Chapter 29

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   A small knock awakes me from my slumber. I turn over, picture still in hand, to see Miss Molly's curly red hair poke into my doorway. She looks disheveled, but her lines of worry relax a bit as she sees me in my bed.

   In her sweet, motherly voice she says, "Sweetheart, can I come in?"

  I nod, moving so my back is against the wall and my arms are wrapped around my legs, chin resting on my knees. She cautiously comes over, sitting next to my feet on the bed. Gingerly she places her hand on mine, rubbing slightly. We sit in a comfortable silence until I speak up.

   "I'm sorry I left without a note or anything. I just wanted to come here for a bit, to be alone."

   She smiles, happy that I am opening up to her, "It's okay sweetie. You just had us a bit worried. George came downstairs in such a huff, you'd think he'd lost his head. After searching the house, I had a feeling you might be here, so I left the boys to search and made my way here. I know I'm not your real mother, but I figured I'm close enough if you needed a chat."

  Her words brought tears to my eyes, "Miss Molly, you are so much like a real mum to me. You've treated me with more kindness than I could ever repay. I am privledged to have you as my mum, real or not. I think just all the talk the other day about Mr. Arthur taking all his kids to the Quidditch World Cup, just made me miss my dad."

   "Y/n, you know you are going as well! Hermione and Harry will be here too! Our family doesn't always mean blood, that's why your mum and dad were so close as well. You know, this one time your dad took the older boys on a trip to the Muggle zoo, while your mum took you younger ones,  just so Mr. Arthur and I could be alone. When we got back they told us they didn't need anymore kids, because adding our crazy ones into the mix was like having more of their own."

   I smile and giggle, moving to hug her. "I love you so much."

   "I love you too!" She squeezes me tight and whispers in my ear, "I'm so glad Georgie ended up with a great girl like you." I smile into her shoulder, and we head back to the Burrow.


   The day has arrived for the World Cup, and I'm the first one up and about besides Mr. Arthur and Miss Molly. I help pack up our food supplies, and recheck the Twins and I's bags. An owl taps at the window and I notice it as the Diggory's old, tawny owl named Boo, which Diggory named when he was little.

   "Hey Boo! Is this for me?" I take the letter and give her a good scratch before she is off.

   Seems as though we will be seeing each other in a short time. Can't wait to see you again. Tell lover boy that I get to sit next to you as well, and not to monopolize you the whole time.
   Your Diggory.

   I laugh and shove the letter into my jeans. We've been keeping in touch, so I know he and his father are joining all of us. George still gets irritated by how much we write to each other, but he did help them find out what Percy was giving me, so he's been okay. Fred thinks it's good to have some jealousy in the relationship, but I don't know what George has to be jealous of. Cedric Diggory and I will only ever be close friends.

   "Morning my love," George's husky morning voice says in my ear as his long, thin arms wrap around me. 

   I turn around to face him, brushing his long hair out of his face. I kiss his nose, "Don't you want a haircut soon?" I say coyly, because he knows I enjoy it long. 

   He giggles, a sound that makes me swoon, "Shouldn't you change into your Irish colors?"

   I kiss his lips, wrapping my hands around his neck. Pulling away, my hair is green with highlights of orange, for our favorite team. "Better?"

   "Ireland wish their mascot was as pretty as you," Fred said as he entered the kitchen slapping his twin on the back. "Are we ready to go?" Just then all the other came stumbling down the stairs. We filled up on toast and eggs, then were ushered out the door.


    We walked for what seemed like an eternity, still too early for us to have any normal conversation. Suddenly, Mr. Arthur stops as he seems a tall man with a ruddy face walking towards them. 

   "Ah Amos! Hello there," Mr. Arthur says extending his hand. "Where's your boy?"

   I let go of George's hand as Diggory himself jumps from the tree and of course lands gracefully. I run up to him, embracing him in a big bear hug, "I missed you, Diggory!"

   He squeezes me tighter before we let go, "I missed you too, Y/LN. Also you know I like Cedric better."

   I smirk dragging him over to George and Fred, "Yea, I know. Everyone calls you Cedric though. Diggory is much cooler."

   "I like the hair color by the way." He shakes hands with George and Fred, until he notices Harry. "And is this Harry Potter?"

  They've only met on the Quidditch field, and have never talked. The ambiance of Harry being who he is has worn off on me. He's a great kid and I like to think of him as much of my little brother as Ron, and I would do anything for him. Cedric of course has to introduce himself, along with his father, and then we are off to the port key.

   Diggory stands next to me, as George makes sure to have his arm around my shoulders. We talk about the summer, his extra activities he has been up to, and how he is enjoying being able apparate any time he wants. He pokes me as we reach the top of the hill to the port key, "That means I can come to visit you anytime you write."

   George growls, "I'm right here Cedric."

   Diggory puts on his famous smile, "Oh I know. I will visit you too."

  I laugh holding onto George, and smacking Diggory's back, "Oh shove off Diggory. Georgie owns my heart."

  George looks down at me, blushing, "Love, you own mine as well."

   Diggory and Fred make fake belching noises, laughing, and racing up the rest of the way. Everyone goes to grab the port key that looks like an old boot, which is not a great way to travel in my opinion. We all have to yell at Harry, because we forgot he didn't know how to use a port key. The whirling feeling of being pushed and sucked into a deep hole, enveloped me, and abruptly we are spit out onto the green grass. Below as far as the eye can see is tents, thousands spread out, and in the distance is the stadium for the World Cup. Astonishment and amazement  etched in all our faces.


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