Chapter 47

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    George may have forgiven me. I think it has more to do with the fact I may die if any one outside of us finds out about the Mark. Fred on the other hand, isn't so forgiving. I should be thankful the others have started treating me the same. But Fred, he's my best friend. We use to be inseparable before this.

   I slam my hand on the table, "Freddie, we need to talk." I'm fed up with the small jives and dirty looks.

   He huffs, "You may have the others fooled, but not me. Now leave me alone to eat."

   "Freddie, you can't keep treating Y/n like this," George groans.

   "She's your best friend," Ron added.

   "I'm going to eat in my room," Fred storms off.

   I sink back into the chair, shoving my face in my hands. The all too familiar hand of George rests on my back, drawing circles. "He's still really hurt, Y/n. I think he just needs to sit with you and you explain. I think he's more worried than he is letting on."

    I shrug, "I can't talk to him if he never stays in a room with me more than two minutes."

    Ginny says with a mouthful, "He hits something every time Y/n talks to him too."

     I groan, rolling my eyes, "Exactly, he hates me now!"

    George springs up, "I have an idea!" He grabs my hand and rushes out to the back yard.


    Fred tries to relax in his bed, his apatite diminished. He spreads out, but he can't stop the thoughts in his head. His hands curl into fists, clenching the sheet in them. He isn't mad at Y/n. He's worried about her. How could his best friend do something so stupid? She is going to ruin her life, and in turn ruin his whole family. He doesn't know what he would do if she was gone forever.

   He can't stand being around her, because he wants nothing more than to go back to how things were before. To just invent new concoctions and try them out on unsuspecting first years. To ride around on there brooms, go to Hogsmeade, and listen to that Muggle music she introduced to him. 

   His whole family has just accepted her back. He wants desperately to be able to hug her again, hold her in his arms, and know she is safe. He misses his best friend, and it pains him to be so cold with her. He just doesn't know how to open up about how he has been feeling. He's never been good at saying what's on his own heart.

    A tap at the window shakes him out of his thoughts. "Hey pretty girl," he coos to the unfamiliar owl as he lets her in. He looks curiously at the owl, before it hops down onto his bed.

   In front of Fred's eyes, the owl turned into his best friend. Fred's mouth opens wide, his eyes almost popping out of his head, "Y/n."

   Her hands go up, "Please, Freddie, this was the only way I could get into the room to talk to you."

   His hands go over his face, into his hair, "I can't believe you. Get. Out. Now." He can see his words cut through Y/n. All he wants is to go and hug her, but he can't.

   Y/n stands her ground, sitting on the bed, "No. I'm not leaving until we talk."

   Fred crosses his arms. He sits on the opposite side of the bed, facing away from her. In a low grumble, "Talk."


   I can't believe this actually worked. I was weary when George suggested it. I stare at the back of Fred's head. I take a deep breath in, then out. "Freddie. I know I have hurt you. I'm so sorry. I just want things back to normal, to before Diggory died, but that can't happen. One thing I've learned though; we can't go back to normal. Nothing is normal anymore. The Ministry still doesn't believe that Voldemort is back. We are the only chance we have at not going under. Harry is our only chance. I had to go and do this. I needed to do something for Diggory."

   Fred stands, still not looking at me, "That's just it isn't it Y/n? You never thought about us, just how you needed to go and do something because Cedric died."

   My mouth goes wide, and I stutter, "Freddie- I- No. All I've been doing is thinking about you and our family. This is all for us. I love you so much Freddie." I get on my knees on the bed, crawling over to him, "I'm scared, Freddie. I'm so scared."

   I close my eyes, holding in the tears. I feel his weight on the bed beside me. I look up through my tears, his eyes are filled with tears as well. His voice is strained, "I'm scared to lose my best friend again. I don't know if I can handle it."

   I grab his hand, holding it tightly, "I can't lose anyone else, Freddie. That's why I had to do this. Dumbledore and Snape have assured me they both are looking out for me. And I won't have to go to many meetings. I'm scared though, every time I go to a meeting I just wanna break down and cry. I can't do this alone though. I need you, and my family to be by my side or I might break." My voice collapses at the end.

   I can't see anything, my tears completely obscure my vision. I feel his arms wrap around me, and a drop fall on my forehead. My arms instinctively snake around his broad torso. I can hear his irregular breathing and fast heartbeat. His chin rests on the top of my head as we both let out the sobs and cries that have been holding us back. 

A/N: Hey guys! I've been a little sick the last couple of days, just a constant migraine. I've been putting out a chapter a day for awhile, so I'm going to be taking a few days off just to draft the next few chapters! Thank you so much for going on this journey with me and I will see you soon!

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