Chapter 11

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It's been two long, miserable, lonely weeks. I'm either in class or my bed. At dinner, which is the only meal I don't miss, I sit with the Hufflepuff quidditch team, only because Diggory has turned into nice company. I feel alone, George won't even look at me. I can't stand to look at him, because all I think about is him implying I was leading Percy on. Even Fred has avoided me.

I guess it's no one's fault but my own. I haven't given him a chance to talk to me. The fact that I still don't know whether Fred was in cahoots with George over switching identities. I need to figure that out, and so I head up to the Owlery to find my Artemis.

She's an older owl, I found her second year outside Hogsmeade. She had obviously been abandoned. Back then she was missing feathers and underweight, now her colors are beautiful resembling a peacock. She's a sweet owl, to me and my parents, but anyone else she'll snap at in a heartbeat.

"Hey pretty girl," I say as I give her a scratch. "I need you to take this to Fred, the one with the straighter nose, please just Fred." I hope she understands me, because I'll be damned if George gets that note. I go and sit on the window sill, waiting.

**Fred and George

Artemis swoops into the Great Hall, catching the attention of two red-heads. No one knows if she really knows if she knew which twin she dropped the letter down for, but both of them grab it. Pulling it back and forth, almost ripping it.

"Fred, it's Y/n! It's mine!"
"You won't even look at her after you lied to her acting like me and wanted to be a bloody fool towards her over our stupid brother. She wouldn't talk to you."

George lets go of the letter, sulking into his seat. He feels terrible for thinking Y/n had anything to do with Percy, but she's the one who ran off, and when he went after her... Well Diggory is everyone's dream. He couldn't compare to him. He figured this relationship with his best friend would be easy, but it's proving to be a lot harder than he ever imagined, maybe he did bite off more than he could chew.

Fred opens the letter, and quickly reads it, "Freddie, please meet me in the Owlery. Y/n." He looks at his brooding twin. He's just as mad at George as Y/n is, because George pretended to be him to confront her. Also the fact George even had the nerve to say Y/n had anything to do with Percy. She's been ignoring him as well, or avoided, but he hasn't wanted to pry. What happened is a something he never had to deal with, but he still knew his brother was being insensitive. He also knew his best friend needed him, so without a word to George he left for the Owlery.


I'm lost in my thoughts, tears rolling down my face. I can't help but think this could all be my fault. Someone who I thought of as an older brother tried to take advantage of me, and my boyfriend thought I was to blame. My boyfriend, who I grew up with, who has always protected me, who is supposedly my best friend. This is exactly why I didn't want to get in a relationship with him in the first place. I never wanted to ruin my friendship with George and Fred, but it looks like that is exactly what's happening. My hair falls in my face, jet black, figures. I don't bother tucking it behind my ear, until I hear the familiar footsteps come behind me. Fred is worried, his forehead is furrowed as he sees me sitting there on the window sill, a little too close for his liking.

"Hey Y/n," he says in a murmur.

I look up at my best friend, and he gasps. My eyes are completely black, I only know because I saw in my reflection in the window. His reaction makes me sob. I am a monster. Fred runs up to me and throws his arms around me as I crumble to the ground, my breathing is rushed, chaotic. The world is closing in on me as I feel my heart shatter at the thought of loosing Fred too.

Fred realizes I'm having a panic attack, so he puts his hands on my cheeks, pulling my face up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Breathe, Y/n. It's okay, it's just a panic attack. I need you to focus on me. Focus on my breathing. In. 1,2,3. Out. 1,2,3."

I listen to him, focusing on his eyes and words. I breathe when he tells me, until my heart rate slows, and my breathing is back to normal. I hold onto Fred's shirt, feeling the fabric ball up into my hands. He pulls me close, and I can feel his heartbeat just as fast as mine. I can feel his breath on my neck, sending goosebumps down my spine. I pull away just enough to rest my forehead on his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Freddie," my words come out broken.

Fred moves so our foreheads are touching, his hands on my shoulders, "Y/n, don't you ever be sorry for something like this. I was just scared you might hurt yourself, or pass out. I'm just glad I got here."

I nod, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. "I've missed you so much. I feel stupid for all of this, but I have to tell you something." Fred nods, squeezing me one last time before letting me go so I continue to talk. "I talked to Diggory, about going home early, and he said Dumbledore sometimes agrees if the student has good marks, and has a valid reason." I stop looking up, making sure he is listening before I drop my bombshell. "I did talk to Dumbledore, and well I'm going back home tomorrow morning to start break early."

Fred looks at me incredulously, "What? Why?"

I knew he wouldn't take it well, "I just need to be away for awhile. I can't stand seeing Percy, and the way George looks at me. He thinks I led Percy on and he pretended to be you!"

He looks furious at this, and growls, "I already told the prick off for that one. He knows he can't get away with that."

I laugh a bit at that, "But that's just it. That shouldn't have happened and I think an extended summer would be great for me. And I'll have my birthday at home. I really have been neglecting mum and dad."

"That's true. Are you going to tell George?"

Fred was always understanding. I know he meant no harm asking if I would tell George. I shook my head no, "And I'd like it if you didn't mention it as well."

He looks at me with his lips drawn tightly, nodding.

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