Chapter 46

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I sit still like a statue. My sleeve rolled up, and the adults of the Order yelling around me. I try stare at the back wall, trying to zone it out. It's been hours of the back and forth words. Hours of waiting for Snape to arrive. I feel like a failure for telling them.


Just then, Severus Snape walks into the kitchen. His voice booms at the still vicious adults, "I see you have found out about our little-" he stares daggers at me, "-issue."

I avert my eyes from him, feeling even more ashamed. Before he can say much else, Remus punches him in the face. Snape's head flies to the left as his body crumples on the ground, a low gurgle escapes his lips.

Sirius yells, fist punching the air, "That a boy Moony!"

Remus shakes his hand out, "I've wanted to do that for a very long time."

No one goes to help Snape. I rush to his side helping him up, "Professor, are you okay?"

He shrugs me off, "Y/n, after you spilling our secret I would appreciate you not giving me other reasons to ignore you ignorance. Of course I am not okay. That mongrel hit me."

I slink away, head down. He was over protective before. He didn't even want me to go through with it, but Dumbledore convinced him. I use to be one of his prized students. The fact he pushed me away now meant I really did mess up. The shame engulfs me as Remus and Sirius start yelling at Snape again.

"Gentlemen! You are all grown adults! Stop acting like children!" Miss Molly bellows, coming to my side and holding me, "We are all concerned about Y/n. Let's sit and discuss this." She guides me to a chair, sitting me down.

"Okay, Snivellis, spit it out," Sirius slips in to the chair beside me.

Mr. Arthur sits beside Miss Molly, "I think we all need to be informed on this situation. Y/n getting the Dark Mark is a serious issue."

"Ah, but Miss Y/LN did not get the Dark Mark, Amelia Radshaw did," Snape grimaces.

I shift uncomfortably as Remus slams a fist on the table. He growls, "They are the same person. It is on her arm. Y/n doesn't deserve to be in cahoots with the Dark Lord. You of all people know how terrible that is."

I interrupt Snape, "It was what had to be done. We had to infiltrate since Voldemort has his suspicions about Professor Snape. I was the only one able to get in without any questions. I just became someone else. I thought I'd be able to replicate the Dark Mark on my arm, but apparently that's not how it works."

"But dear, did you really need to do this?" Mr. Arthur places a hand on mine.

My voice cracks, "I had to-" I look up trying to keep the tears in, "-for Diggory."

Miss Molly lets a breath escape, "Sweetheart! You know he wouldn't have wanted one of his dearest friends to do this, even for him. You are just a child."

I run a hand over my face, "I am not a child anymore. I've seen, we've all seen, more than children are suppose to. Harry has a bounty on his head, and Diggory was killed just for being there. I can't let anyone else I love die because of Voldemort. I won't."

Her warm arms encase me, "Sweetheart, but you can't sacrifice yourself. This might kill you if they find out."

"They will never find out. I have taught her Occlumency, which she is a nature at. No one can get into her mind to find the true identity of Amelia Radshaw, except maybe myself," Snape's low voice reassures everyone.

"But how can you know. How can you guarantee our daughter's safety?" Mr. Arthur looks with malice at Snape.

I look up at him, and I can't fight back the tears anymore. Even after what I said, he still calls me his daughter. He still loves me, just like Sirius said. I can't contain myself. I rush to him and throw my arms around him, my face in the crook of his neck as I sob into him, "I'm so so sorry. I never meant to hurt any of you."

His hand rubs my back as the other rubs my head, "It's okay honey. Family members fight. It's a part of life. I will always love you and think of you as my other daughter," his hushed voice in my ear.

I don't look up, but I hear Miss Molly stand, "I think we need to let Y/n go and relax. We adults can continue this discussion without her. She's obviously been through enough right now." She turns me around, "Come on sweetheart."

As she opens the door, four red-heads topple into the kitchen doorway. They spring up just as fast as they fell. Miss Molly's eyes narrow, her lips purse, "What do you four think you are doing?"

They stare like deer in the headlights. Ginny steps up, looking directly at me, "Is it true? Are you a Deatheater?"

My jaw drops, but before I can say anything George grabs my arms. He pushes me against the wall and rips my sleeve up. The Mark is in plain sight for all of them to gawk at. All four faces fall. I rip my arm away and run outside as Miss Molly yells for me to come back.

I quickly change into an owl and take off. I need to get away again. I decide to wait it out until night fall, then I'll be back.


Night falls and the stars come out. I land and sit on the bench. The same bench I confessed my secret on about the Dark Mark. I pull my sleeve up, my fingers tracing over the lines. I keep having to tell myself that this is something that needed to happen. Diggory, and the other's who have lost their lives deserve to have their deaths avenged. This is right. I am right.

A familiar, broad body sits beside me. I don't dare look at him. My breathing becomes labored. I cover the Mark with my hand. I can sense him looking at me, but I continue to look at the sky.

"Let me see it," his voice barely a whisper.

I clench my arm tighter into my stomach, shaking my head. I go to stand, but he grabs my arm, pulling me down. I gasp and look into his golden green eyes. He stares down at my forearm, his fingers lightly touching me.

"Y/n," he mutters, still looking at the Mark, "You need to breath."

I let out a breath I didn't even notice I was holding. I don't trust myself to speak, not yet. He continues to rub my Mark. Each time he presses a finger into my skin, my breath hitches.

After an unknown amount of time passes, he moves his hand to my face, cupping my face. I can't help but relax into his palm. His thumb rubbing my cheek. I stutter, "Georgie, I-" before I can finish he pulls me in.

His lips crash into mine, parting gently. His hand moves to the back of my head, pulling me closer. My hands wrap around his back, rubbing up and down. The heat between us is intensified by the night sky.

I pull away, "Wait. Georgie, I'm sorry, about everything." I stay close, our foreheads touching.

His hands cup my face, his thumbs wiping the tears, "Y/n, my love, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. I wish I could take it away."

I shake my head, "No, after everything I put our family through. I do deserve it. I just wanted revenge, and look where I am."

"We will be okay. Everything will be okay," he uttered. "I will love you forever." He takes my arm and gently kisses my Mark, before pulling me close as we look up at the stars.

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