Chapter 24

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Our last quidditch game of the season is today. It's a nasty day out, no condition to fly in with the pelting rain, but quidditch doesn't just get cancelled. I cling to George's hand, our fingers intertwined, as Oliver gives us our normal pep talk.

"Okay , we need to win this match against Hufflepuff. Harry, I'm counting on you," He tussles Harry's dark hair. "Let's go people."

I slip George a quick kiss for luck as we fly out, the crowd cheering for us. Then I see Diggory, smirking under his googles, I can feel his eyes on me. George flies between us, noticing the stare as well. A look of anger exchanged between the two young men.

The game was off, and I scored, making George holler out for me. Fred comes up giving me a high five. Diggory flies near, yelling something I can't hear, until he zooms off, after the Snitch no doubt. Harry is right behind him.

Everyone pauses, looking after the two seekers. Diggory comes down, almost hitting the ground before he steadies himself out. I scan the sky searching for Harry. A scream comes out from the crowd as I see Harry fall to the ground. I nose dive down to him, jumping off my broom. Madam Hooch is there first, yelling for the Twins to take him back to the infirmary.

I grab their brooms, waving them off with a nod of agreement that I will see them later. Everyone goes their separate ways, Dumbledore on a rampage over the Dementors being inside the grounds. I pass Lupin and give him a slight smile as I go to the locker room to put up our brooms.

As I finish up in the locker room, I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around, knowing who it was before I even locked eyes with his: Percy Weasley. His slender, tall frame loomed over me as I backed up against the wall.

"I have something for you, an apology gift if you will," he said in a twisted voice. He pulls a box of chocolate from behind his back, handing it to me.

I take it briskly, opening the top. "What is this?"

"Obviously it's chocolate," Percy said rolling his eyes, "Go ahead and try one."

I look at him, wondering what is going on. I see his eyes sparkle, it's the same sparkle that George and Fred get when they are up to something, but what could be wrong with chocolate? I take one out of its packaging and pop it into my mouth. The flavor coats my tongue and throat, it's velvety and sweet.

I look at Percy who is smiling, "This is really good thank you." But then, I feel myself go pale, and clasp my hand over my mouth, feeling sick.

Percy closes the distance, rubbing my back. He mutters something about how it will be over soon. And then, I perk up, looking up at Percy. It's different now. I never noticed how handsome he is, his sharp features are immaculate.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Percy's voice is like a melody to my ears.

I smile eyes glazing over, "I am. I'm in love with you, Perc!"

A benevolent smile crosses his face, but all I feel is pure love towards this older Weasley. Neither of us seeing the shadow of a person fade away by the door.

*** George and Fred

"Alright Harry?" George asks, along with the others who gathered by his bed.

Fred continues, "You took quite the fall."

Harry sits up, shaking his head. "I think so. Where are the Dementors?"

"Dumbledore sent them back to Azkaban after the game because they were not suppose to be that close." Hermione chimed in.

As Harry needs to rest, the Twins decide to go back to the tower. George missing Y/n already. They climb the never ending stairs, chit chatting about Y/n and how things are going. Fred knows just how much the two of them mean to the other.

"So Georgie, when's the wedding?" Fred jests at his brother.

George turns red, running his fingers through his hair, "Freddie. If I could marry her now, I would."

Fred smiles and pokes his brother, "I can't wait to be the best man."

At this, they end up in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady. A crowd is gathered, the portrait already open. As the others notice George and Fred, they start to murmur. Angelina looks flushed, and rushes over, pushing George back.

George gasps, "What are you doing Angelina?"

"George, something is wrong, and I don't want you to go in there and freak out." Angelina looks at Fred, worry and desperation in her eyes, as she blocks George from going pass her.

Peeves pops up, "Oh, it's bad boyos, very bad."

Fred moves pass the others, barging his way into the common room. The sight that meets his eyes makes him stop cold in his tracks, a sour taste filling his mouth. On the couch, Percy is sitting with Y/n on his lap, cuddled into his chest. They looked like lovers enjoying the moment. Percy's hands on Yn's leg and around her waist. Y/n's arm around his neck, and the other tracing circles over his chest.

Peeves zooms in, "I told you red head. Very bad."

Fred starts to see red, his face turning the shade of a tomato. His hands ball into fists, his fingernails bury into his palms leaving small cuts. He stomps over to his older brother, and best friend. His voice is full of malice, thinking this has to be some sick joke, "What is going on here, Y/n?"

Y/n looks up at her best friend, her eyes fogging, a deep purple, along with her hair, "Oh, Freddie! I'm just enjoying the nice common room with my Percy-wercy darling. He got me these chocolates, and they are divine." She said before popping another chocolate in her mouth.

Fred's brow furrows. He's thinking how she doesn't sound like herself, as her voice is two octaves higher than normal, or even acting like herself. Her and George will hold hands and kiss, but they don't do this much public affection. He fumes, shooting daggers at his brother, "What did you do to her, Percy?"

Percy laughs, his lips in a tight snarl, rubbing Y/n's back, "Nothing dear brother. Y/n just figured out she was better than your other half. She decided that she wanted a more ambitious man, with morals, and a future to look forward too."

Y/n laughs, and then looks lovingly down at Percy, placing a deep, long kiss on his lips. Fred feels himself tense, turning around to  go and get his twin, trying to figure out a plan as to what is happening. His eyes fall on George in the doorway, Angelina trying to pull him back, his face white as a ghost, his eyes not leaving the sight of Y/n kissing Percy. His heart feeling as though it fell to his feet.

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