Chapter 7

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The last couple of months have been magical, and that's saying something coming from a witch at Hogwarts. George and I spend all our free time together, making up for those weeks I ignored him. We even hold hands when we walk to class. We aren't officially together, because we don't want to label whatever is going on.

Time seemed to speed up and it was Christmas break. The Weasley's were all staying, because Miss Molly and Mr. Arthur were going to visit Charlie, so I decided to stay as well. Surprisingly bringing up his name didn't make me feel bad at all.

"We will be fine without you, Y/n." Fred insisted, knowing I love Christmas at home.

I look at George who is shaking his head, "Guys, it's fine. Anyway, half of the holiday I spend with you guys. I'd be bored alone! Plus my parents agreed it was okay."

George smiled, slinging his arms around my shoulders, "Good, cause I would miss you too much!"


Our time was spent bewitching snowballs to hit professors and students, making snow angels, and playing quidditch in the snow. Peeves would soar around the corridors with us trying to help with any pranks. At night, we would tell stories and drink hot cocoa, while Nearly Headless Nick would marvel at the muggle stories I told.

Finally, Christmas Eve came, and George pulled me aside, "Can we go talk down at the quidditch pitch?"

"Yes, of course," I said at his serious tone.

We walked out of the castle, hand in hand. I start to shiver from the falling snow. George notices this and wraps an arm around me, rubbing my shoulder and pulling me into his heater of a body.

He stops right before we get to the pitch, "I want this to be a surprise, so close your eyes and trust me."

I nod, "I trust you completely." I close my eyes, and he takes my shaking hand in his, guiding me down into the stadium.

"Okay, open you eyes," George shakily says letting go of my hand and stepping back.

I open my eyes to see candles and my favorite flowers scattered around the ground. The smell of my house, and the Burrow, my favorite places, dance around. I step closer and notice pictures of George and I throughout the years. One of us In our mothers' belly, when we were born, an awkward picture of us in the bath, my 11th birthday, our first day going to Hogwarts, and one of us cuddling on the couch. I start to tear up, choking on a sob. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

George steps up behind me sheepishly, "Do you like it?"

I turn to him, placing my hands on his cheeks, "I love this more than you can ever imagine."

He puts his hands on my face, his thumbs wiping away my tears of happiness, and he places his lips on mine. I move me hands to the back of his neck, pulling him in deeper. His arms go around me, pressing his whole body into me, until we both pull back.

"Wow," Georgie smiles down at me, "I'll never get use to being able to kiss my best friend like that."

I chuckle and smack him playfully, my eyes are that cherry blossom pink that they have been for weeks, and my hair still is pink. I can feel my face go red, "You are bloody ridiculous Georgie."

He looks shocked, "Excuse me?"

I smirk and go to pick up the pictures, "Remember the day I kissed you and what I said that night?"

"George, I need you to be serious. Do you like me?" I asked timidly once we were alone in the common room.
George looks down at me, moving a piece of hair that had fallen into my face, "Y/n, I have always loved you. Probably longer than I even knew. I was always so jealous of Charlie because you fancied him. It hurt me to see how much pain you were in after he left. And it made me incredibly happy when you started practicing for quidditch with us and you went back to your happy self."
I sigh, because I know he is right, but something still hold me back. "I want us to be absolutely sure, because I feel all these feelings for you, and don't want to screw it up. So can we just take it slow?"
"Of course Y/n. I wouldn't want it any other way," he said kissing my forehead.

George nods, a smile plastered on his face from the memory. "I do, and that's why I waited until now. I wanted this to be perfect. So," he takes my hands into his, which completely encase them, "Will you, Y/n Y/ln, please give me the honor to call you my girlfriend?"

I leap into his arms wrapping my legs around him, "Yes, George Weasley, yes!"

He let me down grinning ear to ear, "Let's pack this up and go to the tower. I have one more surprise for you."


Once back up in the tower, George cleared out the common room so we had it all to ourselves. He sat my favorite blanket down in front of the fire, telling me to sit and close my eyes. I obliged, holding out my hands and waiting, but instead of him putting something in my hands, I feel him placing something around my neck. He pulls away and sits in front of me, our knees touching.

"Open your eyes."

I do and look down. The most beautiful gold necklace is around my neck, housed in the center is a little firework ball that dances different colors around. "George, this, this is amazing!"

He looks down sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with a small smirk, "You really like it?"

"I do, I really do," I saw getting up, "But hold on." With that, I run up the stairs to my dorm, ignoring George's shouts of protest. I go into my trunk where I hid all my presents and grab the small, rectangular package that is wrapped in purple and orange paper.

I hand it over to George, "Here, I want this to be our Christmas."

He gingerly takes the carefully wrapped package and tears open one side, sliding out a handmade picture frame that houses a picture of George and I having our first kiss. The frame has bludgers, candy, brooms, and our initials carved around the border. Under the picture is written 'I wouldn't want my first kiss with anyone else.'

"How did you even get this picture?" He asks studying the frame and all the details that went into it.

I laughed, "Freddie is a wiz with cameras apparently."

"Well, I love it!" He kisses my forehead and sits so that we are side by side.

We sit in that peaceful silence until we both get tired. Without saying anything, George grabs two pillows and another blanket. We spread it out in front of the fire and lay down together, just like we had many times before, but this time we weren't just best friends, he was my boyfriend, and I his girlfriend. With his arm around my neck, I place my head on his chest, breathing in his scent and listening to his heart beat.

George grabs my other hand and lays it on his chest, placing his over it. He smells my hair and lays back, relaxing into a peaceful dream, knowing that I am now his and he never plans to lose me.

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