Chapter 18

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   The smell of cinnamon pull apart bread seeps into my nose, pulling me out of my slumber. My arm reaches out, but instead of wrapping around the warm body of my love, there isn't anything there. I jolt up, looking around the familiar room, the other bed is empty as well. My feet hit the cold floor before I decide to put on my fuzzy socks from Christmas. I throw on a pair of George's shorts, heading down into the kitchen.

   "Good morning honey," Miss Molly looks up quickly from her cooking. "The Twins had to go out and get some things for me, but they should be back soon. So sit and have some breakfast."

   I smile going over to the stove and pouring a cup of tea. I sit at the table, watching lovingly as Miss Molly pours her soul into her food. She has perfected her craft, not even needing to measure anything anymore. I don't think I will ever be able to do that, even my mum couldn't do what Molly Weasley does. I put my head back, looking at the ceiling. My mum is suppose to come home in a few days, right after the Weasley's leave for their trip to Egypt to see Bill.

   Miss Molly sets a plate of cinnamon bread in front of me, ruffling my brown hair a bit, "Honey, are you sure you don't want to go to Egypt with us? You know Arthur already said you could come."

   I smile at her, both the Weasley parents treat me just like their own child, and I could never repay them for that. "I really appreciate that, but Mum is going to be back the day after you leave, so I think I'll be alright. Plus I still get to hangout here when you are gone right?"

   Before she can answer the door swings open, "Of course you do. Just don't steal all my clothes." The familiar voice of George Weasley exclaims, coming over to sit beside me as Fred sets the bags on the table. 

   I wrap my hand around his, squeezing. He gives me a look of concern, as he knows I've been dreading my mum coming back.

   "She has only called twice, and it's been months since she was first suppose to come back. A whole year practically of her being gone," I sigh swinging down from the tree.
   George puts an arm out to steady me, "But she really is coming back now. My mum even called to check."
   "I know," I cling onto his chest, resting my head on his chest. 
   He kisses my forehead as we stay like that, arms around each other, at peace for just a moment.

   Miss Molly looks at us, "Oh dears, also, I'm making a cake for tonight, since we missed your fifteenth birthdays, what with the whole chamber of secrets at school."

   The three of us smile, there's nothing better than a Molly Weasley cake!


   George's finger is cold to my face as he pushes my hair behind my ear, "Love, are you sure you will be okay?"

   I smile up, kissing the palm of his hand, "My mum will be back tomorrow, plus you are only gone a month, then it's back to school. I promise I'll be okay."

   He clasps my face in both his hands, bending down to kiss me slightly, but I pull him in closer to deepen the kiss. He tastes just like cinnamon. The familiar cough of Fred came from behind me as George pulls away. We smile at each other before I turn to Fred and pull him into a hug, "I'll miss you too, Freddie!"

   "Just make sure Artemis can make the long flight to Egypt, I expect a letter after your mum comes back."

   George nods, and wraps his arm my waist, "And Y/n, if you need to just tell me to come back."

   I roll my eyes, "I'll be fine, but I'll let you know. Now you better go before your mum kills all three of us." George kisses me again before they run off and I wave to them until I can't see them anymore.  I walk out of the station, turning into a blue jay and taking flight, back to the lonely Burrow.


   I sit on my front porch, shorts and a t-shirt, purple hair in a bun sitting high on my head, waiting. After what seems like an eternity, a cab comes into view, stopping at the gate. I jump out, going to help my mum get her bag, but stop suddenly. The cab door opens to reveal a frail looking woman, she has aged so much in just a year, bruises scatter her arms. A warm smile crosses her lips.

   "Hello sweetie," comes an almost unrecognizable voice.

   I swallow, "Hey Mum." I go and wrap my arms around her, feeling all of her bones. Once we let go, I grab her bag and we walk into my child hood home.


   We sit in an awkward silence, sipping on the tea I made. My mum hasn't said much, she looks like a depression has hit her after she looked around the house that she use to think of as a home. I wiggle uncomfortable in my seat.

   "Mum, are you happy to be back?" I say, not knowing if I want to know the answer or not.

   She looks up at me, a frown set into her sunken face, "I just miss your dad. He meant the world to me, and without him my light is out. I never told you, but before him, I was really into drugs and drinking. Loosing him, has made me loose myself again. I know I have you, but you are gone so much. I wondered if I could just leave this life behind and be happy again, but I know I can't leave you. I love you sweetie, it's just so much."

   She started to cry, as I'm wiping my eyes. This is not the mum I know and love, she is broken and I'm breaking just watching her. I know of one thing I can do to help her. I have George and the other Weasley's, who are my own family. I go and kneel next to my mum, pulling out my wand.

   "I love you Mum. Obliviate." I pull out the memories of my dad and I, configuring ones of Hawaii, a place she always wanted to go, but never got the chance. She deserves to be happy again, just like me.

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