Chapter 17

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   The next morning I'm awoken by a gentle shake. The smell of hot butterbeer and pumpkin pasties filling my noise and bringing me out of the sleepy stupor. My eye's flutter open to be met by George's green eyes and freckled face staring down at me. I smile, still feeling the high that was last night. I sat up and reached out for George, who obliged and gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead. I pull him down on top of me, rubbing my hands through his hair and down his back, causing him to giggle.

   "Y/n, stop it, the others will come down soon," George teases me, but kisses my neck. As I go to nip his earlobe, we hear footsteps on the stairs, and freeze.

   "Oh bloody hell you two. Get a room." Freddie explains before her tackles his twin off of me laughing.

   I smirk as the two wrestle on the floor, "Technically we are in a room." I get up and grab a mug of Butterbeer and a pumpkin pasty, waiting for them to get over their little match.

   A few minutes later, they huff and puff over to the couch. George plops beside me, throwing his arm around my shoulders, as Fred takes the floor by my legs. We sit joking, and laughing, eating and drinking, until Ginny, Ron, and Harry come down. Ginny stops in her tracks looking at me, causing the two boys to trip on her. 

   She beams before running to me, "Y/n! Your hair! It's beautiful!"

   I catch her in my lap, careful not to spill any of my drink on her. I chuckle, "Yep. Your good old brother helped with that." I wink at George, who starts to blush. "Soon I'll be able to change the rest of me, hopefully."

   Ginny smiles, hugging me around my neck again. Once she gets off of me, we all say our Happy Christmas' and hugs all around. I watch as everyone opens presents, snuggling into George's side. Miss Molly out did herself again this year with matching hats. I decided to give everyone baked goodies, since my mom couldn't this year. Ginny looked at me with a bit of sorrow in her eyes, but I shook the look away, just happy that I could bring them some joy like they have for me.


   "Bloody hell, Y/n!" Fred exclaimed as I changed back, "When did you learn to do that?"

   I smirk, not telling either of the Twins I was secretly working with McGonagall to challenge my morphing abilities. I finally cracked the code to be able to change into animals. I had just snuck up behind them as a black cat, and changed right in front of their eyes. I laugh at their shocked faces, winking, "I have to keep some things a secret." 

   George sweeps me off my feet, hanging me over his back. "You little devil. How dare you keep something so cool from your boyfriend!"

  He sits me down as I stare up at him, "You know this means we can get away with a lot more pranks."

   The Twins look at each other, then back at me, "Wicked."


  Our plans were coming to a halt since the heir of Slytherin has been released. People are being petrified left and right, so we are trying to keep a low profile. I've been able to change into smaller creatures to go wondering around, and see if I can find out any information from the teachers. George wasn't too excited about me doing that, but Harry did ask nicely, and I'm all for helping my friends and family. The most I have found out though is that it happened 50 years ago as well.

   Harry, Ron, and Hermione did with that what they could. Until one night, Hermione got petrified as well. Ron and Harry weren't taking it well, but they stuck their heads in books and kept going. I decided to talk to the Twins about doing something for them.

   "I don't know what," I said frustrated, "What do you get two boys who don't know when their friend will be unpetrified?"

   George hands my hand, tracing my fingers with his, "Sweetheart, nothing is going to make them better."

  Fred nods, "But maybe you could bake them something? You know Ronald loves to eat!"

  My face lights up at the idea, "That's a great idea Freddie!" I grab him into a big hug. "I'll see you boys later," I kiss George on the cheek before running off, changing into a cat as I go, ignoring George's protests about it being too late. I'll be fine, and plus, the house elves love when I visit as long as I bring stories with me and clean up after I'm done. 

   Trotting about as a cat has it's perks, no one looks at you, and when they do it's to say how nice you are. I've gotten use to walking on four paws and changing. The first few times were very strange. My cat eyes can see a puddle a head of me before I approach it. I get a shiver down my spine that I can feel in my tail. I look into the puddle as I pass, only to freeze up. The world goes black.


   He runs into the infirmary after Lee Jordan, who found out about Y/n ne ability by accident, told him a cat was found by the kitchens this morning. He said the eyes were pink, of course George knew it was Y/n. She never came back last night and he fell asleep on the couch. He never should have let her go alone, not when everything was so uncertain.

   McGonagall is waiting for George by the bed. A stern look etched into her face, "Mr. Weasley. I know this is Miss Y/n, as we were perfecting her abilities, but I can not say I approve of her using it to sneak around this way."

   George sits on the bed, cradling the tiny, petrified cat body of his love, "She just wanted to make something for Harry and Ron, since they were so upset over Hermione. I shouldn't have let her go." He almost sobs out that last part.

  McGonagall gives his shoulder a squeeze, "I understand, and soon this will all be over, but for now she will stay like this until the mandrake root is ready to make the antidote."

   "Can I please stay with her?" George never lets his eyes leave Y/n's body. 

   McGonagall smiles slightly, "Yes, but only for a while, then it's back to class."


   The day finally came to give everyone the mandrake root potion. George was already there, impatiently waiting for Y/n's turn. Fred was busy taking care of Ginny after Harry and Ron brought her back from the chamber of secrets. Finally Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey make there way to Y/n, giving her the root. 

   George stares, seeing her shutter, and then her change back into her human form. It's quite a weird process, but fascinating all the same and he can't look away. Y/n sits up on the bed, looking around, before her blue eyes land on George, the biggest smile on her face. George grabs her face in his hands, tears of joy falling down his cheeks.

   "Georgie," Y/n says quietly, thumbing away his tears. "It's okay. I'm alright. I promise."

   George pulls her head into his chest, kisses her forehead and mumbling something about never letting his best friend go, because she is his forever.

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