you need to explain to us. We were all worried about you," Lupin stands next to me, arms folded.

I stare at George, willing him to look at me, "I told you. I can't say anymore. I had to keep my mission a secret, Dumbledore's orders."

"Why did you leave in the first place!" Fred explodes, throwing his fists on the table.

I jump, biting my lip, "I couldn't stay. I had to do something Freddie. I had to be alone. I had-" I pause, running my hands through my hair, "Dumbledore gave me a mission I needed to accomplish. That is over, and school is starting soon. I needed to come back. It was time."

Fred's veins pop on his neck, and his face goes red. "That is not a good enough reason for leaving us and not getting into any contact! My dad had to look at your damn apparition test to see if you were alive!"

I slouch down, his words cutting into my heart. Miss Molly comes to the table, "Fred! Don't you talk to her-"

"No mum! I'll talk to her how I please since she wants to just walk out and then think she can come back like nothing happened? I don't think so!" He storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

An ache started deep in my stomach as I look up at George, who is still stoic and hiding his face. I look from Sirius, Remus, Miss Molly, and Mr. Arthur, waiting for one of them to explode on me as well.

"Well, Hermes, I'm so happy you could join us here at the palace," Sirius smirks.

"Padfoot! This is not the time for jokes," Remus exclaims.

Miss Molly puts a hand on my shoulder, "Maybe we all need to go to bed. Start fresh in the morning." She pulls me up, and I can't help but look back at George as she leads me away. "Y/n, you can have the room next to the Twins. Go ahead and get showered, then straight to bed for you."

I wrap her into my arms, fighting back tears, "Thank you Miss Molly. I love you. And I am deeply sorry."

"I love you dear," the gently voice enters my ears.


After a nice, long shower I settle into my room. I brush my wet hair out, the silence in the room leads to my ears ringing. A tapping at the door catches my attention. "Come in," I call.

Ginny enters, "Hey Y/n."

"Ginny!" I jump up and hug her, "I've missed you!"

She relaxes, wrapping her arms around me, "I missed you too," her voice is cold and cautious.

"You are mad at me to aren't you?" I say letting her go and sinking onto the floor.

She sits down, pulling her legs to her chest, staring at me. "I don't think I'm mad, but I was scared we would loose you. You are like my big sister, and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you around."

Tears well in my eyes, "Gin, I'm so sorry. I couldn't stand to be around anyone, pulling them down into my depression. I didn't want anyone else to suffer because of me."

Her voice wavers, "When I didn't want to bother anyone during my depression, I almost died, and Voldemort possessed me into almost killing multiple people. And I would much rather you talk to me about being depressed than have to see the same fate for you as Cedric."

My hands go to my face. She's right. Of course how could I forget about her first year at Hogwarts. I feel her hands on my knees and I look up. "Your brothers are never going to forgive me," I choke out.

A sly smile crosses her face, "Y/n, you know how much those blokes care about you. I think you leaving hurt them more than it hurt you. You just have to give them time. George is madly in love with you, and Fred loves you more than the rest of us." She pauses to give me a squeeze, "But seriously? Hermes? I can't believe you turned yourself into a guy! How was that?"

We both giggle. We stay up for hours and talk. Eventually, we both crawl into bed and fall asleep.


The morning comes with a bang, literally. I jolt out of bed, use to being on high alert, grabbing my wand. Shouts are heard from the hallway.


"I didn't think it would explode that big! She's fine!"

Artemis? I rush out the door coming face to face with the Twins. They stop, fists mid air. Fred purses his lips and clenches his first into tight balls before storming past me and down the stairs. George turns curtly back into the room, where I hear the all too familiar hooting.

I peak my head in. The sight that is unfolding pauses my heart. Artemis is perched on George's leg, her head rubbing into his face. Her strokes her feathers while scratching under her chin. My jaw drops at the love I can see from my owl and the man I love. I move into the room, clearing my throat.

They both look up. "Hey Artemis. Miss me?" She looks to George, who nods his head. She comes to me, but as I reach down her beak cuts open my finger. I cry out in pain, "I guess not." The tears are already falling as I wrap my finger. I'll get Miss Molly to fix it later.

Artemis goes back to George's bed, not looking back. "Artemis, now that wasn't very nice. You know we don't hurt others, even if they broke our hearts," he mumbles.

I gasp. My chest tightens, "I'll just leave you two alone." I can feel my heart shattering into pieces, but I know it is my own fault. Dumbledore told me it would be worth it in the end. I just hope he is right, because nothing feels okay right now.

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