Chapter 36

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   Hermione, Ginny, and I decide to all go dress shopping together. After getting off the Hogwarts Express, the wind is blowing fiercely against our faces, no matter how much we bundled up, the cold still cut through. My arms pull them both in tighter, "Maybe today wasn't the best day to go dress shopping!" My voice barely visible over the wind. Hermione says something but it is drowned out.

   We finally make it into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions in Diagon Alley. The room is filled with dress robes, just for the Yule Ball, as normally there are Hogwarts robes hung up all over. On one side of the shop there were needles bewitched to hem the bottom of dresses, and pants. The back is filled with gorgeous dresses of every color imaginable, long ones that have a train, short ones that make twirling a dream, sequins, and sleek ones. 

   Our eyes scan the hangers, then a voice brings us back to reality, "Hello ladies! Here for the Yule Ball?" We nod in unison, "Well, take your time, and there are the dressing rooms to your right. If you need any alterations just let me know as well."

   "Thank you!" We say together as we go in separate directions to find our perfect dresses. 

  After several minutes pass, I look at a blue long, flowing dress, it has sequins on the bodice, and a long, lace train. I grab it to try on. A black and white dress draws me towards it, with silver buttons down the stomach, and I grab that one too. Another red dress catches my eye, it's short, about knee length, and has sequined jewels in an intricate pattern over it. 

   "Y/n! Come on we grabbed three to try on first!" Ginny's face pops up from behind the rack I'm looking at. 

   I smile, "Hermione go first!"

   Hermione's first dress is yellow with white stitching to create a sunflower pattern. Ginny and I clap as she goes to try on the next one. It's a Red and black dress, buttons down the back, and short length. She does a twirl and we hoot for her. At the last dress, a sweet periwinkle color, our jaws drop. She blushes at our starstruck faces.

   I gape, "Hermione, that's the one. Krum is going to go crazy over you."

   She sighs, looking in the mirror, "I wish it was someone else going crazy over it."

   Ginny stands up, hugging her, "My brother is a clueless twit. He'll go crazy and get mad at himself, because you will be having fun without him."

   She grins, "You're right! Your turn Ginny!"

  Ginny tries on hers, the first was a no go from the start. It was an ugly puke color. She said how she just picked that out for fun. Once she stepped out in the second dress, we knew she didn't have to try on anything else. The light green and pink looked beautiful on her skin tone, and the folds made it look amazing on her frame.

   Hermione gleamed, "I'm so glad Neville asked you!"

   I give Ginny a hug, "If he didn't ask you I would have so you could have had a grand time with us!"

   Her laugh rings out, "George would murder me if I took his date! Now go on and try yours on!"

   I laugh going into the dressing room. Both girls didn't like the first two dresses. I felt discouraged, but tried on the last one. It slipped over my body like a glove, hugging the right spots perfectly. The short length gave plenty of room for movement. I step out giving a twirl, as the bottom of the dress went out in a perfect twirl.

   Ginny and Hermione stand up to clap. Ginny stares, "Y/n! That is gorgeous! My brother isn't going to be able to contain himself!"

   Hermione grabs me into a hug, then takes my hand to twirl me again, "I'm jealous. This looks magnificent on you! George is going to want to take it off though."

   She winks as I smack her shoulder, "Oh shove it Hermione!" I look back at my reflection, it really does looks amazing. I can't wait for George to see it. I smile at the thought of him taking it off of me by the end of the night.


  Christmas Eve comes, another anniversary with my love. Seeing as the Yule Ball is tomorrow, we decided to have an evening in. I had already gone down to the kitchens and gotten hot chocolate, made by the wonderful Dobby, set up my record player so we could listen to our song, and have the fire blazing. I hear footsteps coming from the boys' dormitory, and looking back I'm greeted by George, fitted in a tight white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. 

   He leans up against the doorframe, arms crossed, a devilish look on his face, "Happy Anniversary, my love." 

  His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. My tattered Guns N Roses tee and fuzzy pants seem inadequate compared to him. I smile, taking in his stature up and down, "Happy Anniversary, Lover man."

   He closes the gap between us, his hands snaking around my waist to pull me into a deep kiss. His mouth inviting and warm. My hands wrap around the back of his neck, twisting my fingers in his hair. I feel a small push as he guides me to the couch, never breaking our lips apart. My knees hit the couch and we fall down.

   My head cracks against the arm of the couch, causing me to grown, then laugh. George stops, "Are you okay, love?"

   I rub the back of my head, it's tender, but not too bad. I nod, pulling him in again. The amount of tension rises. Our heartbeats sync together, hands rub over the others body, completely unaware of our surroundings. 

   Suddenly, George stops his attack on my neck, his hands still running up and down my torso, "I have to get your surprise."

   I whine, pulling him back, my hands on his lower back, "Can't that wait?" My lips rub against his soft ones as I speak, my voice yearning for him not to leave me.

   A sweet kiss is planted on my lips, "I'll be right back."

   I lay on the couch with my arm draped over my face, the burning feeling settled into my lower region. My heart rate slows down as I hear his heavy footfall once again on the stairs. Shifting into a sitting position, I see he has a larger box than I expected. "Georgie, we weren't suppose to get each other anything this year, because of the Ball remember?"

   He smiles meekly, "I know, Y/n, but technically I made this, with help from Mum of course."

  My eyebrows shoot up, "Miss Molly helped you? How?"

  "Well, actually, Artemis helped too. She had to take this back and forth for me, because you know Errol wouldn't have been able to make it." I go to interject, but he puts a slender finger to my lips. "She was rewarded nicely, and Mum made sure she was rested up. Don't worry. I think she is coming around to me as well. But back to business, open this."

   I take the box, undoing the flaps. I pull out an old quidditch jersey of George's, but it has patches sewn on, and words embroidered on it. Not only was it his number and name, but the date we started going out on one sleeve, or initials on the other sleeve, and My Girl written over the heart. I smile up as he looks at me, waiting to see if I like it, "Georgie this is the best present you have ever given me! I love it so much."

   His shoulders relax, and his face softens, "Good because it took bloody forever to get the way I wanted, and I think Mum is done helping me." He moves next to me on the couch, pulling my legs on top of him, and lifting me up so I'm straddling him. I place my hands on his shoulders as he places his on my hips, our lips locking once more. His voice grows dark with lust as he pulls back slightly, and I can feel his lips form a grin, "Now, I know a way you can give me a present and not spend any money." 

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