Chapter 53

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   It's been a few weeks since the incident with George getting crazy about where I was. We made up for the most part. I haven't had to go to any Deatheater meetings, yet. Severus has been acting flighty lately so I'm sure something is coming. I look up at the ceiling, listening to my records when a knock comes at the door.

   I groan getting up and opening the door, "Oh, hey Hermione!"

   Her lips are pursed, "Hey, Y/n. Professor Snape is outside the common room and asked if I could come and get you. He seems upset."

   I roll my eyes, "Great. Thanks Hermione."

   I pull on a jumper and rush down the stairs not knowing what to expect. I even rush right by a confused looking George. 

   "Miss Y/ln," Severus greets me once I am out of the doorway, "It seems the Malfoy's eagle owl could not find Miss Amelia so he came to me." 

   I take the letter from his hand, ripping it open. My eyes scan the parchment:

    Miss Amelia,
     We would love to have you for dinner this evening. Draco will be there and I feel he needs more reassurance about his upcoming Marking day. 
    Kind regards,
     Narcissa Malfoy

   I let out an audible moan, "Severus," I hush my voice, "I can't go to dinner there. Not alone. And I have plans with George."

   "Mr. Weasley will have to wait. It would be suspicious not to attend a dinner with them," he sneers. "Bellatrix would love to tell the Dark Lord about your absence, especially since he asked you directly to help with Mr. Draco."

   "If I have to go alone I'll mess up. I'll mess up everything!" I start to hyperventilate and sweat thinking about dinner alone with the Malfoy's and Bellatrix.

   Severus pulls me around a corner, away from prying eyes. "Listen to me Y/n!" His voice softens, "Breathe in. Breathe out. I need you to calm down." I listen to his instructions as I feel my heart beat slow down. He grins, "Good. Now we have been working diligently on Occlumency and you are, dare I say, almost as good as I am. You will do fine, but you need to go. If you don't the whole mission will be a complete waste of time."

   I sigh, pulling at the sleeve of my jumper, "George is going to explode, but you are right. The sake of the wizarding world and Dumbledore's mission can't be stopped now."

   Severus smirks, "Good girl. Now go and get ready. You'll have to wear something nice."

  I groan again as he swishes away. I lean up against the stone wall, hitting my head a little to shake off the feeling of regret. I pull my sleeve up, just enough to see the dreaded Mark. This will be the death of me.


   George's face is red with rage, his hands balled into fists. I cower on his bed, "I'm sorry George, but I have to go."

   Through gritted teeth he seethes, "We were suppose to go out tonight. Just us."

  I pull my legs up, "I know, Georgie. You know how this is though. Until He is defeated... I have to do my best to be Amelia and go when I need to."

   He shakes in place, "I don't want you to go."

   "Loverman," I coo, trying to diffuse the tension, "I will be okay, but I have to go. He won't be there, so it will just be the Malfoy's to deal with."

   He sits on the bed, head low, "That's almost worse. I know how grimy Lucius is, especially with gorgeous women."

   I stifle a giggle, "Do you think Amelia is gorgeous?"

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