Chapter 6

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Slowly coming out of my slumber, I pull the blanket up to my chin, curling more into the soft, warm surface beneath me. Until, I realize that surface is breathing and not as smooth as my bed! I finally open my eyes to see I'm still in the common room on the couch, and on top of George! I try to hastily sit up, but I'm met with his two long arms wrapping around me, pulling me closer. I freeze, scared of being too comfortable in his arms, but also wanting nothing more than to turn and wrap my arms around his torso and cuddle into his neck.

His face buries into the top of my head, "Mooorning Y/n."

"Morning Georgie," I squeak out, hoping he will let me go, but he continues to hold me close. The raspy, cracking voice echoes in my ears and makes my heart swell as he squeezes me closer, if that was even possible. I let myself go and lean my head back so his chin rests on the top. We are both shook out of our little bubble once we hear running down the stairs.

Fred pops out of the doorway from the dorms, taking a picture of us in our vulnerable state. "Morning love birds," he snickers as he runs back up to his room to hide the camera.

We break apart, stretching our limbs. I look over at my best friend, who has grown into a young man before my eyes, realizing that I really do love him more than I can admit. George catches me staring, red heat covering both our young faces.

He smirks, "So are you always gonna have pink hair around me? Cause I'm all for it."

I grab at my hair and pull it so I can see that in deed it is completely pink. I groan and shake it out, turning it to a light blonde. "Shut up. The hair is something harder for me to control."

We both look at each other. George looks deep into my eyes, "Hey, I never knew your eyes changed colors?"

I look at him shocked, because I thought he was about to say something else, "Huh? I don't think they do." I walk to a mirror, shocked to see that my eyes are a light, cherry blossom pink. I blink a few times, this has never happened. I know because I've tried to change them to red for Halloween multiple times. It never worked. Weird.


My eyes went back to normal, when I'm not around George, and it's become a running joke with the quidditch team practice. I know I hurt George's feelings. I had stopped sitting with him during class, would sit in my room instead of the common room with him and Fred. I hate myself for it, because I'm isolating myself from my best friends, over not being able to confess my feelings.

"Y/n, whats up with you?" Freddie pulled me aside before I could go up to my room.
I sigh, holding onto his shoulder, "I think I'm in love with George, but I can't, because I don't want to ruin our trio."
He smiles, "But can't you see he loves you too. And you are ruining it already! You keep ignoring him for the last three weeks and he's upset! Even you are! I know what your hair means, it's always grey, just like after Charlie!"

I think back to that conversation that happened a week ago, wondering if Freddie was right: did George love me too? I shake away the feeling. It's not time to worry about that. We have a tough match against Slytherin today, and I need to get ready. I throw on my quidditch gear, changing my hair to gold and red, hoping to bring back that same confidence that helped me get my roll as chaser to begin with, and knowing that it makes everyone happy.


Down in the locker room, Oliver is giving us a speech, but I can only focus on the fact that I am once again in between my best friends. Freddie's doing no doubt. George's hand brushes against mine, causing my hair to develop a pink streak, goosebumps develop onto every inch of my skin, but I quickly shake it out. Fred notices and smirks, elbowing me and causing me to bump into George's tall frame.

He looks down at me, his eyes look sad, "Can we please talk after the game?"

I can't help but nod shyly. I know he's been wanting to ask me to talk for awhile. Practices would end each night and I would rush to the tower, not giving him a chance to ask before. I miss my best friend and he deserves to know why I have been acting this way.


The game ended shortly after it begun. Harry caught the snitch within minutes! It was probably a good thing, because all I was thinking about was George, not really in the head space for a game. We all rushed to the locker room, laughing and cheering.

"Y/n!" That familiar, crackling voice filled my heart, along with the champion feeling of winning which made me do something crazy.

I turn to see George, not knowing what came over me, I jumped into his lanky arms and placed a small, awkward kiss on his lips. Thankfully he caught me with open arms, a small huff escaping his lips. His lips were soft and inviting. I felt intoxicated as I knew this was both of our first kiss, the smell of smoke and cinnamon filling my nostrils. I never thought it would be with my best friend, but here we were.

As we pull apart, Fred is right there slapping our backs with the biggest grim I have ever seen him have, "Thank Merlin! Now we can go back to normal!"

George and I smile, never breaking eye contact. His eyes are a shiny, sparkling green, all the restless feelings from the past month in the past. He looks into my bright pink eyes, and I know my hair is back to a pink color, and I don't even mind. This is only the beginning of something magical, or at least that's what I hope for.

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