Chapter 1

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The day I have been waiting for has arrived: my 11th birthday! This is it, I think to myself, the day I find out whether I get to go to Hogwarts with my best friends or not! I rush down the stairs at full speed, almost tripping on the last step.

"Mum! Has it arrived? Has it? Please tell me it has!" I say searching the kitchen counter, and looking out the window for any sign of an owl.

My dad laughs, "Well, happy birthday to you honey!"

"Thanks dad," I smile, knowing I am being a bit rude, looking back at my mum, "But seriously is it here?"

My mum is finishing a bow on the top of a neatly wrapped present, "Not yet dear. Now get dressed, because Miss Molly has a surprise for you at their house!"

I groan, thinking I won't get the coveted letter that has been on my mind since I was old enough to understand that my best friends' family was different. When Fred and George got theirs, I was so happy, but jealous at the same time, because I had always known they would get it. The whole Weasley family were wizards, purebloods as they have told me, but they also don't believe in blood status, whatever that meant they never got into it.

"Don't worry, y/n! I'm sure you will get yours!" Fred exclaimed when he saw my face fall.
"Yes! Don't fret, you make weird stuff happen all the time! More than we have that's for sure," George chimed in, hoping it would make me feel better as he throws an arm around my shoulders.
I roll my eyes, shrugging his arm off, "Easy for you two to say, you have always known! I only have to go off what your Mum tells me."
"Y/n!" Ron, the Twins' little brother pipes up, "You change your appearance! That's the coolest thing, my stinky brothers can't even do that!"
I laugh and tussle his hair, Ron has always been an admirer.

I think back to their birthday and smile, because my best friends really do make everything better, as I put on my jeans and a light t-shirt. I love the Weasley's and know they always mean well. Miss Molly has been telling me for awhile how I am special, because I can change some of my appearance at will. Its called being a metamorphmagus, which is a mouthful for anyone, let alone some kids. The most I have been able to do is change my hair color, which happens with my mood half the time, but Miss Molly has been a gem at teaching me how to control it. After that once incident at my muggle school, my parents had asked if there was anything the Weasley's could do, and that's when my pre-control lessons started. I decide to try for some bright green hair for my special day!


I race up the hill with my mother and father dragging behind me. Once at the top, I see the whole Weasley clan surrounding a big table with a mountain of food, and an even extravagant cake! My two best friends run toward me and tackle me down!

"Georgie! Freddie! You are messing up my outfit!" I don't actually care because I am use to this greeting, but they continue to tickle me while I am down.

Both of them laugh loudly at me, while getting up.

"You know we have to y/n! Your hair looks fun today," George extends his hand to me and pulls me up.

"Its like a quidditch field!" Fred exclaims as he brushes some dirt off of me.

"You two nimrods are the worst!" I say teasingly, because they know I love them both, even if they do get on my last nerve, and I on theirs in the rare occasion.

They say in unison, "Come on we have a big surprise!"

My parents are already talking to Miss Molly and Mr. Arthur. I can hear him ask my father about how his chiropractic business is (he has always found it odd that Muggles willing go to a doctor to crack their bones). Before I can think anything else, strong arms come around me and flings me up and around!

Charlie Weasley, the second oldest of the family siblings, and the one who became my first crush, gave me a tight bear hug. "Happy Birthday Little One!"

"Hey I'm not that little anymore, but thank you!" I say, but I curl more into the hug. I know the Twins are going to say something later, as they both know about my huge crush on their brother. I can see out the corner of my eye them elbowing each other already snickering about this encounter.

I get hugs from each of the Weasley's, Bill, Percy, Ron, Ginny. They all treat me as family, and have for as long as I remember, never making me feel left out even though I am different. Miss Molly and Mr. Arthur stand with my mum and dad as everyone sits anxiously waiting for the announcement.

"Y/n, please come stand with us!" I walk over and stand with the four adults, who hug me, while my parents put their arms around me. "Now as you know, we have had our suspicions for years about your status as a potential witch. We also know how you have wanted this for so long, and how you have counted down the days to this birthday! And we are honored to give this to you here at your second home with both of your families!"

Everyone claps as Miss Molly hands me an old looking letter, with those words I have wanted to see written in black, and the red seal on the back. I rip open the letter with tears in my eyes and read aloud.

"Miss. Y/n Y/LN it is with great pleasure that we welcome you into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this coming school year..."

As I feel the tears roll down my face, four very recognizable arms wrap around me, the familiar smell of cinnamon, vanilla, and gunpowder enter my nose. I wrap my arms around the two boys, still clutching my treasured letter. My best friends are just as happy and excited that we will all three be going on this journey together. Friends forever.

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