Chapter 67

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*May 1, 1998

   "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May. I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way," I sing in a whisper as I rock Baby L in my arms at the Burrow.

   "My boy, my boy, my boy, talkin' about my boooyy," George's chin sits on my shoulder, changing the lyrics of our favorite song.

   I chuckle, switching him to my other arm, "Georgie, don't be so loud. I finally got him to sleep."

  George kisses my cheek, "I know. I was watching you with him."

  I roll my eyes before laying Baby L in the makeshift cot in George's old room. He takes my hand and pulls me out the room. We hurry down the stairs where the rest of the Order is sitting.

   Tonks looks up from her conversation with Remus, "Is he asleep?"

  I nod, smiling, "Yep, just took three rounds of 'My Boy' for him."

  Remus smirks, "You've got him so use to that song. Dora and I have had to start singing it."

  "Y/n would have everyone sing it if she could," Fred gets up and throws an arm around me and George. 

   The door bangs open. We all turn to see Percy walking through. An audible gasp escapes all our lips. Miss Molly rushes to his side, closing the door.

   Percy's lips are pursed, the worry etched in his face, "Hello, everyone. I heard you may need more people to fight."

  Mr. Arthur steps up, "Did you decide to finally join the right side?"

  Fred's chest puffs out, "We don't need a rat like you here Percy." 

  I breath in, holding Fred back, "Freddie, he's right. If we are going to defeat Voldemort and his followers, we need everyone we can."

  Percy gives me a slight smile, but I turn away and stand behind Remus and Tonks. She squeezes my shoulder. The other's start to mutter as Percy, Mr. Arthur, Miss Molly, and Kingsley go into the other room.

  George whispers fiercely in my ear., "We can leave. We can kick him out."

  Fred joins, "I'll kick him out myself. Just let us know what you need us to do."

  I twist my hands together, and rub my face, "No. I'm okay. We really do need everyone for this. I think you forget, I know how many of them there are, and it's so much more than us."

   They glance at each other before nodding. 


   Percy walks up to me, clearing his throat. "Can we talk, please, Y/n?"

  Tonks steps in between us, "She doesn't have to talk to you."

  "I know. That's why I asked," he mumbled. 

  I place a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, Tonks."

  Her eyes are daggers as she walks away. My face and voice stay cold, "What is it, Percy?"

  His eyes shift down, "I just wanted to deeply apologize to you for what I did when we were younger. You don't have to forgive me. I just want you to know a lot has changed."

  I breath in, sighing on the breath out, "Thank you, Percy. And you are right. I won't forgive you, but I can be civil with you."

  His eyes crinkle, "That's all I ask."

** May 2, 1998

  "We have to go now!" Freddie gathers up our jackets and wands.

  My heart is racing and I can feel the sweat on my brow. I pull on my jeans, t shirt, and my jean jacket. George rushes to put his clothes on. He looks at me, "Y/n, probably should change that hair to short so you don't have to worry about it."

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