Chapter 40

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"Y/n!" Fred's sing song voice can be heard from down the stairs. "Are you almost ready?"

I take another look in my mirror, my ripped shorts, Guns and Roses t-shirt lays loosely over my torso, and my hair is a vibrant green. Finally, I'm 17. The third task is 23 days away, and we are going to have a big party in the Great Hall. All set up by George and Diggory. I chuckle to myself, crossing my arms. Those bloody fools have been inseparable for weeks now, and completely ignoring me.

    I sit beside Fred and Lee, looking over my shoulder to the Hufflepuff table, where my boyfriend and best friend are sitting with their heads together, a piece of parchment in front of them. I sigh and turn to Fred, "Freddie, why are they acting like best friends now?"
    Fred laughs, "I have been sworn to secrecy, and the duty to keep you busy and away from them."
    I roll my eyes, shoving him in the shoulder, "I can guess, and you know I can tell when you lie."
    Fred stares, sighing, "Please don't. I don't know the specifics anyway. So I can't tell you much. George knows you can tell when I lie, so they never told me."
    "It's for my birthday?" I question.
    Fred's eyes shoot down, then over to his twin, and back to me.
     "I knew it. Not that I'm surprised since my birthday is only a few weeks away. We haven't had a really good birthday party in awhile either."
     "Don't tell them. I swear I've never seen George this determined, except when we work on new pranks and inventions." Fred smiles, throwing an arm around me.
     I lean into him, "I'm just glad they are getting along."

   "Y/n! Come on! You are gonna be late, and I'll get beat up by Cedric and my own brother!" Fred rubs his hands throw his hair, waiting impatiently.

   "I'm here, I'm here," I say skipping down the stairs.

   Fred stops, "Wow, buttercup, you look gorgeous!"
    I blush, "Shut it! You are only saying that cause it's my birthday!" Fred is in his jeans, and a stripped collar shirt, his hair is a tumbled mess, the smell of vanilla wafting from him, "You don't look so bad yourself, Freddie."

   He smiles, throwing his arms open as I run into them. I squeeze him back just as hard as he squeezes me. Our arms relax, leaving one of his around my shoulders, and one of mine around his waist. We walk, arm in arm into the hallway leading to the Great Hall. Fred stops us, looking down with sparkling eyes, "Okay, buttercup, time to get blind folded!"

   I look at him, my eyes wide, "Excuse me?"

  He shrugs, "I know you know what this is, but they still think you are in the dark about it. I guess love really makes you stupid."

   I laugh, "Okay, but only to keep their egos going."

   Fred wraps a tie around my eyes, hands on my shoulders, he leads me to the hall, "Don't forget, this was suppose to be a surprise." I nod, butterflies erupting in my stomach. 

   The silence is deafening as Fred pushes open the Great Hall door, slipping off the tie from around my eyes. It's completely dark, until everyone jumps out with a loud SURPRISE and the room illuminated into a birthday wonderland. There are enchanted balloons on the ceiling, a huge cake, and banners all over that had different pictures of my friends and I. My jaw drops at the sight of everything. It's beautiful and so thought out. My eyes keep jumping to all the small details, my quidditch number on confetti that is scattered on the tables, my initials on drink cups, and the enchanted pictures of me, all candid, that I can thank Fred for.

   Finally, my eyes settle on George, who is cleaned up and his shirt causes me to crack up. It's a shirt with a picture of us on it from Halloween last year, dressed up as Velma and Shaggy. It's the worst picture I have ever taken in my life, but he always loved it. 

   "Happy birthday my love!" He yells out at me, the biggest smile plastered on his face. His arms spread open as he closes the distance between us.

   I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he spins us around, and kiss his lips. He stops and puts me down, never breaking our lips apart. His hands roam up my torso, wrapping around my back. I pull apart, eyes glistening with happy tears, "This is amazing, Georgie! How did you do all this?"

   At this moment, Cedric comes up beside us, putting his arms around us both, "It was a team effort, Y/LN."

   I wrap my arms around him into a big hug, whispering in his ear,  "Thank you, Diggory."

   I let go of them both, still staring around as others come up to wish me a happy birthday. I lock eyes with Cho, going up to her and throwing her in a hug, "Thank you for letting your boyfriend help my boyfriend with this! It means a lot!"

   She smiles at me, "Of course! He was so excited to help, and it was really nice for them to bond like that. For both our sakes." We laugh together as Ron, Harry, and Hermione come up to me.

   They all hug me together, which was quite funny seeing as Hermione and Ron were still absolutely oblivious to their feelings for the other. The Happy Birthdays meld together. And I thank each of them. 

   After making my way around the room, I find myself back in the arms of my Loverman. I snuggle into his side, and I reach up to run my fingers through his hair. He nuzzles into my hand, grabbing it so he kisses my palm. I pull him down into a deep kiss, pulling away to whisper, "This is the best birthday ever. I love you so much."

   His hands cup my face, placing a simple kiss on my forehead, "I love you more than you will ever know, Y/n."


   Lee Jordan decided to spike the punch, so it made for a great night. The dancing, drinking, and eating lasted for hours. The professors would poke their heads in, probably to make sure no one was doing the worst. McGonagall and Snape also came to wish me a happy birthday. 

   George and Cedric suddenly get up on the table that has the cake. "Ayo! Settle down! We have an announcement!"

   George bellows, "IT'S CAKE TIME! Y/n," he reaches his hand down to me, pulling me up, "it's time to make a wish gorgeous."

   Cedric starts singing, and everyone chimes in, 
   "Happy Birthday to you,
     Happy Birthday to you,
     Happy Birthday dear, Y/n,
     Happy Birthday to you!"

   At the end, I close my eyes tight, I wish I never loose these amazing friends, and I blow out the candles. George snakes an arm around me, kissing my cheek. I look around at all my wonderful friends, as the clap, and Cedric starts serving the cake. This was the best birthday I have ever had.

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