Chapter 14

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The next morning I rolled over, relieved that I had actually slept, but startled to see Georgie still here. I almost thought what happened last night was a dream. He looks so peaceful sleeping there. His arm is draped around me, his features are so soft, and his breathing is steady. I place my hand delicately on his cheek, rubbing his face with my thumb, and moving my hand up his neck and into his hair. I could get use to waking up next to him. This almost makes the pain bearable.

As I'm trying to soak in every freckle on his face, Georgie starts to stir. I take my pointer finger and go over his eyebrows, coaxing him awake. His green eyes flutter open and a smile plasters his face, "Good morning, sweetheart." His gruff morning voice sends chills down my spine as he kisses my forehead. I can feel my face flush.

I look into his eyes, searching for any sign of him being scared by my black eyes, but surprisingly I don't see any fear. "Georgie, what color are my eyes?"

He wiggles a bit at this question, before sitting up on his elbow with his hand holding his head. He takes his other hand and brushes away my hair, "They are a deep onyx, like the beautiful stone."

I sigh laying back so I am staring at the ceiling. "I was hoping they would go back to normal. I've tried for days, but I've also tried to turn into a bird to fly away forever."

"Y/n, this isn't just going to go away, but I promise I won't leave you, and you better not turn into a bird to leave me either. You really do mean so much to me. I'm sorry I even almost gave up on you. On us," George moved so he was straddling me and looking down at me. I smile up at him, right before I scream in hysterics because he has held me down to tickle me.

"Oof, shut up! Some of us are trying to keep sleeping," a voice shouts up from the floor.

I roll over and hang my head over grinning at the make shift bed he made on the floor, "Morning, Freddie!"

He smirks before jumping on the bed with George and I. We sit in a comfortable silence, until the pain hits me, the memory that I lost my dad. I slump down, throwing my head back to keep the tears in. George and Fred give each other a look, nodding.

"Do you want me to get you some breakfast? Or tea?" Fred sounds hopeful, as he knows his mum hasn't been able to get me to eat.

"I don't think so. I want to check on my mum though if that's alright?" I look at George, and he smiles and gets up, extending his hand. I take it and we tiptoe across the cold floor to my mum's room.

I look through the crack and see she isn't in her room, so I open the door wise and walk to the bed. Sitting on the nightstand is a note, Y/n, written on the outside. I take it cautiously in my hand and sit on her bed. George comes and drapes an arm around me. I open it to read my mum's gentle hand writing.

My Dearest Y/n,
I have spoken to Miss Molly and you are to stay with the Weasley's for the summer. Mummy has some issues to take care of, and I'm afraid that if I stay, I will take you down a dark road. One I could not bear to take you with me. So you need to be strong for me. But for yourself as well. Your father was so proud of you. I will always be with you. And the Weasley's love you as their own, so be safe my dearest one, and mummy will be back soon.
I'll love you for always,

I finish reading it, and crumple it in my hand throwing it to the ground. George wraps his other arm around me, and pulls me close. "Y/n, you have to breathe!" George says in my ear. I didn't even notice I was holding my breathe until he said it, which made me start to breathe heavier.

"I have to talk to your mum." George tries to get me to come back, but I go straight out the door, down stairs, and make my way up the hill to confront Miss Molly.

She must have sensed me coming, because she was already outside waiting for me. I sat at the table with her, crumpets and tea in front of me. I don't know what to say, so I sit and take a sip of tea, which seems to please Miss Molly. She hands me a crumpet. I take it, looking down at the tasty delight, but not being able to bring myself to eat it.

"Why did she leave me?" I ask still staring at the crumpet.

Miss Molly exhales before setting her tea down and taking my hands in hers, "Y/n, your mother loves you so much, and she loved your father just as much. This has taken it's toll on you and her. Your mum never told you, but before you and your father she was into some terrible things, and she started back up after your father passed. She needs to go to a special muggle place to hopefully help, and for now you will be under my care, and stay here with us, but of course you can always go to your house as well. I love you like my own daughter, Y/n. And you will always have us."

I'm shocked at this realization that my mum did anything like that before me. I mean she was drinking, but that's normal right? The pain in my chest is tightening. I grip Miss Molly's calloused hands and shake my head, agreeing with this arrangement. Her features soften as she give a slight smile, patting my leg she says, "Now go pack some things to keep here. I'll even make a cot in the Twins' room for you."

I get up and make my way back to my childhood home, the white fence and blue shutters a reminder of all I lost. The swing set my dad built and the garden my mum and I would plant lilies at every year. The weeds have overgrown the garden, and the swing set needs a good painting, but all of that seems frivolous at this point. Instead of going back in my house, back to my friends, I go to the old oak tree, and climb to the top, where I sit and think.

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