Chapter 64

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   The shop is closed today and I'm laying in bed next to my husband. I curl into the crook of his arm causing him to pull me in closer.

   He sighs, "This is amazing."

   I giggle, "You know we do this all the time right?"

  He pulls my chin up, "But you are my wife now. It's different."

  "You are so-" a banging outside the shop stops me. I look at the door, hearing Fred scamper out and down the stairs. George gets up, pulling on sweatpants and a jumper. I follow suit, trying to figure out who could be here.

   "Snape? What do you want?" Fred's voice carries from downstairs.

   I look at George, my face furrowed. He shakes his head as neither of us can hear Severus' reply.

   "No." Fred's voice is a growl, "You don't get to see her."

   I rush out the door to the top of the stair case. My voice is strained, "Let him up Freddie. It's okay." 

   Severus steps around him, making his way up the stairs and into our common space. Fred's face is red with rage, but I turn on my heels.

   George is standing with his arms crossed, seething at Severus. I shake my head at him, "Would you like some tea, Severus?"

   His voice is cold, "No. I just came here to see what is it that you think you are playing at Miss Y/Ln."

   I gawk at him, slipping into the arm chair across from him, "I don't understand what you mean?"

   His eyes narrow, "I mean. You have not been to our meetings. The Dark Lord cannot track you. I have not been able to find you for him. How did this happen?"

   I look at George, eyes wide, then back at Severus. I pull up my sleeve, showing him the mutilated Mark. "I didn't know if it would work, but I guess it did. The Mark is messed up now, so I guess it doesn't work for me."

   Severus' cold hand grabs my arm, pulling it close. His fingers go over the disfigured Mark. "How can this be?"

   I stare up at George and Fred as Severus continues to look at the Mark. His voice is low, "Everyone thought you had died since we could not get a read on where you were, but you just messed up the Mark so badly that the power is gone from it." His eyes lock with mine, "That is amazing, Y/n. No one has ever done that before."

   Fred puts a hand on Severus' shoulder, "You can let go of her arm, Snape."

   He reluctantly lets go, "Easy, Weasley. I'm just fascinated."

   Fred's voice comes out snarled, "You can be fascinated somewhere else. It's time for you to go."


   The rest of the day is quiet. We don't know what to say to each other. The shocking news of the Mark meaning nothing now is overwhelming. 

   Fred opens the window as an owl comes in. He scans the letter looking up, "We have to go get Harry. Y/n, you will stay with Mum and Ginny at the Burrow, while George and I will go with the others."

   I nod, grabbing George's hand, as we aparate to the Burrow.


  "I still don't see why I can't go," I whine to the others.

  George smiles, stroking my face, "We don't need that many people. And we will be back in a flash. I need a kiss for good luck though." His eyebrows wiggle as he winks at me.

   I grab his head down to me, kissing him deeply before pulling away, "You come back in one piece okay, Loverman?"

   He smiles, "Of course, my Love!"


   I continue to pace the Burrow's small living room. Ginny sits on the couch watching me, "Y/n! You have got to stop biting your nails!"

   I pull my hand away, not realizing what I was doing. I sit beside her, and she leans into me. I stroke her hair, "Harry will be alright, Ginny."

   "I know," she mutters as she rubs her face, "I'm just worried about everyone."

   I nod, kissing the top of her head. I see Miss Molly nervously cleaning, the only time she doesn't use magic to clean is when her mind is troubled. I stare at the clock, every ones hands are at danger, minus Ginny and Miss Molly's. I sigh, turning my eyes to the window, waiting for a group to get here. 

  A bang sounds from outside. Each of us spring up and rush out the door. Hagrid and Harry return. I can see the relief wash over Ginny's face as she runs into his arms. My heart drops as Miss Molly ushers Hagrid into the house for some mead. I keep my eyes peeled in the field, waiting for any sign on the others. 

   "Their portkeys should have come by now," I mutter, holding my arms around me. 

   I see movement, Ron and Tonks, then Fred and Mr. Arthur. Hermione and Kingsley, and Bill and Fleur. 

   Bill holds Fleur close, calling to Mr. Arthur, "Moody is dead. Fletcher left right after it happened, Bloody coward." My heart pounds. 

   Tonks walks over to me, "Is Remus here yet?"

   I shake my head, "They should have been here already." My voice quavers as I grab her hand, "What if they don't come back?"

   Suddenly, Remus is limping across the field, a bloody George in his arms. My breath catches as I rush over, grabbing his arm around my shoulders and helping him into the Burrow.

   I help lay him gently on the couch, blood staining my clothes. Standing over the top of his head, moving his hair away from the open wound, I move so Miss Molly can do her magic. She tries, and fails at reattaching his ear, but she cleans him up. 

   "The dark magic has already gotten to his ear, so we can't fix it, but at least you are not dead," her voice is low, the attempt to sound cheerful is lost to us.

  Fred crouches beside him, "Georgie?"

  "Saint-" George mumbles.

   Fred looks up at me, "What's the matter with him? Is his mind affected?"

  I shrug, leaning closer to George. His voice rises, "I'm saintlike, Freddie. Get it? I'm holey. Holey.. Saintlike. Get it?"

   I stare down in disbelieve, not trying to hid the chuckle that arouse in me. Fred's eyes go wide, "Out of all the ear puns in the world you go with saintlike? Pathetic!"

   George reaches up to me, a smile across his face, "I think a kiss would do me well, Love."

  I crouch down next to Fred and him, moving a hand over his face. "I should smack you. You said you would come back in one piece! Now look at you! Missing a perfectly good ear!"

   His smile falters, "I think I still look dashing."

   I kiss his lips gently, placing my hand on his chest, "You better not use this as an excuse not to hear me, Loverman."

   He smirks, a laugh rippling through his body, "I would do no such thing, Love."

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