Chapter 43

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   Something dark is brewing around the wizarding world, and I'm finding out more and more as days and weeks go by. Being alone has not changed how I feel, but I'm stronger than I was before. Diggory's death put my tiny life into perspective, and I was on a mission to right his death. Dumbledore has reached out, wanting to encourage my help with the new Order of the Phoenix, because of my abilities. He knew I wouldn't turn him down.

  The tree branches scratch at my side. I shift back into my human form. My head resting on the tree, my breathing evening out from the mission I just got through. I never knew how convenient being an Metamorphmagus was until this last month. I can easily change now, with just a quick breath. Another good thing that I never thought I would be grateful for, being an orphan. I have no one to account for, and being 17 means the trace has been lifted. Dumbledore even let me take my apparition test with him.

   My home has been this run down tent, made of leaves, branches, and two unsteady trees. It's not much, but its away from people. Now, I haven't forgotten my family. Actually, I check in on them from time to time as a bird, a mouse, or anything else that suits me. They seem fine, especially with the new Order being started. Even George seems to be doing okay. He takes flight on his broom with Artemis most nights. It's heart lifting to see them together, and her not clawing at him. My heart squeezes at the thought of them.

   A figure appears out of the night, "Hello, Y/n."

   I stand up, relaxing my muscles, "Hello, Professor."

  "School starts soon you know," he always talks around what he means.

  I huff, rolling my eyes, "Yes, and I'll be going back, just like we discussed."

  His lips curl into a curt smile, "Good my dear. Now what have you uncovered?"


   The days have gotten darker, and longer, even with it being summer. Grimmauld Place has been somewhat of a distraction. When they first arrived his mum kept them all busy cleaning every room. Fred keeps him involved with new inventions for the joke shop they are finally going to be able to open with the Triwizard Tournament winnings Harry gave them.

    "We can take these to school and try them out, see if anyone is truly interested. And it's free help on seeing what we need to tweek," Fred rummages through a  Skiving Snackbox. "Here, try this one," he hands his brother a candy that is green on one side and brown on the other.

   George pushes his twin's hand away, "Not now Freddie," he gets up, pulling on a shirt, "it's time for Artemis and I to go out again."

   Fred runs his hand over the back of his neck, tapping on the box, "Don't you think if she was that easy to be found you would have by now? Or if she wanted to be found she would have been back by now."

   George whips his head around, his eyes narrowing, "No, we just haven't looked hard enough. We might go back to her old house again and see if she showed up yet."

   Fred raises his hands, "Okay sorry."

   George flexes his hands, balling them into fists, "We know she's been back to the Burrow. Some more of her clothes were gone. And you heard what dad said about her name being on the list of approved witches to aparate. She's out there, and someone has to be with her. She just needs to know we still want her back in our family." His voice breaks, "She needs to know she is still loved."

   George reaches for the knob, but hears his mum and someone else whispering downstairs. He motions to his twin. Fred grabs the extendable ears they have been working on. They sneak into the hallway, the top of the stairs in sight, and they put one ear down, holding the other between them.

   A stained voice can be heard, "I'm sorry. It was for Dumbledore in the end Miss Molly. I had to do it, and I couldn't bear to sit at the Burrow all day. I had to do something after Diggory died."

   "Dear it's okay," their mum speaks, concern lacing her words. "But how did you know about the Order and tonight?"

   Miss Molly gasps, "That was you? You've been coming to our meetings and not telling me?"

   A gruff voice, one familiar with the last month, says back, "Like I said. It was all Dumbledore's idea."


    The gruff voice softens, "Dumbledore specifically said not to tell anyone Professor Lupin! I couldn't go against what he said! I had to lie! I had to lie to everyone! Voldemort-"

   "REMUS! She has been through enough, let's do this tomorrow," their father interrupts.

   Fred's mouth drops open, his eyebrows shoot up as he looks at his twin. George's face is a ghastly white. He rushes down the stairs, only to be met by his parents, Remus Lupin, and Hermes Grady, a man who is apart of the Order.

   George searches frantically, only for the adults in front of him to seize up. "Where is she?" He huffs out, "I heard Lupin! She's here!"

  Hermes and Lupin are in a stare off, "Change back. He deserves to know."

  Hermes' eyes look pleadingly at Lupin, but look at George, and changes back into Y/n. George stares, not trusting his eyes. How could this be? This man has been coming here for every Order meeting, multiple times a month. It was Y/n this whole time.

   She looks up sheepishly, small cuts going down her face and arms. Her eyes black, and short, black hair falls in her face. She moves one hand through her hair, squeezing the back of her neck. Looking down, a weak, "Hey, Georgie," escapes her lips.

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