Chapter 27

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   Percy is sweating bullets. He keeps pacing in the common room as I try to get him to calm down. Instead, he yells, "What did you do? Why did you give my brother some of your medicine? I told you not to, it's not good for you to be telling other's you are sick. Why would you do that?" He grips tightly to the letter in his hand.

   Percy Weasley,
    Please head to the Headmaster's office as soon as you receive this letter.

   I flinch backwards as his hand goes up, on the verge of tears, "I di-didn't mean to. He's my best friend PercyWercy. I didn't think it would hurt. He is your brother after all."

   He sees how frightened I look, so he closes the gap and wraps his arms around me pulling me close, one hand rubbing my head, "It will be alright, Y/n. You just have to do something for me."

   I look up at him, nothing but love filling my head now, "Anything Perc."


   Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall sit at the back of the office. I walk in after Percy was in there for twenty minutes. I don't know all that was said, but I do know there was shouting. Percy waves me to him, but I'm already drifting over to his presence.

   "Now, Y/n, tell them." He says squeezing my waist.

   I swallow, remembering what he told me to say, "I love Percy Weasley, and he has been helping me get over being sick from a muggle disease."

The two professors and the Headmaster stare at me. Dumbledore's icy blue eyes staring into my soul, like he knows something I do not. Snape's lips curl into a frown, his sharp features staring down at my Percy. McGonagall looks at his arm wrapped around me. I look up the person I love, not paying much attention to the others. I wait to see if he tells me how I did.

Instead, he smirks, eyes glistening, "See professors, it's just a misunderstanding."

Snape pulls out a vial and steps forward, "Then you won't mind if Y/n takes this, as I produced the antidote for Amortentia."

My eyes haven't left Percy's face, but I notice it go a ghastly white. He gulps, "I don't think that is necessary." He looks down at me, I hope my smile brings him some tranquility. He sighs before continuing, "Fine."

His voice is low and his shoulders slump, so I wrap my arms around him, not wanting him to be upset. "I won't do it if my PercyWercy doesn't want me too."

McGonagall comes to me, rubbing my back, "Miss Y/n, we just have to see something, and if we are wrong you can go back to your duties as prefect with Mr. Weasley here."

"Just do it, Y/n," Percy groans, unclasping my arms from him.

I pout up at him at the sudden coldness radiating from him, but I go and snatch the vial away from Snape's outstretch hand, "I'm only doing this so we can go back to normal, and because I hate how you are accusing my love of doing something so horrid."

I gulp down the rancid liquid, as it hits my throat I see stars and I collapse onto my knees. The pain I feel in my chest is almost unbearable as I start to dry heave. I crouch, putting my head in my hands, sobs coming out of what I can only think is me. Suddenly I feel cold, and then hands on my shoulder, shaking me.

"Y/n! Are you alright?" I look up to see Percy.

I immediately push his weasel hands off of me. My voice comes out laced with disgust, "Get off of me you pervert." He backs away, but then McGonagall grabs him by the ear and takes him into a back room of the office. I stare after them, having no idea what just happened. "What is going on?" I look back and forth between Snape, who is smirking, and Dumbledore, whose expression I cannot read.

Snape walks by me, his robe flickering, "Good to have you back Miss Y/LN." And with that he was gone.

My head is spinning, a million questions going through my head. There's no way I told them what happened with Percy that one morning, it's been almost a year, and where are George and Fred. I look at Dumbledore again as he goes to sit behind his desk, gesturing for me to take a seat.

His voice is calm, and comforting to my ears, "I have some things to inform you about Miss Y/n. It would seem that Mr. Weasley gave you the potion known as Amortentia. He was using it as a way to have you fall in love with him. You may not remember much from the past few weeks, but you have some very amicable friends. The two trouble makers, Fred and George Weasley, along with Mr. Jordan, found a way to give Professor Snape a sample of what he was giving you, and then brought that evidence to me."

I look at him, my mouth had fallen open. I ball my fists up, my nails cutting into my palm. I see red, my hair turns into a blazing red ball of fire, "He did what?"

Dumbledore smiles, "Glad to see you are back to your usual self. I think you should let me, and Mrs. Weasley worry about how to handle Percy." He stands up, before ushering me out the doorway, "Now I think you better find your friends and talk to them."


My heart is pounding as I race around the castle, trying desperately to find the Twins or even Lee. I looked in the Gryffindor common room, the Great Hall, and even the quidditch pitch. They were no where to be found. Finally, I stop to catch my breath. I look at my fists, and unclench them to reveal nasty sores from my nails. I huff to myself, racking my brain for where they may be. Then it hits me, and I am off again.

*George and Fred

"What do you think is happening?" Fred asks his twin, who is looking out over the grounds from the top of the astronomy tower.

George shrugs, burying his hands into his pockets, "Percy better hope Y/n is alright after all this, or Mum will be pissed that I killed him."

Fred adjusts his hat, shivering from the cold, "Not if she kills him first. You know she treats Y/n more like family than us sometimes."

George is just about to say they should head back, the winter air cutting into their faces, until he hears the heavy footfalls of someone running up the stairs. He looks just as Y/n comes into view. Their eyes lock, and her hair instantly turns into that amazing pink as she stops in her tracks.

Her eyes never leave his, her voice shaky, either from the cold or from being out of breath. "I'm so sorry for whatever happened, but you have to know I meant none of it! I didn't even know what was happening!"

Fred goes to hug her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Y/n's eyes still on George as she embraces her best friend. Fred let's go, "We know, but I think I will take my leave. You both have some catching up to do." With one last look between George and Y/n, he is off.

In moments George is right in front of Y/n. He shakily puts his hands on her face, one finger moving up and down her jawline. Both staring intently into the other's eyes. Y/n cups his face into her hands, and brings his head down to her lips, where she places a soft kiss onto his chapped lips. George doesn't hesitate to kiss her back, wrapping one arm around her waist to bring her close, and the other around her neck to deepen the kiss. She wraps both arms around his neck, tugging onto his hair.

When they break away they each smiles, eyes dancing at the other and say in a voice just noticeable to themselves,
"I love you, George."
"I love you, Y/n."

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