Chapter 37

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The sun is just peaking in through the window, no one else is stirring. I stretch, feeling my body loosen up from the nights sleep on the common room floor. George curls into my outstretched side. His head rests in the crook of my arm, I rub my nose into his hair, the smell of cinnamon and smoke filling my senses. A small giggle comes out of his lips.

"Morning handsome," I kiss into his head.

He lifts his head up, kissing my chin, "Morning beautiful." As he lays his head back on my chest, I kiss the top of his perfect, red head.

The peaceful silence and cuddling is cut short by a stampede down the stairs. Fred, Ron, Harry, and Neville all emerge from the staircase. George's heavy sigh can be heard from across the castle as he unfolds himself from me and sits up. I follow behind him with an eye roll.

"Today is the day gentlemen, and Y/n! Are we ready to party with the babes?" Fred laughs as he comes and sits between us.

George growls, "It's too early you twit. The Ball doesn't start till dinner time."

I shove Fred's arm off me, "But, ladies do take awhile to get ready. I'm going to check on the girls to wake them up at this ungodly hour." I bend over to give George another kiss, but Fred pulls me in for a hug. "You jerk," I say defiantly, but only half tease as I embrace his hug. "See you later boys!" I shout as I make my way up the staircase to the girl's dormitories.


A pecking is heard from the window of Hermione's dorm. Looking out I see my owl, Artemis, with a small letter. I open the door, inviting her in. She elegantly steps in, stooping on a headboard. "Hey pretty girl. Thank you," I say gently as I give her a scratch under he beak. She nips at me lightly to show her affection.

Ginny looks over her shoulder, as she does Hermione's hair, "Who is that from?"

"Diggory," I laugh, "He wants me to meet him before going to the Great Hall. Says he wants to take in his beautiful best friend. What a idiot."

Hermione laughs, "George will have fun with that one won't he?"

I roll my eyes, still scratching Artemis's chin, "They both are bloody fools half the time. Diggory just thinks he's the best because no one has ever rejected him before me. It's just a game, and luckily George understands it now."

Hermione looks at the clock, "Well, you better be going. It's almost time. We will meet you down there. I think the guys have already headed down to wait."

I smirk, hugging both of them before strolling out, pass the common room, and out the passageway. I don't have to look for long, because Diggory is sharply dressed in his robes, waiting for me in the hallway. I saunter over to him giving my best runway impression, and as he notices me, he stops in his tracks.

"Wow," he stumbles out, eyes wide, "You look marvelous, Y/n. George really is a lucky guy."

I can feel my face flush, and I step to give him a hug, "Thank you, Diggory. You don't look so bad yourself. Cho is gonna melt at the sight of you!"

Diggory pulls back a bit, still keeping his hands on my arms, "Thanks for the push with that one by the way. She really is a great girl."

I smirk, "I told you so!"

He looks around before placing a sweet, short kiss to the top of my head, "You really are a gem, Y/n. May I escort you down to your date?"

I loop my arm into his, "Of course you may, Mr. Diggory."

* George

He stands next to his brother, fidgeting with his buttons. His stomach is full of nerves, and he's not sure why. Maybe it is the fact this is the first real, fancy event Y/n and him are going on. He's worried about stepping on her feet, even though they have danced together countless times. He doesn't even hear his twin or Lee talking. His hand roams over his face and in his hair, until he looks at the top of the stairs.

Her hair is a vibrant golden color, offset by being in curls, with pearl pins holding half of it up. Her eyes are a delicate pink, most likely because of her excitement. The short red dress clings to her in the right ways, while flowing out at her legs. He's never seen her in dress shoes, but the little, golden flats look perfect on her. He hears her laugh, like music in his ears, and they finally lock eyes. He doesn't even notice Cedric is the one walking her down. George's eyes never leaving her. He glides over to meet them at the bottom of the stairs.

Still keeping eye contact with Y/n, George takes hold of her arm, while saying, "Thank you for bringing me my date, Cedric. I'll take her from here."

Cedric puts a hand on both of their shoulders, "I wouldn't want to hand her off to anyone else. Have a good night, Y/n and George."

"Thanks, Diggory. You and Cho as well," Y/n says, completely entranced by George's eyes twinkling at her.

*Back to y/n

My stomach is full of butterflies as we make our way in to wait for the champions. George's arm wrapped around my waist, and he keeps staring at me. He looks devilishly handsome with his new black and white dress robes, his hair is combed down and flush with his neck. I can't keep my eyes off him, even as the champions come in.

A whisper is heard in my ear, Fred, "I think you need to tear your eyes away from my twin and watch the others. You seem a little too in love." I smile, shaking my head, and giving him a little jab with my shoulder, but I turn to watch Harry, Hermione, and Diggory dancing with their dates.

Once the champions finish their dance, George takes my hand, bowing a bit, as I curtsy back, and he leads me onto the dance floor. He sweeps me around, twirling in circles. I dip down and he picks me back up, our bodies close together as we dance in circles. With our foreheads touching, the song ends, and his eyes look deep into mine. I place a deep kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Georgie."
"I love you, Y/n."


The Weird Sisters kept us all on our feet, dancing the night away. Angelina and I each dancing with each others date. Finally I have to stop, leaning into George's ear I yell, "I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?"

He gives me a shake of his head, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No! I got it!"

At the punch bowl, I feel two hands grab my shoulders, causing me to jump and spin around. "Diggory! You nearly made me tip this whole bowl!"

His shoulders jostle with the laugh that escapes him. "I'm sorry, Y/n! Can I have a dance?"

I laugh, taking a drink, hearing the Weird Sisters slow down, "Of course you may." I take his hand and lead him to the dance floor, closing in on George. "Hey lover man, I have another hot date to dance with."

His eyes go wide before a sly grin is placed on his lips, "I'll just go find Cho and we will have a grand dance without you blokes."

I giggle as he kisses my cheek and runs off to find Cho. Turning back to Diggory, he places one hand on my hip, the other outstretched as I place my hand in his. We start to dance, and although it is not the familiarity as I have with George, it still was fun. He tried to dip me like George did, but I ended up almost falling, causing us both to laugh.

"Thank you, Y/n," he whispers as we dance in circles.

"For what Diggory?"

"For being you, and teaching me that not every girl wants to sleep with me. It is really humbling."

I give him a little slap, "Shut up, but you are welcome. I'm glad we can all get along civilly now."

A chuckle shakes through him as he looks over my shoulder, "Maybe think again," and with a quick kiss on the cheek, I'm back in George's arms.

"He's a real twit sometimes," George growls.

I laugh, leaning my head into his chest, "You know he's just like Freddie. A big brother complex, and the competition, but you also know that no one will ever have my heart like you do." I lift up my head so I can look into his eyes, reaching a hand up, I glide my fingers over his soft skin.

His hand travels from my waist, over my back, neck, and rests gently on my cheek. "You are the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid eyes on, and I am honored you have chosen me to be by your side." His eyes glisten as he leans down to kiss me, pulling my head in to deep the kiss, the Ball around us fading away.

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