Chapter 60

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I'm balancing on a chair trying to hang a banner when a rustle startles me from behind. I slip off the chair and two arms reach out and grab me. I look up at the eyes of the person who caught me: golden, green orbs look down at me. A slight smile curls at my lips.

"Happy Birthday, Georgie," I exclaim as his lips connect to mine.

He pulls away smirking, "Thank you, my Love." He looks around at the balloons, banners, and cupcakes all around. "This is perfect."

"It's so little for how hard you and Freddie work, but I wanted to do something," I smile up at him, resting my hands on his chest.

We stay in that embrace until we hear a groan, "Y/n! You out did yourself this year!"

"Freddie," I go over and hug the tall red-head, "Like I told your twin, this is nothing but chump change compared to what you deserve."

He looks at me and then locks eyes with George. I don't see them wink at each other, but I'm tackled down to the ground. "Get your hands off me!" I cackle out. They don't stop their attack until I am wheezing. Then they jump up and high five.

"Georgie, I think we taught your lovely fiancé a nice lesson in never talking down about her work," Fred boasts.

"I do believe you are right, Freddie."

Still gasping, I punch them both on the arm, "I can't stand you guys."

They both laugh, shoving cupcakes in their mouths. I go back to decorating our little home. The banners wave by themselves, changing pictures from the Twins being little to their quidditch days. I finish cleaning up the mess from the cupcakes and finally sit on the sofa next to George.

"I'm sorry the rest of the family can't come," I sigh leaning into his side.

He pulls me closer with his arm over my shoulders. Kissing my forehead he mutters, "This is a perfect day. The shop is closed for today, and I have my two favorite people to eat junk food and watch some muggle television."

Fred snorts at the show, dipping chips into my homemade ranch dip. With his mouth full, he mumbles, "This is the best day."

I smile at the simplicity that they love from this day. I grab some chips and the dip bowl from Fred and snuggle back into my spot by George.

***June 1997

The storm crashes around as I rush into the Malfoy Manor. A servant takes my jacket as I shake out my hair. I pull my shawl around me, smiling curtly at Narcissa, "It is awful out tonight for a meeting."

"Yes, but the Dark Lord insisted that this was needed to happen tonight," her voice is stern and her hair is unkempt.

I nod, making my way into the dinning room where Severus is sitting as still as a statue. I take my usual seat beside Crabbe, nodding to the others around me. Draco is absent, but it's a Monday so that makes sense. He would still be at Hogwarts.

A swishing brings our attention to the Dark Lord as we all rise. He sits at the head of the table, an earie smile plastered on his face. My stomach drops thinking about what is to come.

"My loyal followers! Today is a very exciting day! Our dear Draco is about to open the Vanishing Cabinet and let in the ones I choose to infiltrate Hogwarts." The roar from the table deafens me as I lock eyes with Severus, his face is stone. "SETTLE! The ones who shall go on this conquest are Snape, Crabbe, Bellatrix, Lucius, and Amelia."

I feel the blood drain from my face as he looks at me. I quickly smile, bowing my head. The others jump up, ready to go. I rush to Severus' side, whispering in his ear, "What is this? I can't do this."

He leans in slightly, "You will and must, Miss Amelia."

I purse my lips and turn on my heels to head with the others.

Bellatrix snickers, "Let's go!"

We aparate to Burkes and all head into the Vanishing Cabinet.


I'm in a fog as Severus grabs my arm and leads me away from the others. His sharp voice pierces my mind, "Y/n, you must be present for this, so that they see you and can trust you. I never told you this, but Dumbledore is dying. He does not have much longer and this is part of his plan for Harry to defeat Voldemort."

My mouth falls open and I clasp my hand over my mouth. "What?" I croak out.

His grip tightens around my arm, "Do not stop what you are going to witness. Do you understand me?"

I nod, not trusting my own voice and allowing myself to be taken up to the astronomy tower. A place that has forever brought me joy. The scene before me unfolds: Draco stands with his Mark showing to Dumbledore, Severus steps up as Bellatrix shrieks to him, and Dumbledore goes off the side of the tower.

My head spins, as my vision goes blurry. I ignore the shouts from Bellatrix and run down the steps as quickly as I can. I keep running until I am out of the grounds, where I aparate away and outside the joke shop.

I burst through the door, running up the stairs and crashing into my home. I collapse on the floor, cries escaping my mouth and lungs. I can't see the four appendages that envelope me as I sit crumpled on the floor. The soft voices trying and failing to bring me out of my stupor.

The idle chatter does not compute in my mind, but I feel two arms pick up my balled up frame and carry me into the bedroom. The hands glide over my body, taking off my wet clothes, and placing me into something warmer. My head is guided onto the pillow as the covers are brought up to my chin. Tears continue to stream down my face, but the noise has been quieted.

I'm not sure how but a warm washcloth is placed over my forehead, but I know one weight never left the bed beside me. Fingers sweep across my face every few minutes, and glide into my hair. Eventually the sobs and tears ceased bringing me to a sleepless slumber.

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