Chapter 2

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"George, Fred, Y/n," Miss Molly says hastily holding onto my mum, "Keep close and run directly into the wall. Don't worry, you know the drill."

This wasn't my first time going to the Platform. My mum had watched Ginny and Ron one year so I could go and see the older boys off with the Twins and Miss Molly. But I can honestly say that it never got old, seeing others run into a wall and coming out to a secret train on the other side. I look everywhere in awe, as other families hussle to get on the train. My mum and Miss Molly were right behind us three, my father and Mr. Arthur volunteered to stay behind with the little ones.

I feel a hand toss my purple hair, and a gruff voice speaks from behind me, "Ready for your first year Little One."

I spin around already knowing I am going to look up at the face of Charlie, "Hey Char! Yea, alittle nervous, but happy I have you and the others to help out and see me off!"

George and Fred clear there throat, "Hey what about your own brothers!"

Charlie laughs, "I see you everyday, and Y/n only every other day! And she's a girl, so she needs more of looking after."

I frown at that, Charlie has always thought I was soft, even though I keep up with the boys just as well. I do enjoy when he acts protective over me though, even if it is just in a brotherly way.

George gets in between me and his older brother, "Don't you say that about her. Y/n is just as tough if not tougher than all of us, she's had to be living down the hill from us! And she's more magical than you are and she hasn't even been to Hogwarts yet!"

"Woah there Georgie, no need to be fiesty. Your girlfriend knows I'm just messing with her."

George and I both blush. He's only saying that because we both are close, and George always sticks up for me. I am saved by the whistle, and quickly give hugs and good byes to my mum and Miss Molly, promising to write.


I stand nervously, holding my best friends' hands in mine, in the middle of the Great Hall, staring around at the moving ceiling. Professor McGonagall is holding the hat that will sort me into my house, and all I can do is hope I get the same house as my friends and their family. As my name is called, I reluctantly let go of Georgie and Freddie's hands, slowly making my way to the stool.

"Hmm curious. I see great potential in you little witch. Very cunning, a trickster. Smart and friendly. Very brave though, and family is important you you."  I am caught off gaurd by the voice in my head, the only image I can think of is my red headed second family. Suddenly the hat shouts out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

I can't help but jump off the stool and smile ear to ear as I hear the Twins shout and see Charlie waving me over to him. I skip down the row and take a seat beside him and across from Percy, waiting for my best friends to have their turn. The Sorting Hat barely touched Fred's head before he was sorted into Gryffindor as well, and the same happened to George.

Freddie and I  high fived, while George squeezed in between Charlie and I. I huffed, knowing he did it just to annoy me, but I was  so happy being with them all that I didn't mind too much.


I run after George in the common room, "You buggert! Get back here with that you lousy, no good rat! I will murder you George Weasley!" I grab at him as he dodges me, holding a book right out of reach from me.

He laughs, "Now, now Y/h! I'm shocked. I thought we were best friends! And we never have secrects, so why can't I read whatever is in this book?" He's enjoying taunting me after he saw I was writing something about Charlie in my diary.

I growl and lunge at him, but he skids away and I tumble into the wall head first. I grab my head and moan. Fred runs over to help me up, while George stands there shocked that I actually got hurt.

"Freddie get her to the infirmary to be checked out, we don't need to have to write Mum or Miss Becca about Y/n getting a concussion before Christmas break," Charlie yells from the doorway. "And George how dare you take her diary! The girl needs some privacy, you can't be doing that little brother."

George isn't listening, he just looks after Fred and I as we disappear out the door. He hangs his head and nods. "Can I go with them Char? I need to make sure she is okay," he says in almost a whisper.

Charlie nods grabbing his younger brother's shoulders so George looks him in the eyes, "I think you owe her an apology as well, if you still want her to talk to you after this."


In the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey gives me a potion to help with any headaches and dizziness.

"I'm not talking to him again Freddie. I don't want to be his friend anymore. He took it too far." I say to half of my best friend as I fold my arms in defiance.

Fred puts a hand on my knee and looks at me with a twinkle in his eye, "You know you don't mean that. And yes, Georgie is a dumb bloke for trying to read your diary, but it's only because he knows you are writing about Char. Georgie fancies you, and you fancy Char. It's simple."

I huff, "You sound like a grown up."

He laughs and turns towards the door noticing George standing there, diary in hand. "Well, this grown up is going to go back up to the tower so you children can talk."

I roll my eyes, feeling George's weight on the bed beside me, and my diary fall gently on my lap. A few minutes of silence go by before he murmurs,"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean for you to get hurt or to make you that mad."

I sniff, cinnamon, he always smells like cinnamon and explosives. I look up and see a sad and ashamed George, so I take his hand, "Gerogie, you are stupid, but I love you goof ball! I forgive you."

He smiles wide and pulls me into a hug, "Friends forever?"

I nod into him, knowing that I would never throw away two of the most important people in my life.

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