Chapter 65

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   The excitement and terror of Bill and Fleur's wedding day has worn off. The Twins, Lee, and I have developed a new radio station, or underground resilience, called PotterWatch. I watch out for any word on Voldemort and the Deatheaters, using my in with Severus. George keeps his ear open for word of Harry. Fred makes sure to handle listening for anyone else of the Order. Lee is the voice who has come up with code names and how to transmit the broadcast.

   I twirl my ring, thinking about the abrupt ending to a perfect ceremony, to Harry, Ron, and Hermione leaving to go and search for horcruxes, and to Ginny reluctantly going back to the hell that is Hogwarts now. Life has not been fair to anyone, especially since Voldemort's return. I peel my eyes away from the window, the rain and clouds making for a slow day at the shop.

   Time trickles by as I tidy up the toys, snackboxes, and other miscellaneous items that are slung around. I pull up my sleeves, wiping the sweat off my brow. The Mark still sits on my skin. My eyes narrow in determination. I close the shop, since no one has been in for hours, and I make my way out into London.


   "Where have you been?" Fred's voice is angry. "It's been hours!"

  "We thought you got captured or something!" George pulls me into a hug.

  Fred stares, "Don't baby her. She could have left a note or something!" 

  I stare at the floor, reaching up to rub the back of my neck. An audible gasp escapes both their mouths. I feel my face flush as I hold out my left arm. I smile, "I decided to go and get something done, because I couldn't stand seeing it anymore and wearing long sleeves all the time."

   They both gather around me, pulling my arm towards them. Where the Dark Mark once was a slap in the face, a new intricate design now sat. The image is almost an exact replica of Artemis and an hour glass. George's face is bright as he traces the new tattoo, which causes me to wince.

   Fred smacks him away, "You nimrod! You can't just bare hand touch a new tattoo!"

  George's face turns red, "Sorry, Love. It's really great."

  "It's bloody beautiful!" Fred exclaims, "I'm proud of you for going alone and doing this." He smirks, wiggling his eyes brows, "But you think mum got mad about your Dark Mark? She's gonna go ballistic when she sees a tattoo!"

   The color drains from my face, "I don't think-" I look at George who's rubbing his neck, "-she wouldn't."

   They both smirk and then erupt into laughter. I roll my eyes, "You guys are jerks. I'm going to Tonks for awhile."

   I step aside to get new clothes on, but an arm grabs me and pulls me into his lips. I shove him away, not hiding the smile on my face. "Do you want me to come too?" His eyes looking deeply into mine.

   I smirk, "Mr. Weasley, do you wish to accompany me for a girls day?"

  His eyes grow wide and his face whitens, "Well, um, a girls day?"

  "You can come for dinner. Andromeda invited all of us, but Tonks and I have things to talk about," I giggle, as I head into the bedroom.

  Fred shouts, "I'll have to miss tonight! I have plans!"

  I peak my head out, "What plans do you have that don't involve us?"

  He rolls his eyes, "I have plans. Don't worry your pretty little head."


   "Andromeda! Tonks!" I walk into their arms, "I missed you both!"

   "Please, Y/n, I told you to call me Andy!" Andromeda smiles as she squeezes my arm, looking down she gasps, "Wait, did you get your Mark covered up?"

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