Chapter 28

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   The end of the school term has finally arrived, and it was going to be a crazy summer after everything we lived through this school year. I sit in the trolley, legs draped over George's lap, listening as the Twins and Lee talk about new tricks for the joke shop they want to open. I fiddle with my two rings aimlessly. The one I got for the Twins and I to match, and the other, my promise ring from George.

   George and I are hand in hand, walking down to the Great Lake. It's our two year anniversary, I told him we could start over after everything, but of course he wouldn't hear it. I squeeze tight to his side, wrapping my arm around his waist. I feel his warm, soft lips on my forehead. 
   "Let's sit and watch the stars, okay?" George sounds more nervous that I have ever heard him before.
   I lay out the blanket that he got me last year, and we sit criss cross applesauce. I see George twitch his hand into his pocket. Thinking about it, he's been acting weird the last few weeks, but I've just put it up to everything that happened with Percy. I shake my hair and turn my head back to the sky.
   "I miss flying with Artemis sometimes. I haven't gotten to do that since Summer." 
   "I never got to see you fly. I still can't believe you practiced enough while we were gone to do that. Mum said it takes others years to master.
   I smirk, standing up, "Wanna see?"
   George nods his head aggressively.
   With that I change into an owl and take off. The wind in my wings sending electric waves into my head. The absolute feeling of euphoria cannot be explained. After a few loops, I head back down. I land and change next to a clapping George.
   He pulls me into a hug and spins me around, "You are amazing! You know that?"
   "I like to think you make me more amazing," I snuggle into his chest.
   We stay like that until George slightly pushes me away, clearing his throat. His hand flickers to his pocket again. "I want to ask you something. And I know we joke a lot, and our parents use to joke about us, but this is serious."
   I look up at him, his one hand tracing my jaw, "You're making me nervous Georgie. What is it?"
   "I have loved you since the beginning, I'm almost one hundred percent sure. And even though we are young."
   I giggle, "We turn 16 in a few months goof."
  His finger shoots to my mount, "Shush. I'm serious." His voice makes me quiet immediately, "I know things may still happen. I know we can't say forever right now, but I know in my heart I want to promise you that I will love you forever. I promise to protect you and be there for you. And I promise that once we are older, I WILL marry you, Y/n Y/LN." With that he pulls out a small box, and inside is a small ring encrusted with orange garnet stones, engraved is our initials.
   My eyes fill with tears as I take the box in my hand, I slip the ring on my finger. I twirl it around as it seems to shine in the moonlight. I jump into his arms and kiss him.

   A knock on the trolley door takes me out of my thoughts. "Hey Weasleys, Jordan, and Y/LN."

   I look up to see Diggory, who has become one of our closest friends since finding out he's the reason the Twins and Lee saved me. "Hey Diggory! What's going on?"

  He comes in and sits between Fred and Lee, "I got head boy for next year! Thought I would come tell my favorite Gryffindors." We all congratulate him. "And I was wondering what your mum was doing about the whole Percy situation?"

   George gives an audible growl, but is interrupted by Fred, "Mum has decided that Percy is to move out. He's starting his job at the Ministry anyway. I much assume we will forget about him even being apart of the family at this point."

   He nods and stays for a a few more moments to chat, until the whistle blows. And with that, we are on Platform 9 3/4 saying goodbye to our friends, and running to Miss Molly to start off our summer vacation.


   I stand before the door of my childhood home once again. The warm summer breeze making goosebumps on my skin. I push open the same door I use to run through as a child. The smell is not unpleasant, but it's not the normal smell of home, but of abandonment. The walls have hung the same pictures, the same furniture, and everything right where it has been since last summer. I slowly make my way to my bed room, running my hand on the walls. 

  The morning light barely shines through my childhood bedroom. I woke up before the sun even rose, sneaking out of the Burrow. I walk around, before ultimately deciding to plop on the bed. My hand feels something under my pillow, a picture of me, my parents, and all of the Weasleys. It's from my eleventh birthday. I flip it over and to my surprise, there are two sets of handwriting on the back.

   The first is in bold, choppy script: My baby girl, we are so proud of you, and I personally cannot wait to see what you become in the wizarding world. Always by your side, Dad.

   The second is dainty, and almost faded: Y/n, We love you without measure. You are brave and have more spunk than most kids twice your age. Go out there and make them roar. Forever with you, Mom.

   I sit on my bed, clutching the photo to my chest. All the emotions, good and bad from the past year flow out and onto my cheeks. I think about missing my mom, my dad, almost loosing myself to Percy and a love potion, loosing precious time with George. The fact that even with a promise ring, and what he said, I still feel like I am not worthy of his and his families love. At 16 years old, when I should be happy to have an amazing boyfriend, and second family, I can't help but feel like I am a monster. I bury my head into my pillow, and eventually I fall into a restless sleep. 

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