Chapter 34

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   I pace the stands, biting my nails. My half yellow, half red hair poking out of my Miss Molly knitted hat. I bite at my nails. After seeing the power of the dragons that are being distributed by Charlie, I became even more of a nervous wreck for my two friends in the tournament. 

   "Dumbledore said they wouldn't get hurt. That was one of the conditions of my bringing these babies here," Char beams at the four dragons.
   I walk closer, his hand grabbing me before a rogue flame is thrown my way, "Woah!
I, this is insane Char! These are massive, beautiful creatures, but those kids, they are kids! Harry is Ron's age!"
   Charlie looks down at me, "Y/n, it will be okay. Listen I can't tell you everything, but it's a pretty easy challenge. And the dragons will be chained up as well. Don't worry your pretty little head kiddo."

   Thinking back to Charlie's words doesn't help ease my mind. George and Fred were rattling off bets on who would get eaten. I scoff as George sits and pulls me onto his lap. Reluctantly I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him gently, "I really don't like you two taking bets on our friend's lives."

   George tugs at my hat, sliding it down my eyes, stifling a giggle, "It's all fun and games my love. The professors wouldn't actually let anything happen."

   Fred plops down beside us, "Exactly, Y/n! They can't actually let them die."

   Lee comes up with some more bets, so the Twins are busy writing them down. I frown at all the people gleefully ignorant to the severity of what is going to unfold. I saw those dragons. The power is so intense. "I'm going to get a better view," I whisper into George's ear. He nods, barely resonating what I said. 

   I walk away from everyone, down the steep stairs. Reaching the open field, I change into  an owl and take flight. Soaring above the stadium, I see the first dragon come out. Hearing the announcer say, "First up, Cedric Diggory, facing the Swedish Short-Snout!" The applause is deafening. 

   I see a blur of yellow cast a spell, and then a dog starts running around. He must have used a transfiguration spell. I see the dragon distracted and I move closer to get a better view on Diggory and the golden egg. Suddenly the dragon spins around on him, and blows out a fiery breath. Diggory keeps hold of the egg and rushes to the tent. I quickly go, landing on my own feet.

   "Diggory!" I yell, rushing to his side. He's holding his face, which is slightly burned. "I told you this was dangerous!"

   "Y/n," he winces out, "I'll be okay. I got the egg, so I get to move on. You should go back and watch the others."

   I gently place a hand on his knee, crouching in front of him. "Your pretty little face is half off! You are not okay. And I will go out after I hear what Madam Pomfrey has to say about you."

   A slight smile creeps on his burnt face. He concedes to me staying, as Madam Pomfrey looks at his wounds, "You will be okay dear." She turns to me, "Just keep a look out for infection, but this salve should help with any scarring."

   "I'll make sure he uses it," I smile at the caring woman. She goes off to wait for any other problems. "I'm going to talk to Harry really quick," I say as I pat Diggory on the back.

   Harry is pacing, but stops and gives me a slight smile. I grab him into a warm embrace, "Harry, you be careful out there. We are rooting for you. I promise more people love you than you know."

   "Thank you, Y/n. It means a lot." He flushes a bit as I kiss his cheek quickly, waving my goodbye and rushing back up to the stands.


    Cheering erupts in the common room as the Twins lift up Harry. I beam with the look of a proud sister on my face. He did superb with the Hungarian Horntail! Firewhiskey is being distributed to the room. Everyone waits impatiently for Harry to open the egg and see the next challenge. But when he does, an incredulous screeching flies out, causing all of us to cover our ears.

   "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT?" Ron yells after the egg closes. 

   "Better start trying to figure it out now. It might actual take awhile," I said as Harry came to stand with Hermione and myself. 

   "Oh that's months away! Harry will be fine!" Ron slaps him on the back, apparently he's forgiven him.

   Hermione gasps, "Three months! That's not that far away if you ask me!"

   While they bicker, I go and find George and Fred, who are sitting on our favorite couch by the fire. Firewhiskey in hand. I sit on George's lap, taking in his smell of cinnamon and smoke, throwing my legs on top of Fred's lap. George's arms instinctively go around my waist, careful not to spill his drink as he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck.

   "Hmmmm, hello my love," his breath wrecks of the drink, and I giggle knowing he had to have started drinking before the common room.

   I kiss behind his ear, "Hello, love. Did you get me a drink?"

  He raises the cup in his hand, "Figured we could just share."

  Fred laughs, draping his arms over my legs, "You two are gross." 

  "You're just jealous, Freddie." George giggles at his brother.

  Fred stays quiet, but I see his eyes scan the room and land on Angelina. I lean over to talk in his ear, "You know she's had the biggest crush on you since second year right?"

   His ears go red, "Are you serious, Y/n?"

  I nod, "You should go talk to her." That's all it took for him to shove my legs off him and saunter over to Angelina's side. I watch as they start talking, sipping some firewhiskey as I feel George pull me closer. 

   I feel his lips leave a trail of kisses on my upper arm. I moan out, "Stop it, Georgie."

   He unwillingly complies, "How was Cedric after the challenge? We didn't really get to talk until now."

  I get off his lap, settling into his side, and rest my chin on his shoulder. "He seemed okay. Madam Pomfrey gave him a salve that should heal up his face. This dim wit was more concerned about the next task than the fact he almost died!"

   "That sounds like Cedric." He pulls my chin so I'm looking at him, "You know, I was worried about him at first, because of the whole, you telling him about your dad and not Freddie or I, but I get it now. He's like your Freddie. I mean you have a Freddie, but I get you need someone outside our family sometimes. I'm glad you have that."

  I smile, beaming at the drunken words of the love of my life. It's my turn to pull his chin towards mine into a long kiss, our lips parting and inviting the other in. The taste of firewhiskey on our tongues. The sounds around us fading away as we meld into each other. My hand trails it's way up his jumper, feeling his toned stomach, as he squeezes my thigh.

  A cough breaks us apart. We both groan. Fred has Angelina around the waist, beaming with accomplishment. She grabs me into a hug, "Thank you for the push, Y/n!" 

   I smile, "No problem, but we are a little busy here." They walk away and out of the common room, presumably to go make out in one of the secret passageways. I turn back to George, who has his head leaned back on the back of the couch. Little snores coming out of his mouth. I roll my eyes muttering, "You big light weight, can't even stay up to have fun."

   I go up to my dorm room, change into pajamas, grab a pillow, and our favorite blanket. Once I'm back, the party has dispersed into little groups talking, kids passed out on various places, and people headed up to bed. I reposition George so his legs are on the couch, and it's cramped, but I lay on top of his frame. He moans out, grabbing me in his sleep, and pulling me into him. The sound of his heart beat, and his hand in my hair, makes me fall asleep instantly, with a smile on my face.

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