Chapter 70

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*March 2004

   I roll over in bed, stretching all my limbs. I yawn as I open my eyes. The smell of coffee filling my nose. My hand falls on the empty spot beside me. I groan, heaving myself out of bed. I pull on my jumper and make my way out into the kitchen area. 

   I stop as I see flour coating the walls and counters. The giggles of a tall red head and a little blob of teal fluff echo around the room. I smile, crossing my arms.

   "Now, Teddy. We have to be quiet, because if Auntie wakes up before we clean she will kick our as-" He goes on to the boy.

   "Kick your what?" I interrupt him.

   They both jump. George clears his throat as Teddy jumps off the stool and jumps into my arms, "AUNTIE! Unc and I made you breakfast!"

   I tussle his hair, "I see that Baby L. Is Unc going to clean up too?" I raise my eyebrow at the red head.

   George wipes the flour off his brow, "Of course Unc will! Only because Teddy Bear is going to help." He moves around the kitchen island and places a kiss on my cheek, "Auntie was suppose to sleep in."

   I kiss him back, "I can't sleep with such good smells wafting into our bedroom." I sit Teddy on the counter and sit on the chair next to the island. I smile at the oblivious kid on our counter, "Are these chocolate chip pancakes?"

   Teddy's bright, blue eyes grew two sizes bigger, "Yes! Unc says Daddy use to love chocolate so we made these for all of us!"

   I nod, "Unc is very right. Your daddy use to give me and Uncle Harry chocolate a lot. It seemed he always had it with him."

   "Uncle Harry said it helps after the Dementors get you," Teddy smiled and bounced up and down.

   George starts to laugh. My mouth falls open, but I put it into a smile, "Auntie might have to have a talk with Uncle Harry about how much he tells you."

   "Oh, Love, you know Uncle Harry doesn't sugar coat things for Teddy Bear," George chuckles as he looks at my shocked face.

   I put my hands over Teddy's ears, "Georgie! I don't think our five year old godson needs to be learning about Dementors and their effects on people!"

   "Hey! I wanna hear," Teddy pushes my hands off. He crosses his arms, pouting, "Auntie, we aren't suppose to keep secrets."

   George mimics Teddy, "Yea, Auntie! No secrets."

   I throw my head back, "I don't like when you two gang up on me!"

   George changes the subject as he puts our plates in front of us, "So, Teddy Bear, what do you want for your birthday?"

   He looks down, poking his pancake around, "Unc, I kind of, well, wanted you to celebrate with me."

   George drops his forks, "I- Teddy, I don't-" He stops seeing the tears well up in Teddy's eyes, "Okay, buddy, but I'm only going to blow out one candle."

    "And we sing to both of us?" Teddy lights up.

    I watch George's eyes dart around, "One song and one candle. That's all you get from me."

   Teddy claps and he digs into his food. I place a hand on top of George's and rub my thumb over his veins. He looks up at me from his food and I give him a slight smile. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

*April 2oo4

    His eyes are glassed over as we sing the birthday song to him and Teddy. Teddy has a huge smile on his face and is holding George's hand. He doesn't realize how much strength this is taking George. 

   "Good job boys!" Miss Molly claps along with the rest of the crowd.

   George pats Teddy on the back as he gives him a hug. "Thank you, Buddy," he says smiling down at the enthusiastic boy.

   I slide beside him, looking out at all the people that came to celebrate this much loved little boy. Every single Weasley, Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, Minnie, Neville, Luna, Lee, and even Draco Malfoy. He has been, surprisingly, more involved with his Aunt Andy and cousin Teddy. 

  The War took so much from all of us, but in this moment, things feel like they are starting to actually turn around. I link my fingers into George's and pull him into the other room.

   "Thank Merlin. I don't know how ready I am to actually have my name in a birthday song," George mumbled.

   "I'm ready," I blurt out.

   His brows come together, and he rubs his hand through his hair, "Ready for what?"

   I smile at him, wrapping my hands around his neck, "I'm ready to try for a baby."

  His jaw drops and his eyes go wide, "Wait." He grabs me by the waist, "Are you serious? Are you actually saying what I think you are saying?"

   "I am. I really am, Georgie. I think it's time." I press my lips against his as we melt together.

   A cough breaks us apart. Draco scratches the back of his neck, looking at the ceiling, "Um, Teddy is asking where his Unc and Auntie are and I said I would find them."

   I pat George's chest, "You should go back in there. I want to have a word with Draco."

  He nods and leaves the room. I grab hold of Draco's arm, "I've been wanting to tell you something, for awhile now, but I feel like it's finally a good time."

   His arm twitches under my touch, "Y/n, what are you doing?"

   I point to my arm, "This tattoo? It wasn't just a spur of the moment tattoo. It covers up the same symbols on your arm."

   "I don't understand? You were never a Deatheater?" His eyes look at me pleading for an explanation.

   "Amelia. I was Amelia." I sigh, "Snape and Dumbledore had my use my abilities to infiltrate Voldemort's inner circle. I saw everything. You have no idea how badly I wanted to stop you from being Marked too." My voice breaks at the end, and I can feel my eyes swelling up. "I never wanted this to be what happened to you."

   Draco drops his arm, looking at me, "Amelia? No, you can't be, she died. Voldemort couldn't call her so she had to have died."

   I do something that I promised myself years ago I would never do again. I changed back into Amelia Radshaw. His face was full of questions; questions that I wanted to answer. I change back into myself, waiting for him to say something.

   He slides down the wall, looking up at me. "How did you do it? How did you escape?"

  I crouch beside him, "I cut it off of me. And it was mangled beyond repair. I got this over top of it so I could live a normal life."

   "You were the only one that was ever decent to me," he chokes out. 

   I pull him into a hug, "It's over now. You have us as your family. And we are very protective of our people."

   I feel Draco wrap his arms around me, "Thank you."

  We stay like that a few more minutes until he releases me. I smile, "Let's get back to the party."

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