Chapter 10

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Author's Note: This chapter has talks of predatory behavior and victim blaming.

The next morning I woke up on top of George in the common room, but Percy was sitting and staring at me. I lift George's arm off of me to sit up next to Percy on the couch.

"Hey Perc, what's up?" I asked stretching and wiping my eyes.

He looks down, almost sad. It's unlike Percy to show any feelings, and then he puts his hand on my knee. I freeze. "Y/n," he says as he puts his other hand up to my face, "I always thought you should be with me. I'm the smart one, and I'm much better than my prankster younger brother. I just think you deserve better."


My screaming caused George to startled up, and half the other students to run down the steps to see what the commotion was. Percy's usual red face went ghost white, and he sat as still as a statue. I was shaking from anger, my hair a deep red, "I never want you talking to me again Percy Weasley. You crossed a line." I snarled at him.

George finally realizes something happened, "Y/n, what happened?"

I turn to stare at him, trembling, "Ask your brother how he touched me, tried to kiss me, AND told me I was better off with him instead of you."

George stares, "Y/n, your eyes. They are glowing red." He sounds scared, but it can't be because of me.

I quickly run up to my room, pushing past a shocked Fred. Once inside I slam the door behind me. Thankfully Angelina and Alicia were already awake. I look at my reflection, my eyes are a crimson red, and my pupils are the blackest I have ever seen. Staring at myself, I see why George seemed scared. My nose was pointed, lips pursed tight, eyes slanted. This wild look was something I had never experienced, not even when Fred and George stole my owl. This was a new feeling of rage. I start to breath deeply in and out, willing myself to change my sharp features into something softer.

It took twenty minutes to calm down and change back to normal. My eyes were now a cold blue, and my hair black, but my other features were their normal self. Not wanting to face anyone, I stay in my bed the rest of the morning. My blanket encases me, but it's not as comforting as George's strong, long arms. I drift to sleep thinking of his frightened voice, and face.


George's blood is boiling. Fred had to pull him off of Percy before he pumbled him into the ground. Percy didn't even try to fight back, but was thankful that Fred saved him from what could have been a lot worse. And Y/n, she just ran away after words and he couldn't get up to her.

Fred stared at his brother, who was pacing the bottom of the stairs. "Georgie, she's gonna be fine. She probably just needs some time alone to process what happened."

George stops in his tracks, running a hand through his hair, "Percy touched her Fred. My brother tried to touch my girlfriend. She got so mad her whole face changed. She didn't even look like herself."

Fred sits on the edge of his chair, thinking. "What do you expect George? She's a metamorphmagus. That's kind of what she does. You've never had a probably when she changed herself before."

"She's never changed her face into something so terrifying," George feels awful, but he knows she can't stop her emotions from messing up her powers. He wonders if she noticed how scared he was, as he slumps on the floor, back against the wall. "Also, why would Percy just all of a sudden come onto her like that?"

Fred looks at his twin, his face is scrunched up, "You can't seriously think she wanted that to happen?"

George just sits there, head in his hands.


I'm woken up in a cold sweat by tapping on the door. Thank Merlin, that dream of George calling me a monster was shattering my soul. The tapping continues, so I get up and sulk to the door only to find Angelina on the other side.

"Hey Y/n! I have a message from George," she says as she slips into our room.

I roll my eyes, "Why did you knock when this is your room too?"

She looks down, shuffling her feet, "I saw your outburst this morning, figured you needed some alone time."

I shake my head, running my hands through my hair, fixing it into a messy bun, "Sorry about that. What did Georgie want?"

"NO, don't be sorry. I'm glad you put that prick in his place." She laughs, patting me on the back, "He said to meet him at your special place, so I hope you know where that is."

I perk up. The quidditch pitch. I through on some jeans, and his quidditch sweater. I sniff and am immediately calmed by the familiar scent of cinnamon and smoke. I thank Angelina and take the stairs by two, but I run right into Freddie.

"Oof sorry Y/n. I was hoping to catch you before you went to see Georgie," He looks down at me.

Then, I notice, this isn't Fred, it's George, but why is he trying to trick me. I decide to play along. "Oh yea, Freddie what's wrong?"

'Fred' continues, "Well, I, uh, just wanted to ask you. Did you know Percy liked you? I mean it's okay if you like him or had him think you did, but I think you should tell George if you did."

"WHAT?" I scream at him. How dare he think I had anything to do with Percy. I shove my finger into his chest, raising my voice, "George Weasley, I can't believe you would even say that to me! I love you, I want you. I've never fawned over anyone else beside Charlie and you. I know this is recent, but I've always known I've loved you, even when Charlie was around. You must think I am a monster after this."

He stutters back, "How did you know I was George?"

Tears pool my eyes, threatening to fall over, "I can always tell you apart." I say it in barely a whisper before I run off, ignoring he calls of protest.


I went to the quidditch pitch. I didn't know where else to go. Sadly, the Hufflepuff team is out practicing, so I sit on the ground, looking up at them fly. Until, I feel a presence beside me. He is broad and blocks the warm sun.

"Hey Y/n. Taking notes to take back to Wood?"

I know that voice, so I look up, "No Diggory, not today."

He sits beside me. We aren't friends. The only time we have talked is after our games. I know a lot about him though because half the girls are crazy over him, but I don't see the appeal.

"You seem down, wanna talk?" He seems genuinely concerned.

I think about my answer longer than I should have, "Not really."

He shrugs his shoulders, not getting up, but I don't mind. Maybe I really do just need some company other than George and Fred.

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