Chapter 9

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"So you blokes' birthday is in two days! What do you wanna do?" I say chipper one morning.

George and Fred look at one another then back at me, both grinning ear to ear. "Honeydukes!" They said in unison. I know they aren't meaning a normal Hogsmeade trip, they want to use our Marauders Map. We nicked it off Filch in first year, and it shows everyone at any place and time.

I lean in whispering, "Covert operation?"

The sly smile plays on their eyes. We've been sneaking to Honeydukes for two years now. The cellar is perfect cover to go out and roam Hogsmeade and the shrieking shack. Neither of them know yet, but I have something fun planned for their birthday night. Some may even say it's payback for their pranks.


The Twins' big day is here! I stayed up all night blowing up balloons, painting a Happy 14th Birthday Feorge and Gred banner, and finishing their presents. I'm exhausted, but I know it will be worth it for my best friends, plus I'll take a nap before we go out exploring. I stand in front of the banner with the balloons scattered around the floor, as I hear Fred and George yell at each other.

As they stumble down the stairs, I jump up into Georgie's arms, planting a kiss on his lips and again on his nose, "Happy Birthday, Georgie!" He kisses me back, while letting me out of his arms and looking around the common room.

"Am I chop liver, Y/n?" I turn and give Fred a bear hug.

"I love you Freddie! Happy birthday!"

They both look around, kicking at the balloons. Once they take everything in, they turn to me, eyes sparkling. "Thank you so much, Y/n!" They both wrap their lanky arms around me, and I can't help but be filled with joy over growing up with my best friends.

"This is only the beginning, I have one more surprise at the shrieking shack tonight." I said that in a lower voice, just in case there are prying ears.

George holds me close to his chest breathing in the scent of my shampoo, he nuzzles his face into my neck, "So, what did you get me?"

I turn around facing him, "Wouldn't you like to know." I love the way his eyes darken as I tease him. I roll my eyes as I lead him to the two neatly wrapped presents.

"Freddie, yours is red, and Georgie, yours is green." I say handing over the identical presents that I put a lot of thought into.

They look at each other, then rip apart my wrappings. Inside the paper is two velvet black boxes. Both of them have a look of surprise on their faces as they slowly open the boxes to find matching rings. A gold thicker band with jewels embedded into it has each of our initials engraved on the inside.

"The jewels are for each of us, and they are our birth stones. It's a muggle thing. But I have one as well, so we all match" I explained taking out my ring from my pocket. They stared at the rings and their silence made me nervous. "If you don't like them I can take them back," I said anxious that I made a mistake in getting them jewelry.

George grabs my face and pulls my chin upwards so my now blue eyes look into his green eyes, "I will never take this off. I have something that will forever remind me of my best friends, one my twin, and the other my girlfriend." He places a small kiss on my lips, barely applying pressure before he pulls away, looking into my lighter eyes now.

Fred put his on smiling, admiring how it fit perfectly, "Its awesome Y/n! And like Georgie said, it's a great reminder of showing off who my best friends are! You know what this means though Georgie?"

George looks up at his twin, "What Freddie?"

"We have to get Y/n something amazing for her birthday!"


The Gryffindor common room was alive with festivities for the Twin's birthday party! My mom and Miss Molly sent tons of homemade treats. Someone had even smuggled in some firewhiskey, which Oliver was having a field day with. I've tried it before, but I need to keep a clear head for tonight's birthday prank. I scan the room, trying to find my boyfriend and best friend.

The musical sound of his laugh is what helped me find him. I follow the sound and find him and Fred sitting with a cup in each hand. I roll my eyes, "Boys, remember our adventure tonight?" I know they are buzzed, but I hope I can still get them up to go out, because my plan must happen. It's going to be great.

"Ah, sweetcheeks, *hiccup* yes, yes, the covert mission," Georgie says loud enough I'm sure the whole common room heard.

I shove my hand over Fred's mouth sensing that he is about to talk to loudly as well, "Shut up you bimbos, come on, I already grabbed the map and our jumpers." I take their firewhiskey cups out of their hands and pull them up, pushing them out the doorway.


Once in the tunnel headed for the shrieking shack, I run ahead to start my prank, leaving my boys behind.

"Hey Y/n, slow down!" Fred yelled.

I kept going. I climb up into the bottom room of the shack, and hide the cake I already put up there for them, and grab the wheezing poppers to shoot at them once they get up, so I hide behind the table, waiting.

I hear them scramble up the stairs and jump out shooting the poppers. They scream and dodge out of the way. Once the poppers clear, we all come out.

"You, you actually got us," Fred exclaims.

"And all alone, Y/n, I'm impressed." George followed.

I laugh poking fun at them, "You know a girl can do anything better than some boys."

They look to each other, and suddenly Fred nods. George tackles me down, holding my hands above my head, while Fred feverishly tickles my sides, making me feel like I am going to explode. Once I'm gasping for air, they let go. We all sit on the ground together laughing, and catching our breath.

"Okay boys," I say getting up and pulling the cake out, "One final surprise. Cake!"

I sit the cake down in front of us. George moves so our legs touch, he snakes his arm into mine, kissing my cheek. "You really know how to make us feel special, just jealous I have to share this with Freddie when we could be alone." He smells of the firewhiskey that is giving him this new courage to say something like that.

I turn a deep red and my hair turns scarlet as I slap his arm. Freddie about chokes on his spit, "GEORGE! She's practically my sister, especially now, you can't say that around me."

"Can you two just blow out the candles so we can eat and go back." I say rolling my eyes as they agree.

Once they blow the candles out we are in darkness, and George kisses me once more.

Author's Note: I'm not super happy with this chapter so I may come back to edit. Also updates may slow down a bit to not everyday, maybe every few days! Thank you all for reading <3

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