Chapter 49

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The cool Autumn air whips around my bare arms as I wait for Severus to arrive. I look down at my Mark, trying to rub it away. I hate sneaking out of the common room, especially when the Twins have started to completely trust me. I just can't risk them following me. I stare up at the clear night sky, when I hear a cough behind me.

"Miss Y/LN. It's time," the smoldering voice of Severus Snape commands.

I shake myself into Amelia, "I'm ready." I take his arm and we aparate in front of Malfoy Manor.

"Remember, do not talk unless spoken to and keep your voice low," he instructs as he grasps my arm close to him.

I look up at him, which isn't much since Amelia is taller than me. I furrow my brow, speaking in my Amelia voice, "Oh, Severus, you know just what to say to a girl to make her all giddy." He frowns. I'm sure he hates this charade just as much as I do. I let go of his arm as I walk up to the Manor.

Lucius greets me at the door, wearing the signature Deatheater robes I have grown so accustom too. "Hello, Amelia. You look nice today," he smirks while handing my my robes.

"Thank you Lucius. So good to see you after so long," I wince as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

He leans in whispering, "Yes, too long my dear."

"I'll just let myself into the dinning room," I casually pull away, making my way across the grand room.

I will never get over the sheer amount of space this place has. Normally it's only for three people and their house elves, but now it houses some of the deadliest people in the wizarding war. I enter the huge dinning room, where the table and chairs are set up. Half of the chairs are already occupied.

"Ah, dear Amelia! Back again?" The shrill voice of Bellatrix Lestrange echoes in my ear.

"Hello Bella," I say with a slight smile as I sit down the table from the head chair.

I make small talk with a wizard who I only know as Goyle, presumably that wretched Slytherin's father, who helps Draco tease Harry. We always sit in the same seats during these bigger meetings. I have been taking in all the faces that come in for months now. This is the first meeting I have had to go to since Summer though, and the rankings have started up again. With the impending doom of Hogwarts more and more former Deatheaters are coming. I loose myself in the conversation about Muggles, until I see Severus Snape walk in.

I sigh, the stress of being alone gone. I never thought I would be so relieved to be in the same room as him. We have to act like we don't know each other. That's the only way this plan works. I come in first most of the time, which leaves me vulnerable and scared that at some point someone will look at me and just know. Going in second isn't the best either. Waiting in the foliage outside the gate until it has been a adequate amount of time between Severus going in and when I should arrive. Both are nerve racking and I can't wait to be done with this.

The doors swing open revealing the Dark Lord. A shiver runs up my spine as my skin explodes with goosebumps. We all rise to our feet, bowing slightly until the Dark Lord sits at the end of the table. "Please, sit my followers," he waves his hands as our chairs pull us down.

"My Lord, it is lovely to see you again," Bellatrix squeals with delight.

I hold back my vomit every time she thirsts for any sort of acceptance or applause from Voldemort. He smiles at her before continuing, "I gathered you all here tonight because I have some news." He stops, looking around the table as Nagini slithers up the table and over to him. "We have a new member who will be starting his training this year. Everyone welcome Draco Malfoy into our ranks."

My head whips around to the tall, white haired boy. His mother holds him close. I can't show to much emotion, I'm not even suppose to know who he is. I bite my lip, grasping my thighs in my hands. He looks so scared and timid. I can almost see him shaking. My eyes shoot to Severus. His face is expressionless, like always during a meeting. My eyes dart around, trying to gage the other's reactions. The looks of pride on Bellatrix and Lucius' faces is sickening.

The Dark Lord glides over to Draco, wrapping an arm around him, "I expect us all to look after our young Deatheater during his training and during our meetings. We will have a Marking ceremony during the summer for him."

The crowd claps before being silenced. Voldemort looks at me, "Miss Amelia. I want you to sit with Draco after this and tell him about the Marking. You are one of the newest members. I am so thankful your family left you as a legacy to our cause."

I nod, "Yes my Lord. Draco, I will be more than willing to answer any questions you have."

"Excellent!" He exclaims, "Now back to business!"


Severus nods to me before exiting the Manor. I stay behind to speak to Draco as ordered. I sit on the very uncomfortable leather sofa.

"Would you like some tea Amelia?" Narcissa asks.

"No, Ma'am. Thank you though." I say shifting in my seat as Draco is lead to sit beside me.

"Talk." Lucius orders as he walks away.

I look at Draco sitting next to me. This young boy, only as old as Ron. He doesn't deserve to be roped into this, even if his father is a nit wit. I flex my fingers, "Well, Draco is it? Do you have any questions for me?"

He stares at my arm. His voice shakes, "Does it hurt?"

I rub my arm reliving the event in my mind. The burning feeling that engulfed my whole body when I was Marked. The agony that enveloped my mind as the serpent was seared onto my flesh. But I couldn't tell him that. I giggle a bit, "It doesn't hurt as much as you would think. Anything else?"

He shakes his head, still looking at my arm. I get up, "Well then, I best be off. Thank you Lucius, Narcissa, for the lovely chat with Draco."


"Dumbledore needs to know Severus," I argue as we walk back up to Hogwarts. "A student is being forced into this cult!"

"It is not necessary to tell the Headmaster this yet. Draco isn't even having his ceremony until the summer. We will continue to tell him what he needs to know." Severus hands me my jumper.

I pull it over my head, making sure my arm is covered. I huff, "This is of importance. We can't have a student run around as a Deatheater!"

He stops in his tracks, and almost chuckles, "Do you not remember that YOU are a student here?"

I shake my head, "I'm barely a student. Head Girl, and it's my last year. Draco is Ron's age!"

"Ah yes, your little Weasley brother."

I roll my eyes, "Yes, so he is still a student. And has two years after this!"

Severus looks at me, "I still don't see how that is relevant until young Draco has the Mark."

"Ugh! You are ridiculous, Severus!"

"Goodnight, Miss Y/LN," he sighs as he walks towards the dungeons.

I roll my eyes again, pulling my jumper sleeves down more. I'm ready to go to my bed, and sleep away the frustration from tonight.

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