Chapter 76

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*September 10, 2005

      I quickly pack a small bag of snacks, bottles, diapers, and wipes. I groan, "George, are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

   He looks away from the tv, "Of course not. Why would I want to go and talk to a bunch of dead people's pictures?"

   I roll my eyes, "You know this means a lot to me. I just wish you would come once."

  His voice is seething, "I don't want to and you won't make me."

  "I wasn't making you," I whisper. "Can you at least change Freddie so I can finish doing this?"

  He sighs, "Come here, Freddie boy. Mum's making you go on this stupid adventure with her and Teddy, but then you get to come back to your awesome daddy."

   Teddy emerges from the bathroom, "I don't want to go either."

   I stop packing, "Oh, Teddy Bear! It will be good, and you get to see Miss Minnie!"

  He smiles at that, "Miss Minnie has the best goodies!"

   George chuckles, "She sure does."

  I smack the back of George's head, "Shut it, Weasley."

  He hands me Freddie, kissing his forehead. He scoops up Teddy, "Just go and try to be good. I'll be here when you get back."

   He goes back to the couch, ignoring me for the show. I sigh, "Come on Teddy, let's go."


   The walk from Hogsmeade normally doesn't take this long, but carrying a 5 month old and a 7 year old, who likes to drag his feet, makes for a longer than normal journey up the winding hill. I switch Fred into my other arm, balancing him on my hip.

   "Teddy Bear, please pick up your feet. Your grandmother just bought those shoes!" I roll my eyes looking down at the dirtiest shoes I've ever seen.

   "I didn't ask for new shoes, Auntie!" Teddy whines, "Why did we have to come today?"

  I sigh. Normally Teddy looks forward to our Hogwarts visits, but this year he hasn't said anything positive about it. I stop, rubbing my eyes with my free hand, "Miss Minnie loves when we visit, and you get to see your parents."

   He whips around, eyes narrow, "They aren't my parents. They are just a painting. I don't know why I have to come, but Unc never does to see his brother's painting!"

   I wince at his words, "You know the portraits at Hogwarts are the most realistic. They hold memories from the people they portray. I would be so happy if I had this opportunity with my dad." My voices wavers, "And Unc isn't ready to do this. I'm sorry, Teddy. You don't have to come next time."

   His eyes close as he breaths in deeply, "It's fine, but I don't want to see them. I can just stay with Miss Minnie."

   My shoulders shrug, "That's fine. I understand."

  He seems content with my response and starts to walk briskly up the hill. The tall castle comes into view and he sprints to the half-giant awaiting us.

   I smile, "Hagrid! I'm so glad to see you!"

  He leans down, peering into the orbs of Fred, who grabs and yanks at his beard. 

  "Oof! Little bugger ain't he? Looks just like those Weasley twins!" Hagrid holds out a finger that Fred grabs, his fingers barely make it halfway around. 

   "He does. A spitting imagine of the both of them!" My head goes back with a chuckle. 

   Hagrid's eyes go to the timid boy, "And this is Lupin's boy?" Teddy nods as Hagrid continues, "Can change like his mum and you I see." He beams at me again, Well, better run off now. Headmistress is waiting for you."

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