Chapter 51

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   I stare down at the scars on my arm. Umbridge has had enough with me taking up for others.  Draco keeps a very watchful eye on me, so much that I have been missing DA meetings, because I can't risk the others being found out. I haven't been any help with new products for the joke shop.

    I am not a hero.

   Umbridge is right. I rest my head back on the stone wall of the astronomy tower. I'm not a hero. I'm not even a good friend or girlfriend right now. I stare up at the stars, looking at the wintery sky. The feeling of despair clenches my stomach as I wrap my arms around myself.

   "I thought I'd find you up here, Love," his gentle, familiar voice fills my heart. 

   I chuckle, "You'll always know where to find me, even if I don't want you too."

  I feel his body sit next to me. His arms engulfing me and pulling my back into his chest. His lips find my ear, "We have to pack. We leave tomorrow."

   I sigh, leaning my head into his chest, "I know. I'm just enjoying the sky while I can."

  George moves, forcing me to sit up, "Is this about dad?"

  I look away, back at the stars, "What if they think I knew about it?"

  His hand caresses my cheek, "No one thinks that. We all know you would have told dad if you knew. And he is okay. He's at St. Mungo's and we get to see him on Christmas."

   "I know-" I stop to look at him, "but I still feel guilty."

  George sighs and gets up, extending his hands to me, "Get up."

  I grab his hands as he pulls me in. His humming making my smile as he rocks us back and forth. He twirls me around and in this moment, I forget about the Mark on my arm, and all the evil in this world. My Girl will always be out song. And the astronomy tower our place. And George my man.


    "Hermes, my dear lad! wonderful to see you again!" Sirius pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

  I roll my eyes, patting his back and grinning at the raven haired man, "It's Y/n, but I like the way you say it." He winks at me before moving on to greet everyone else.

   George and I grab our bags and take them up to our rooms. I throw myself down on the bed stretchy out. He climbs on top of me, holding my hands down. His eyebrows wiggle as I squirm under him. His face comes closer to mine kissing me deeply, hands still holding mine down.

   His voice is harsh, "We could have some fun."

   My voice catches, so I try to swallow as he lets go of my arms and moves his hands over my body. His lips attack mine once more. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. My hands roam his back, tugging at the edge of his shirt.

   Suddenly, the door slams open. We both look up as George scrambles off of me. Hermione is standing there, face as red as a tomato, "Oh, um, I'm sorry. Mrs. Weasley told me to come and get you both for dinner." She won't look at us as she starts to back out the doorway.

   I look at George and we both laugh as he plops down next to me. "She's never going to be able to look us in the eyes anymore," he chuckles. 

   I lean over him, kissing his forehead, "I don't think she will even talk to us."


   "Happy Anniversary my Love," his face tickling the crook of my neck. 

   I reach my hand up, rubbing it through his hair, "Happy Anniversary, Georgie."

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