Chapter 69

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*November 1998

   "I want to go to America," George says out of the blue one day.

  "Like a vacation?" My eye brow raises up as I ask.

  "Maybe. I need to get away for awhile," he says staring out our window.

   I sit Baby L down, walking over to him. "You just got back from Romania with Charlie for two months," I mutter.

   "He said I could come back there too." His eyes are blank.

  "We've missed you though," I reach down to the crawling baby and pick him up. "Haven't we Teddy bear?"

   Teddy babbles, reaching for George. He looks at the baby, "I missed you too, Teddy."

   I look down at my hand being clasped by his little hand, "Did you miss me?"

   A sigh escapes his lips, "I did, but it's been nice to be away."

   "Away from me?"

   "Away from the shop."

   I step away, "George, I'm not going to stop you. Just let me know what you need to do."

*February 1999

   My Love,
   I'm back with Charlie in Romania. I will be back soon. I promise. America was wonderful and I hope you enjoyed all the postcards. Give Teddy my love.
   Always yours,

   I set the letter on the shop counter, wiping away a single tear that escaped. I hear a rustle behind me and turn.

   Ron nods his head, "Did he tell you when he would be back?"

   I shake my head, twirling my ring around my finger, "Just that he is back with Charlie."

   "He'll be back soon, Y/n. I'm sure," Ron grins.

   "Thank you, Ron. For everything. You know, you could move into Freddie's old room," I say slightly. "It might be easier since you are helping me run this place now."

   "Do you think George would be upset by it?" He questions.

   I look up the stairs, "No, he's not here to decide, but I think Freddie would love to know you have his old room and are helping keep this place alive."

   Ron smiles broadly, "I'll talk to Mum about it tonight, but I'd like that."

*March 1999

   I stand outside the steps of Hogwarts. The castle looks exactly as it had all those years I went there. My eyes become misty as I walk to through the entrance and into the Great Hall. Hermione and Ginny rush over to me, before I had even spotted them.

   "Y/n!" Ginny exclaims, "I am so glad you came to visit!"

    Hermione adds, "Headmistress McGonagall told us you had arrived." 

   I roll my eyes, readjusting the growing little one in my arms, "I should have known she would sense I was coming." 

   "Ah ah," Teddy babbles, reaching for my hair.

   "I brought him like Minnie said. Where is she by the way?" I scan the room, searching for the familiar lady.

   "Well, I'm right here, Mrs. Weasley," her cool tone was hard to miss.

   As I turn around, I see her face light up. I move over to her and wrap my non-occupied arm around her, "I have missed you, Professor."

   She wraps both arms around Teddy and I, "I as well. Please girls, let me take Y/n away to show her the surprise. I'll send her back your way once I am done."

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