Chapter 50

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     Severus and I's relationship has been rocky since he won't tell Dumbledore about Draco. He also seems to always be around whenever I try to talk to the Headmaster myself. I don't even participate in Potions anymore, which surprises a lot of people considering it was one of my favorite classes. 

   "Miss Y/LN, will you be taking notes today? You know this is one of the top Potions class and this will effect your grades and future," Severus's condescending voice fills the room.

   I look up at him, eyes narrowing. With a smirk, "I will take notes when it is relevant to take them."

   He gasps, "Fifty points from Gryffindor for that mouth Y/N."

  I smile, knowing it was worth it to stand up to him with other students around. I'll find a way to talk to Dumbledore about Draco. Sooner than later.


 "It's okay kid," George's kind voice says, "It won't hurt so bad in a few days."

   "Yea," Fred shows his arm, "See. Ours are already healing."

   They are comforting a first year who is the latest victim of Umbridge. I look at the pair of Twins that most people just think of as pranksters and kids with no plan, but to me, they are the sweetest, and kindest guys around. I see the first year give a slight smile and him mutter something that makes the Twins laugh before he runs off.

   I walk up to them, "What was that about?"

  George wraps an arm around me, "Gavin just needed some encouragement from yours truly."

  Fred rubs a hand over my hair, "What about you Miss Head Girl? Spying on us?"

   I laugh, doing the same back to him, "Actually, we are going to miss our meeting and I was coming to find my two favorite men." I stop to kiss George's cheek, "And then I saw the sweetest sight."

   They both blush and rub a hand through their hair before getting up. Fred holds out a hand, "Let's go Y/n before you make us melt."


    Harry's voice echoes in the Room of Requirement, "Today we are going to learn about a very powerful spell. It will give you a Patronus and you will be able to defend yourself against dark magic. You will have to think of your happiest memory, a powerful memory, and say Expecto Patronum! Now lets all try it!"

   Harry goes first and out of his wand explodes a great Stag. I stand in shock over the others who are all able to do this. My mouth forms a huge smile as I see the Twin's: Magpies, of course, because they can never be apart and our always together. George smiles at me before turning back to his and Fred's Patronus.

   I close my eyes and think back to all the times I danced in the astronomy tower with George. The times of riding on my broom, and scoring for our team. I think about the times I talked to Remus, and laughed with Sirius.  I think about baking with Molly and Ginny. I'm about to cast the spell and open my eyes, when I start to think about my parents, and after the spell is said, nothing happens.

   My shoulders droop as I feel an arm wrap around my waist and lips kiss my neck, "It's okay, Love. Try again."

   I look into his eyes and smile, "I don't know if I can. What if this-" I gesture to my arm, "-makes it so I can't."

   His eyes go dark, "That is no indication of your happiness. No try again."

   Harry comes over, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking at me directly in the eyes, "The first time I tried this spell, I got upset because I was thinking of my parents, but I thought of all the good times and how you have to take the good with the bad. Just think of it that way and you will get it Y/n."

   I pull him in, "Thank you Harry."

   I stand my ground, thinking again of everything good and beautiful in my life, "Expecto Patronum!"

   An amazing, grand Raven sprouted from the end of my wand. I watch in amazement as it flies across the room. George's and Fred's magpies start to fly side by side with mine. The patronuses do aerials and dives together. I start to laugh as George's arm wrap around my front.

   His lips are on my ear, "They are in the same bird species family."

   I don't stop staring at them flying together, "Really?"

   He smiles against my neck, "Yes, they are. It's kind of like even our souls are connected."

   I lean back into him, relaxing into his arms. I turn my head and kiss his lips, a smirk playing on both our mouths.


     I couldn't get what George said out of my head about our souls, so I've been in the library looking up my Patronus. It's just a small section, but it makes so much sense.

   They have a fire to them that represents their need for freedom, and this mostly coincides with their somewhat greedy nature. They are inwardly emotional, and can turn off what they are feeling almost as a switch, if need be.

   I definitely need freedom from this Mark. And I'm greedy as hell for George and my family's acceptance. Lately, I feel like I have been able to shut off my real self with everything going on lately. I lean back into my chair sighing, "This has to be over soon. I don't know how much more I can take."

   "What, Y/N? Can't take the heat of being the most loathsome Head Girl?" The terrible, whiney voice of Draco Malfoy stirs me from my thoughts. 

   I rub my eyes, groaning, "Draco. Just because you are so far up Umbridge's ass doesn't mean we all have to be."

   He smirks, leaning down towards me, "I think you are just jealous that you aren't high on someone's list, Mudblood."

   I slam my fists down on the table, sneering, "Call me that again and I'll end you little boy."

   His mouth grows into a menacing grimace, "You won't be saying that much longer."

  I stand up, my voice barely a whisper, "Going to become a Deatheater like daddy dearest?"

  His eyes grow wide as he backs up, "I don't know what you are talking about."

  "I think you do. And I think you should run along now."

  He turns a ghastly white, buts turns in a hurry and runs off. I know I shouldn't have said that, but he'll never know the truth. I just can't take these ridiculous people anymore. I won't stand for it. And I won't let a kid be turned into a real monster.


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