Chapter 75

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*June 1, 2005

   I roll out of bed, hair a mess, and my tank top from the nigh before is a skewed. I stumble around the bassinet to head into the bathroom, stubbing my toe on the way there. I bit my lip to suppress the groan. I close the door behind me, waiting to see if baby Fred will cry. A sigh escapes my lips. I just need a moment alone.

   The moment is cut short by the shrill wail in the other room. I rub a hand over my face, "Mummy's coming, Fred."

   I coo to the small tuff of red hair, "It's okay, Freddie. Mummy's got you." I lightly rub his back, his little head curving into the crook of my neck. I can't help but smile. It has been a rough two months, but his little face makes it all worth it.

   I gently lay him back down after feeding him, and crawl into bed. I nuzzle the back of George, who is snoring slightly. I roll my eyes, wrapping my arms and legs around him, drifting back into sleep.


   I stretch with a yawn as the light from our window makes it's way in. My hand lands on the empty spot beside me. I shrug, George has been waking up early for the shop lately. I begin to reach into the bassinet, but my usual sight of Freddie staring up at me is gone. 

   My heart starts to race. Where could he have gone? Did someone come in the middle of the night and take him? I rush out the door, frantically looking around.

   "George! Someone took Freddie! He's gone!" I frantically grab our phone about to call the police, when I hear a chuckle. 

   My face grows hot as I swing around, only to be met with Georgie, holding Freddie in his arms. I shake my head, flustered, "What? You got up with him this morning?"

   George chuckles again, "Freddie and I decided to let Mummy sleep in on her birthday!"

   I stare blankly. It can't be my birthday. I gap, throwing a hand over my mouth, "I forgot it was my birthday!"

   "I know. Made it easier to surprise you though," George walks over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Here, you hold Freddie, while I finish breakfast."

   I take my small bundle in my arms. His bright green eyes look up with admiration at me. I tickle under his chin, causing a cacophony of coos and smiles to erupt from him. I smile, rubbing my nose on his. His little fingers squeeze onto mine as I hear his father start to sing the opening verse of 'My Boy.'

   I close my eyes, listening to his gentle voice. I start to sing along till the end. "I'm glad we changed the words for Teddy Bear, now it's easy for us to sing it to Freddie," I smirk.

   "That reminds me," George comes over carrying a plate full of pancakes, "Teddy and Andy are going to come over later. Apparently, Little Teddy made you a fantastic present!"

   I can't hide the smile that spreads across my face, "Oh, I'm sure it is the best ever!"

   George slinks away into our bedroom before returning with a small green package.

  "This is from Freddie and I," George gloats, "Little Tyke picked it out all himself!"

   I gush, excitingly putting Freddie back into Georgie's arms before ripping open the paper. Inside the neatly wrapped present is a little snow globe, with a picture of the three of us from the day at the hospital, and engraved on the front reads, "World's Best Mum." The tears swell in my eyes.

   I choke out, "This is the best present ever. I love you both so very much."

  George grins, "You really are the best though. I wouldn't be here today without you. You have done more for me than I could ever thank you for."

   I lean into his lips, smiling into our embrace. A yank of my hair quickly pulls me out, "Ouch. Freddie snatched my hair again."

   "I told you just to keep it short. It's easier on you and him!" George retorts.

  "I know. I know," I grimace before changing my hair back into a pink pixie hairdo. "Better?"

  George rolls his eyes, "I love you no matter how you look, but you might want to put on something else before Andy and Teddy get here. I'll watch Freddie so you can take a long shower."

   I kiss him on the cheek, "You really know how to win over the ladies." 

   I prance away as he yells, "I only ever wanted one!"


   I hear Teddy before they even make it into the door.

   "AUNTIE! AUNTIE! HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!" I smile as I also hear a stern, "Teddy! The baby might be sleeping!"

   I move Freddie, who is in fact sleeping, to his swing so I can get the door. "Teddy Bear!" I exclaim as I wrap him into a hug, still too sore to fully pick him up as normal. 

   "Auntie! Happy birthday!" His hair is the same teal as always, but he's hitting a growth spurt and I feel has grown taller since just last week! He smiles brightly as he pushes a box into my hands, "Please, please open it now! Gran and I made it just for you!"

   "Happy birthday, Y/n! I'm sorry Teddy is being pushy today. He really has been so excited!" Andy gives me a hug, whispering in my ear, "He's been upset he hasn't had any sleepovers with you and George recently."

   I squeeze her back, "We will change that soon."

   She pulls away, "No rush dear. You need to be one hundred percent to have two babies around."

   Teddy picks his head up, "Wait. Auntie has two babies?" He looks around spotting Freddie in his swing, "I only see Fred."

   I chuckle, tussling his hair, "I think Gran was counting you as one of my babies."

   His eyebrows scrunch up, "I'm not a baby." 

   George emerges from the shop, pulling Andy into a hug, "Of course you are not a baby, Teddy! Who said that?"

   Teddy crosses his arm, "Gran! She called me a baby, Unc!"

   George closes the distance between them, picking up Teddy and spinning him around, causing him to erupt into a fit of giggles. "I don't think you are a baby," George smiles holding Teddy close. "And you can't help watch Freddie if you are a baby! Babies can't watch babies. Can they, Auntie?"

   I smile, shrugging at Andy, "They do have a point, Andy. Teddy is a great baby sitter!"

  She groans, "You all always gang up on me!"

  We all laugh, taking a seat. I open up the present. The beautiful red and gold shirt unfolds to show two pairs on foot prints, one very small, and one even smaller. The names under each show Fred and Teddy. I grasp it close, looking from each face in the room before landing on Teddy.

  "Baby L, this is the best thing ever." He crawls into my out stretched arm, and I kiss his hair, "How did you do this?"

   He looks at Andy, who gives him a reassuring smile, "Well, Gran did baby Fred's that one time last week at our house when you fell asleep on the couch. I did mine the other day. It is the bestest present ever right, Auntie?" His big, blue eyes pierce mine.

   I pull him closer, "It really is, Baby L."

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