Chapter 73

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*January 2005

   "I still don't understand why you want to go to the Muggle doctors for this," George groans as he parks the car.

   I roll my eyes, "I love our wizarding world, but the Muggles do have baby care down packed. And today we get to see if Buttercup is a boy or a girl!" His eyes light up at that. He rushes out the door to my side, helping me out. 

   We walk into the room hand in hand, waiting for the doctor to come in.

  "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley! How are we feeling today?" Dr. Thom smiles at us.

   George, who loves this doctor despite his annoyances at Muggle appointments, shoots back, "Morning Doc. I'm ready to see what this baby is!"

    I laugh, "We are doing well, Doctor. I've been feeling Buttercup move."

   Dr. Thom smirks, "That's good! Soon Mr. Weasley should be able to feel the little one as well. Now let's get this machine all set up so we can see the baby."

   George squeezes my hand as the doctor turns the lights off and puts the wand over my stomach. The little blob of our growing baby shows up on the screen. The little hands and feet are moving and stretching.

   "Now, let's get a look," Dr. Thom presses the machine wand into my side. "Ah, there it is."

   I look up, seeing our little baby's legs, "Is that what I think it is?"

   "Tell me it's a boy Doc!" George stands up, looking closer at the screen.

   "Baby Weasley is indeed a boy," Dr. Thom laughs.

   George jumps up, fist bumping the air. "I KNEW IT!" He shouts as he kisses my forehead, "We are gonna have a boy, Y/n!"

   The smile he has on his face is contagious. I smile, waiting for the doctor to be done, "I know. I'm right here, Georgie!"

   Dr. Thom smiles, "Let's get you some pictures printed and then you can be on your way."

*The next week

    "Auntie, when does the baby get a name?" Teddy asks as he rolls a car over my stomach.

   I laugh, "Well, I guess whenever Unc and I decide on one. We haven't really talked about it to much."

   "I like Teddy," he states happily.

   Andy chuckles, bringing in the tea, "Teddy, how would we tell you two apart if you have the same name?"

   "Oh," his voice falls before he perks back up, "I'll just keep my hair blue! Then you can tell us apart."

    I tussle his hair, "That's a great idea buddy, but I think there can only be one Teddy!"

   "I guess I'll just keep calling the baby Baby since you don't have a name," Teddy smirks as he rubs a hand on my stomach.

   He flinches back, "Auntie, your belly moved."

   "Did you feel that? That was the baby saying hi!" I grin as I lead his hand back, "Unc is going to be so upset that you felt him first!"

    Teddy grins, "The baby likes me!"

    Andy smiles at us, "The baby loves you Teddy."

*Later that day

   I sit at the kitchen counter waiting for George to finish dinner. 

   "I can't believe Teddy Bear got to feel the baby first. Maybe he doesn't like his dad already," George grumbles as he sets the plates in front of me.

   I grin, "Georgie, you hush. This baby is going to love you so much. Teddy just happened to be there at the right time."

    "Let's eat, then I'm going to make him move for me," George pushes the plate towards me. We gobble down the food and I clean up the plates.

   I sigh, stretching and head to the bedroom, "I'm so exhausted. Playing with Teddy while pregnant is too much."

   George snorts as we put on our night clothes, "Don't let him know that or it will be the end of his world."

   "He's been going through it. Andy says it's a growth spurt that's making him a bit emotional," I move the quilt and curl into bed.

    "He is getting so big," George snuggles in with me. "Now I need to talk to my son about how he needs to move so I can feel him"

   I lay on my side, pulling my shirt up a bit, "Go ahead."

   George moves close to my stomach, "Hey little buddy! It's your daddy. It would be so nice if you moved so I could feel you. Pretty please?"

   He rests his head on my stomach. I don't notice that he and I are both holding our breath. He puts his hand flush with my belly and presses slightly. I feel it before he does. The slight movement hitting George's head.

   "Was that-" he shoots up, "The baby?"

   I nod, "It was. That was our baby."

  He places both hands on my stomach, feeling the small movements. His eyes twinkle, "This is the best feeling in the world. And you just get to feel this all the time? That's amazing!"

   I chuckle, "It's all fun until he uses my bladder as a trampoline and I almost pee my pants."

  "Y/n," he says as he moves his hands to cup my face, "You are absolutely beautiful and everything I have ever wanted. You are going to be the most amazing mother there ever was."

   "I love you, Georgie," I kiss the top of his head.

   "I love you more," George whispers as he connects his lips with mine.

*February 2005

   I lay on the couch, George's head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair as he traces his fingers over my stomach. The murmur from the TV is ignored as we enjoy the silence between us.

    George moves his head so he looks up at me, "I guess we should start thinking of names for our little guy."

    I hold his face in my hand, "Georgie, there's only one name I have in mind for this guy."

    His face shows an understanding and together with say, "Fred."

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