Chapter 25

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   **George and Fred
   Fred stares down at his twin, who has refused to leave his bed for five days now. His normal color is replaced with a sick pale look. George won't eat, barely sleeps, and only gets up to use the restroom. The chance of seeing Percy snogging the love of his life is too much to bare. Fred can't blame him, because Y/n has been just as unbearable. She was always with Percy, during breaks, getting food, and even at night during her prefect duties. He thinks back to the night after first seeing them.

   Y/n walks hand in hand with Percy, surveying the corridors for students out and about after curfew. Fred rounded the corner, hoping to catch Y/n alone. He stops in his tracks noticing the pair.
   "Hey, Y/n!" She whips her head around, smiling, "Can we talk? Alone?" Fred says that last word with malice and a pointed glance at Percy.
   Before Y/n can speak, Percy cuts her off, "Whatever you have to say to MY girlfriend, you can say in front of me." He pulls Y/n closer into him, kissing her cheek.
   Y/n looks up at Fred, giggling, "It's fine, Freddie. What would you like to talk about?"
   Fred grimaces, her voice still sounds strange, her hair and eyes still purple and glazed over. "Y/n, what's happening? Why would you do this to George? I thought you hated Percy after what he did to you?" 
   A strange voice emerges from Y/n's mouth, "I don't know what you are talking about. George is my best friend, but Percy didn't do anything to me." She shakes her head, the glaze off her eyes. Her hand loosens in Percy's.
   Percy's eyes grow before he reaches in his pocket and brings out a chocolate, "Here, Y/n, have some chocolate."
  She pops it into her mouth, the glaze returning immediately. The whole scene etching itself into Fred's mind. She lets go of Percy hand, just to wrap her arm around his waist, "Well, Freddie, we should be off, and go back to bed."
   Percy smiles, holding her close, "Yes, don't want Sirius Black to get you."

   Fred scratches his chin, running his hands over his face in defeat. "Come on, George. I told you it's something Percy is giving her. Remember what I told you from that night? We just have to get Y/n away from him for long enough for whatever it is to wear off."

   George peeks his head over the blanket, "Fred, it's over. Percy never leaves her alone long enough. He even takes her to class and is right there when we get out.

   "That's true, but we could always write Mum?" Fred doesn't think that will do much, as bad as Percy is he doesn't think mum will think him to drug Y/n. 

   George knows that's not an option, especially without proof. They don't want to go to anyone without some kind of knowledge. The other Gryffindors see the strange dynamic, and all have their own theories. Angelina seems to think Y/n bumped her head and forgot everything, but she didn't forget everything, just her relationship with George and everything bad that happened with Percy. Angelina also told Fred how Y/n is constantly eating chocolate when she is in her dorm because, "Percy made it for me and it's delicious." Oliver said sometimes you just fall out of love quickly, but how it was strange that Y/n went right into a relationship with Percy. 

   George sits up, his shirt grimy from the days of wear. His hair greasy, along with his face. His slender hands rubbing his face and eyes. "I'll go and shower, and we can eat, but if I see them I'm coming straight up here."

   Fred gives a slight smile and nod, "I know they already left, so they are probably doing something else for now."


   George stretches his tense and lanky body. His heart aches, and he only feels cold. The warm water barely making a difference. The water runs down his body and his hair drips it into his eyes, making it impossible to distinguish the tears from the water. He thinks about how Y/n and him would sneak to the prefect bathroom, and how he misses the warmth she gave him. The tears flow freely now after being bottled up for the last five days. He hates feeling helpless, especially with his brother and Lee around. 

   After about twenty minutes of just standing in the water, George finally feels like he has gotten out most of his crying. He reluctantly washes his hair and body. Getting out, he throws on a t shirt, the old AC/DC shirt that was a birthday present from Y/n, and some ripped up jeans. George rubs him hair out with his hands, not worrying about how it looks, and he makes his way to the common room.


   Being a Saturday, the Great Hall doesn't have a lot of students eating lunch this early. Fred, Lee, and George take a seat at the end of the long table. Lee shovels food onto his plate, along with Fred. George took one sandwich, but he didn't start eating it. He was looking around, because although he didn't want to see Percy, he missed seeing Y/n. She was no where to be found.

   Fred pokes his brother's side, "You have to eat. You look like crap."

  George lifts the sandwich to his mouth, begrudgingly taking a bite, before he puts it back on his plate, "Happy?"

   Lee frowns, and says with a mouthful, "Listen mate. We know it's something that Percy did to Y/n. You need to realize she would never just ditch you like that. Especially for someone like Percy after all he has put her through."

   Fred nods, "Exactly, we will figure it out, but you need your strength first. Also just think about how Y/n is going to beat the bloody hell out of Percy once this is all resolved."

   George stares up at the never ending bewitched ceiling, holding back tears once more. He knows that his friend is right, but it doesn't make it any better right now. He buries his head into his hands, listening to the noises filling the Great Hall. Suddenly, he feels a tap on his shoulder. Looking up, he stares into the bright grey eyes of Cedric Diggory.

   Cedric looks at George, "Can we talk? It's about Y/n."

   George shoots up, "What do you know?"

   Cedric takes a seat in between Fred and George, "After Harry fell, and she was taking your brooms back, I followed her because I wanted to apologize for what I said to you." He stops, looking at the three boys, who are listening intently. "I saw your older brother corner her, and gave her something. I think it's Amortentia."

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