Chapter 57

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    "She's been out for days," the familiar voice breaks through my ears.

   "The Dark Lord called everyone two days ago. Amelia was not there and they are growing suspicious," Severus' silky voice stirs me more.

   "She's not going back there!" George raises his voice.

   "She has not choice! That Mark will keep burning, and eventually she will die from the pain it causes her. He is getting stronger and that means the burn of the Mark will be more powerful as well. She knew what she was getting into," Severus' hushed voice grows deeper.

   I roll over, groaning at the stiffness formed all over my body. The red head rushes over to our bed, crouching down, and pushing a stray hair out of my face. I push my cheek into his hand, enjoying the warmth.

   "Love, how are you feeling?" His eyes full of concern.

   I croak out a harsh, "I'm fine," as my throat feels like sandpaper.

   "Let me get you some water," George says as he rushes to the kitchen.

   "Miss Y/n, I'm glad you are up. I'm sorry about this, but once you get your strength back you must come to the next meeting. He is getting suspicious of Amelia not showing up since it was a meeting for everyone."

   I groan, "I know, Severus. I'll be there."

  "Good. Now I must be off," and he aparates away.

   George comes back carrying a large glass of water, "He's come every day to check on you. So has Mum."

   I drink the whole glass in one gulp, setting it down on the night stand. I lean back, running a hand over my face, "Is Sirius really gone?"

   His long fingers brush against my skin, "He is."

  A simple answer that cuts through my heart. The tears start to fall before I even knew I was crying. George's arms snack around me, pulling me on his lap. I bury my face into his chest. The familiar scent of cinnamon and smoke calming me down just enough to speak, "Is Harry okay?"

   "He's back at his Muggle family's house for the summer, but in a few weeks he will be at the Burrow. I'm sure he'll love to have you to talk to. You, him, and Lupin were the closest," his voice is soft and reassuring.


   "Ugh, that old terror is probably elated."

   "He's just misunderstood! He doesn't mean to be a terror." My voice is harsh and raspy.

   George pulls me close again, rubbing my head, "I didn't mean it. I'm sure he will be okay. Maybe he will go to Hogwarts to be with Dobby and Winky."

   "I hope so," I curl more into him, wanting nothing more than to sleep again.

   His soft voice starts to sing, "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day-" my eyes flutter shut as he rubs my back, "-when it's cold outside I got the month of May."

   My breathing shallows out and I feel him shift us into the bed. He lays besides me, pulling me into him, our bodies fitting perfect together. His singing never stops.


   "George I have to go!" I turn to Fred, "Please tell your twin that I need to go or they will hunt down Amelia, meaning me, and that will get all of us killed!"

   George turns from me to Fred, "Freddie tell your best friend that she isn't strong enough yet to be going to a Deatheater meeting after just a week since Sirius died!"

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